Quantum News Briefs 27. april: Smartphones kan blive bærbare kvantesensorer en dag; Fysikere sammenfiltrer to kvantecifre; QuProtect vinder næste generations kvantecomputere Global InfoSec-pris + MERE

Quantum News Briefs 27. april: Smartphones kan blive bærbare kvantesensorer en dag; Fysikere sammenfiltrer to kvantecifre; QuProtect vinder næste generations kvantecomputere Global InfoSec-pris + MERE

Quantum News Briefs April 27: Smartphones could become portable quantum sensors one day; Physicists fully entangle two quantum digits; QuProtect wins next-gen quantum computing Global InfoSec award + MORE PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
By Sandra Helsel indsendt 27. april 2023

Quantum News Briefs 27. april: Smartphones could become portable quantum sensors one day; Physicists fully entangle two quantum digits; QuProtect wins next-gen quantum computing Global InfoSec award + MORE.

Smartphones could become portable quantum sensors one day

Quantum News Briefs April 27: Smartphones could become portable quantum sensors one day; Physicists fully entangle two quantum digits; QuProtect wins next-gen quantum computing Global InfoSec award + MORE PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.Smartphones could one day become portable quantum sensors thanks to a new chip-scale approach that uses organiske lysemitterende dioder (OLED'er) to image magnetic fields. Quantum News Briefs summarizes an April 26 Nanowerk article.
Researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science at UNSW Sydney have demonstrated that OLEDs, a type of semiconductor material commonly found in flat-screen televisions, smartphone screens and other digital displays, can be used to map magnetic fields using magnetic resonance.
Sensing of magnetic fields has important applications in scientific research, industry and medicine.
Offentliggjort i tidsskriftet Nature Communications (“Sub-micron spin-based magnetic field imaging with an organic light emitting diode”), this technique is able to function at microchip scale and – unlike other common approaches – does not require input from a laser.
The majority of existing quantum sensing and magnetic field imaging equipment is relatively large and expensive, requiring either optical pumping (from a high-powered laser) or very low cryogenic temperatures. This limits the device integration potential and commercial scalability of such approaches.
By contrast, the OLED sensing device prototyped in this work would ultimately be small, flexible and mass-producible. Professor Dane McCamey of UNSW, who is also an Exciton Science Chief Investigator, said: “Our device is designed to be compatible with commercially available OLED technologies, providing the unique ability to map magnetic field over a large area or even a curved surface.You could imagine using this technology being added to smartphones to help with remote medical diagnostics, or identifying defects in materials.” Click here to read article in-entirety on Nanowerk.

Physicists fully entangle two quantum digits

Quantum News Briefs April 27: Smartphones could become portable quantum sensors one day; Physicists fully entangle two quantum digits; QuProtect wins next-gen quantum computing Global InfoSec award + MORE PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.A team at the University of Innsbruck now reports In a study published on April 19, 2023, in the journal <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="

Nature Communications
<em>Nature Communications</em> er et peer-reviewet, åben adgang, tværfagligt, videnskabeligt tidsskrift udgivet af Nature Portfolio. Det dækker naturvidenskab, herunder fysik, biologi, kemi, medicin og geovidenskab. Den begyndte at udgive i 2010 og har redaktionskontorer i London, Berlin, New York City og Shanghai.

” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]”>Nature Communications how two qudits can be fully entangled with each other with unprecedented performance, paving the way for more efficient and powerful quantum computers.
The researchers at the University of Innsbruck were able to fully entangle two qudits, each encoded in up to 5 states of individual Calcium ions. This gives both theoretical and experimental physicists a new tool to move beyond binary information processing, which could lead to faster and more robust quantum computers.
Martin Ringbauer explains: “Quantum systems have many available states waiting to be used for <span class="glossaryLink" aria-describedby="tt" data-cmtooltip="

quantum computing
Udførelse af beregning ved hjælp af kvantemekaniske fænomener som superposition og sammenfiltring.

” data-gt-translate-attributes=”[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]”>quantum computing, rather than limiting them to work with qubits.” Many of today’s most challenging problems, in fields as diverse as chemistry, physics, or optimization, can benefit from this more natural language of quantum computing.
The study was funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, the European Research Council ERC, the European Union and the Federation of Austrian Industries Tyrol, among others.

QuProtect wins next-gen quantum computing Global InfoSec award

Quantum News Briefs April 27: Smartphones could become portable quantum sensors one day; Physicists fully entangle two quantum digits; QuProtect wins next-gen quantum computing Global InfoSec award + MORE PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.QuSecure, Inc. announced on April 25 that its industry-leading PQC solution QuProtect has won the coveted Global InfoSec Award from Cyber Defense Magazine (CDM), the industry’s leading electronic information security magazine. QuProtect was named the best solution in the Next-Gen Quantum Computing awards category during the RSA Conference.  Quantum News Briefs summarizes.
This is Cyber Defense Magazine’s tenth year of honoring InfoSec innovators from around the Globe. The judges were CISSP, FMDHS, and CEH certified security professionals who voted based on their independent review of the company submission and materials on the website. CDM has a flexible philosophy to find more innovative players with new and unique technologies, vs. only larger enterprises.
“It is extremely rewarding to be recognized at the RSA Conference by this esteemed panel of security judges as the leading solution in next-generation quantum computing,” said Skip Sanzeri, QuSecure co-Founder and COO. “Our QuProtect solution enables organizations to protect their communications and secure private information as the world accelerates toward a quantum future, due to the looming threat of quantum computing’s ability to break the public key encryption we currently use. QuProtect’s post-quantum technologies are differentiated in the industry and uniquely provide secure, interoperable cybersecurity to protect networks from today’s classical threats and future quantum threats.”
QuSecure’s QuProtect software enables organizations to leverage quantum-resilient technology to prevent today’s cyberattacks, while future-proofing networks and preparing for quantum cyberthreats. It provides quantum-resilient cryptography, anytime, anywhere and on any device. QuProtect software uses an end-to-end quantum-security-as-a-service architecture that addresses the digital ecosystem’s most vulnerable aspects, uniquely combining zero-trust, next-generation post-quantum-cryptography, crypto agility, quantum-strength keys, high availability, easy deployment, and active defense into a comprehensive and interoperable cybersecurity suite. The end-to-end approach is designed to protect the entire information lifecycle as data is communicated, used and stored.  Klik her for at læse meddelelsen i sin helhed.

Europa konsoliderer kvanteproduktion og test

Quantum News Briefs April 27: Smartphones could become portable quantum sensors one day; Physicists fully entangle two quantum digits; QuProtect wins next-gen quantum computing Global InfoSec award + MORE PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
EENewsEuropes Nick Flaherty beskriver to vigtige kvanteprojekter, der er startet i dag for at konsolidere kvanteproduktion og teste teknologier for at øge bæredygtigheden. Quantum News Briefs opsummerer.
To vigtige europæiske kvanteprojekter er startet i dag for at konsolidere kvanteproduktion og teste teknologier for at øge bæredygtigheden.
Qu-pilot- og Qu-test-projekterne er hostet af AMIRES for at understøtte eksperimentelle produktionskapaciteter og åbne test for kvanteteknologier i Europa. Dette følger et nyligt skridt til at konsolidere udviklingen af ​​neutrale ion Rydberg-systemer: Europa konsoliderer sin Rydberg kvantecomputer
Qu-Piloten består af 21 partnere fra ni forskellige lande, der sigter på at udvikle og give adgang til de første, fødererede europæiske fremstillingskapaciteter til kvanteteknologier, der bygger på og forbinder eksisterende infrastrukturer i Europa. Dette omfatter VTT i Finland, Fraunhofer i Tyskland og imec i Belgien samt Infineon i Tyskland.
Qu-Pilot vil levere tjenester til udvikling af en europæisk forsyningskæde af kvanteteknologier, give europæisk industri, især nystartede virksomheder og SMV'er, den nødvendige innovationskapacitet og sørge for, at kritisk IP forbliver inden for EU. Det første servicetilbud vil blive valideret gennem use-cases med virksomheder inden for SGA. Der forventes minimum 20 sådanne use-cases, og af dem er 11 allerede en del af denne Qu-Pilot.
Det andet projekt Qu-Test samler 13 tjenesteudbydere til et forbundsnetværk af testbeds og 11 industrielle brugere fra det europæiske kvantesamfund. Netværket samler kompetencer og infrastrukturer på tværs af Europa for at tilbyde test- og valideringstjenester.
Et første mål med dette samarbejde er at støtte skabelsen af ​​en pålidelig forsyningskæde gennem validering af kvanteenheder, chips, komponenter og systemer af testbed-netværket som en uafhængig tredjepart.
Et andet mål er at diskutere og blive enige om forenede sæt af parametre til at karakterisere kvanteenheder. Metoder og procedurer vil blive harmoniseret blandt partnerne i testbed-netværket i et skridt hen imod etablering af standarder for kvanteteknologier.
Qu-Test er justeret langs tre testbeds: kvanteberegning, kvantekommunikation, kvantesansning. Mere detaljeret vil Quantum Computing Testbed måle, karakterisere og validere kryogene kvanteenheder, kryogene qubits såsom superledende og halvledende qubits, fotonik-qubits og ionfælder. Klik her for at læse EEUNews Europe artikel i sin helhed.

Sandra K. Helsel, ph.d. har forsket og rapporteret om grænseteknologier siden 1990. Hun har sin ph.d. fra University of Arizona.


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