Coinbase kæmper tilbage mod SEC's Wells-meddelelse med sit svar

Coinbase kæmper tilbage mod SEC's Wells-meddelelse med sit svar

  • Coinbase reagerede på SEC's Wells-meddelelse.
  • Børsen vil fortsætte med at bede SEC om reguleringsklarhed.

Kryptobørsen Coinbase reagerede på SEC's Wells-meddelelse. Coinbase leverede skriftlige og videoindlæg til SEC og diskuterede disse indlæg med SEC for et par dage siden.

Last month, Coinbase shared that they received a vague and board wells notice from the SEC. On Monday, the exchange filed a retssag against the Securities and Exchange Commission, asking the court to order the organization to respond to its request for more clarification around the cryptocurrency law. Today, they shared their svar til SEC.

Coinbase udtalte, at de var den samme udveksling, da SEC tillod dem at blive offentlige for to år siden. Beslutningen fra SEC kommer efter en stærk diskussion med børsen om alle aspekter af virksomheden. Og nu er det emnet for Wells-meddelelsen. 

Coinbase also mentioned that the udveksling didn’t list securities then, now, or in the future. But the SEC has still not complied with the law by providing the exchange with a way to register to be able to do that. Moreover, it will continue to ask Congress for legislation and the SEC for regulation clarity.


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