Kryptoaktiver bliver en separat kategori i britiske skatteformularer

Kryptoaktiver bliver en separat kategori i britiske skatteformularer

Crypto assets to become a separate category in UK tax forms PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

I takt med at Storbritannien gradvist udvikler sin egen omfattende kryptoramme, introducerer Hans Majestæts finansministerium en separat kategori for kryptoaktiver i selvangivelsesformularer. Den pågældende linje skal fremgå af skatteskemaer i 2024-25.

Den 15. marts offentliggjorde det britiske finansministerium en indberette papir om nationalbudgettet for foråret 2023. Dokumentet annoncerer ændringen af ​​selvevalueringsskemaerne for kryptoaktiver.

In the table of anticipated expenses and revenues of the national budget, the crypto assets line appears only from 2025–26. That means British citizens would have to declare them for the first time in the previous tax year — 2024–25. Currently, the Treasury doesn’t provide any specific numbers of anticipated budget revenues from this tax category — the numbers in the table stand at the nominal mark of 10 million British pounds ($12 million).

Relateret: Britiske banker HSBC, Nationwide forbyder kryptokøb med kreditkort

Ændringerne var hilste by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT), the leading professional body that analyzes national tax policies. Gary Ashford, the deputy president of the CIOT, stated:

"At fremhæve behovet for at erklære transaktioner med kryptoaktiver i selvangivelsen vil hjælpe med at øge bevidstheden om folks forpligtelser på dette område."

However, Ashford highlighted the need for additional measures to counter “widespread ignorance of tax payment and reporting requirements for crypto.” According to Ashford, it is law-income crypto investors who don’t possess sufficient understanding of tax reporting.

Earlier in March, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) reported to the Treasury that it is “midway through a quite ambitious reset” as the Financial Services and Markets bill passes through the Parliament. When passed, the bill would give the FCA new regulatory powers over the cryptocurrency industry.


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