Effektiv hændelsesreaktion er afhængig af interne og eksterne partnerskaber

Effektiv hændelsesreaktion er afhængig af interne og eksterne partnerskaber

Effective Incident Response Relies on Internal and External Partnerships PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Virksomhedssikkerhedsteams samarbejder i stigende grad med medlemmer af andre interne forretningsfunktioner og med eksterne partnere, når de reagerer på en sikkerhedshændelse, ifølge en Dark Reading research report on incident response (IR).

Security teams appear to recognize the importance of coordinating IR with other business groups, such as human resources (HR), communications, and legal. The survey found that 63% of IR teams currently coordinate with their internal communications groups to keep employees updated on a security incident. In addition, 44% said they know who to contact within the HR function when an incident happens, 39% have dedicated resources for handling external communications, and 38% have a contact within the legal function.

Security experts have long considered cross-functional collaboration and partnerships as fundamental to mounting an effective IR. Hovedårsagen er, at virkningen af ​​et sikkerhedsbrud ofte rækker langt ud over it-sikkerhedsområdet. En sikkerhedshændelse, der for eksempel påvirker kunde- eller medarbejderdata, kan udløse brud på underretningskravene og har juridiske og økonomiske konsekvenser, som er andre gruppers ansvar i organisationen. Manglende koordinering med disse grupper kan påvirke en organisations evne til at reagere på en hændelse negativt.

But efforts to bolster IR capabilities don’t end with better coordination with internal business groups. Dark Reading’s survey data showed that many organizations are aware of threats to enterprise security from external service providers, technology suppliers, and other third parties, and have a plan for addressing the risks as well. Thirty-six percent — or more than one in three — of survey respondents said their IR team knew exactly who they needed to work with in the event of a breach or vulnerability involving an external entity.

Some organizations are outsourcing IR, as one in five (22%) currently rely on an external service provider for incident response.


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