Gaming dApp platform FunFair Wallet modtager en lang række opgraderinger PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Lodret søgning. Ai.

Gaming dApp-platform FunFair Wallet modtager mange opgraderinger

Gaming dApp platform FunFair Wallet modtager en lang række opgraderinger PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Lodret søgning. Ai.

FunFair, et spilplatformsøkosystem drevet af blockchain, har frigivet de seneste opdateringsnotater om, hvad den FunFair tegnebog udviklerteamet har opnået med deres seneste tekniske ændringer.

Disse afsluttede opgraderinger har en vigtig indvirkning på udviklere sammen med forbedringer af funktionaliteten for slutbrugere af tegnebogsløsningen, se nedenfor de seneste ændringer.


FunFair-teamet tilføjede tre store funktioner og en vis redundansplanlægning i løbet af den sidste måned i tegnebogen, herunder:

  • Netværksændring:  dApp developers may want to work with many networks and not just Ethereum, especially with BSC and Solana growth. Thanks to FunFair’s network change feature, developers can now switch their users to any enabled network they support. Thus, ensuring their users get an uninterrupted experience regardless of what blockchain ecosystem they are interacting with.
  • On-demand belastning: Developers get a better experience using the FunFair Software Developer Kit (SDK). Now they can choose when they want or need to load the wallet, reducing load times and ensuring a faster dApp experience for all.
  • dApp Modal kontrol: Now, dApps can choose to close modals themselves if users don’t approve or reject the transaction in a specific period. An example of this is shown in FunFair’s recent nyttelast game found in the Labs. If a user does not confirm the xDai transaction before the game begins, the dApp can close the modal. Thus ensuring time-specific events don’t offer the user options that are no longer relevant and providing a better user experience.
  • Multi-noder: The FunFair Wallet client can now have multi nodes. Ensuring developers can be confident that it won’t mean any downtime for their users if one node drops.


Desuden rapporterer FunFair, at der er brugt meget tid i løbet af den sidste måned på at forbedre brugeroplevelsen, nogle af de mere vigtige funktioner, der nu er inkluderet: 

  • Pandekageudskiftning: Med den nylige tilføjelse af Binance Smart Chain Support (Læs mere link.), users can now utilize Pancake Swap to initiate swaps within the FunFair wallet, opening up a new Binance ecosystem of tokens for users.
  • Growl Notifications: Simply put, users now receive a popup notification for messaging such as receiving or sending Eth, not to mention transaction updates such as “completed” or “failed”. Enabling users to navigate throughout the dApp without fear of losing essential updates.
  • Uniswap v3-tilbud: Users like to know they get the best deal, so the FunFair wallet compares swap quotes from Uniswap v2 and v3 and then offers the lowest price to the user. Ensuring they are getting the best bang for their buck/token.
  • Hvidlistekontrakter: Users like saving time, but not at the expense of security. That’s why the team here has enabled approved whitelists for contracts they trust, speeding up the sending process for tokens to authorized recipients and ensuring less annoying popups. However, sending Eth will always require approval, regardless of whether it is a whitelist or not. Just another way FunFair keeps high-value assets safe.
  • Gasafgifter: Høje gasafgifter vil altid blive fremhævet for brugerne, inden de sender tokens (uanset status på kontraktens hvidliste). Desuden kan brugerne indstille gastærskler for at sikre, at de aldrig bruger mere, end de er fortrolige med.
  • Browserintegration: For a better user experience, when a user logs into the funfair wallet via a browser, there is no longer a popup taking users out of the dApp experience. Rather, an integrated modal on-site now takes its place. This will appear integrated for most browsers, although some browsers like safari and brave have blocked third-party cookies. Don’t fear though; if it can not incorporate the authentication modal in the browser, it will revert to a popup.  Thus this setup covers any custom user settings and every browser.
  • Sikkerhedsforbedringer: Users have never needed to worry about private keys with the FunFair wallet, providing a web 2.0 experience on web 3.0 technology. But the team has improved the recovery key flows. If a user recovers their password on device one and then recovers on device two, both are recognized. Previously it would invalidate any other recovery, which was difficult for lost devices. In changing this, FunFair has increased the secure key size with which the wallet does its encryption, making it even more secure.




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