Indonesiens valgte præsident vil bruge 9 mia. USD på Metaverse Cities

Indonesiens valgte præsident vil bruge 9 mia. USD på Metaverse Cities

Prabowo Subianto, who promised to spend about $9 billion on metaverse cities, is set to take over as Indonesia’s next president after winning 60% of the vote in elections held earlier this month.

On the campaign trail, the former special forces general said he would build 10 metaverse cities across the Asian country if he won the election. Subianto’s ambitious plan will cost an estimated $8.6 billion, the equivalent of 125 trillion in Indonesian money.

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Building a metaverse ‘superhub’

Ifølge CNN, Subianto defeated two other candidates and will be officially announced winner in March. The 72-year-old won 60% of the vote to avoid a runoff in June, the report says, citing “early figures, which have been historically accurate.”

“The most important objective of democracy is giving people the leaders and representatives they want,” Prabowo told reporters at a press conference at his mansion in South Jakarta on Feb. 19.

“I hope all parties understand the greater goal,” he said, reportedly half-naked, from his swimming pool. Subianto, who currently serves as defense minister, is said to have spoken with the confidence of someone poised to take the reigns of power.

During campaigns, the president-elect revealed plans to build 10 metavers cities throughout Indonesia. His idea is to consolidate the construction of high-tech cities with Øhav, the designated new capital of Indonesia, which is being built at a cost of $32 billion, as the center.

Nusantara will function as the “superhub” for the metaverse cities, according to Subianto’s campaign team spokesperson, Budiman Sudjatmiko. Two other cities in Sumatra, in western Indonesia, will develop nanotechnology, chips, the Internet of Things, and sensors.

“Nine cities will resemble nine planets, and the sun will be IKN [Nusantara] as the super hub of the digital ecosystem,” Sudjatmiko fortalt a digital summit in Jakarta in November. “It can happen. [We have the people [to build it].”

Dette er Prabowo Subiantos tredje forsøg på præsidentposten efter at have tabt til den afgående præsident Joko Widodo i 2014 og 2019. I oktober udnævnte Subianto Widodos søn, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, som sin kandidat ved valget i 2024, AP rapporteret.

Eks-general, der lovede at bruge 9 mia. USD på Metaverse Cities, vinder præsidentvalget i IndonesienEks-general, der lovede at bruge 9 mia. USD på Metaverse Cities, vinder præsidentvalget i Indonesien
Prabowo Subianto during a campaign rally. Image credits: Subianto/X

More cities turn to metaverse

A metaverse by er en udvidelse af metaverse-konceptet til et "bylignende miljø i digitale rum." Ifølge til en ny rapport fra det teknologiske efterretningsfirma ABI Research, vil omkring 700 byer verden over have en form for metavers infrastruktur i 2030.

Metaverse tilbyder en virtuel platform for byer til at teste nye infrastrukturdesign, optimere trafikflow og forenkle bydrift, foreslår en anden indberette af World Economic Forum.

I det lange løb kan det endda føre til store omkostningsbesparelser, hævdes det. Rapporten tilføjede endvidere, at metaverset giver en mere engagerende og interaktiv måde for borgere at tage del i beslutningstagningen samt forbinde med deres bystyre.

Cities that are already building their own metaverses include South Korea’s Seoul, designated as a metaverse city in 2021; Santa Monica, U.S.; and Dubai i De Forenede Arabiske Emirater.

Sidste år, Sydkorea engageret $180 million to building a metaverse ecosystem. Today, people in Seoul can download the city’s metaverse app and use it to do things like play a game, file a complaint, or receive advice on tax issues.

Dubai is aiming to become a top-10 metaverse economy and a global hub for the metaverse community over the next decade. The city wants to draw 1,000 companies from the blockchain and metaverse industries, supporting 40,000 jobs.


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