Ventas priser Cdn$650 millioner af 5.10% Senior Notes med forfald i 2029

Ventas priser Cdn$650 millioner af 5.10% Senior Notes med forfald i 2029

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Ventas, Inc. (NYSE: VTR) ("Ventas" eller "Selskabet") sagde i dag, at det har prissat et privat udbud i Canada på 650 Cdn million på 5.10 % Senior Notes, Series J med forfald i 2029 ("Nodlerne"). Salget af Obligationerne forventes afsluttet den 5. marts 2024 under forudsætning af opfyldelse af sædvanlige lukkebetingelser.

Ventas priser Cdn$650 millioner af 5.10% Senior Notes forfalder 2029 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Lodret søgning. Ai.
Ventas priser Cdn$650 millioner af 5.10% Senior Notes forfalder 2029 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Lodret søgning. Ai.

Obligationerne udstedes af Ventas' indirekte, helejede datterselskab, Ventas Canada Finance Limited ("Udstederen"), på et prospektfritaget grundlag kun til "akkrediterede investorer", som ikke er enkeltpersoner, medmindre sådanne personer også er "tilladte kunder". ," i hvert tilfælde som defineret under gældende canadiske værdipapirlove. Obligationerne vil være ubetinget garanteret af Selskabet ("Garantien").

Obligationerne udløber den 5. marts 2029. Obligationerne vil udgøre ledende usikrede forpligtelser for Udsteder og vil rangordnes lige med alle andre nuværende og fremtidige usikrede og ikke-efterstillede forpligtelser for Udsteder. Garantien vil udgøre en ledende usikret forpligtelse for Garanten og vil rangordnes lige med alle andre nuværende og fremtidige usikrede og uefterstillede forpligtelser for Selskabet. Renter på Obligationerne skal betales halvårligt bagud den 5. marts og den 5. september hvert år, med start den 5. september 2024. Obligationerne forventes at blive vurderet til BBB+ (Stable) af S&P, Baa1 (Stable) af Moody's og BBB (Stable) fra Fitch.

Udsteder har til hensigt at anvende nettoprovenuet fra udbuddet af Obligationerne at tilbagebetale udestående beløb under Udstederens eksisterende gæld, herunder under dets Cdn$500 mio. usikrede lånefacilitet, og til andre generelle virksomhedsformål.

Obligationerne er ikke blevet og vil ikke blive registreret i henhold til Securities Act of 1933, som ændret ("Securities Act") eller nogen statslig værdipapirlovgivning og må ikke udbydes eller sælges i USA uden registrering eller en gældende undtagelse fra registreringskravene i Securities Act og gældende statslove. Obligationerne er ikke blevet kvalificeret ved hjælp af prospekt i nogen provins eller territorium i Canada og må ikke udbydes eller sælges til personer, der er beliggende eller bosat i Canada, undtagen i henhold til en undtagelse fra prospektkravene i gældende canadiske værdipapirlove.

Denne pressemeddelelse udgør ikke et tilbud om at sælge eller købe eller en opfordring til et tilbud om at købe eller sælge værdipapirer og skal ikke udgøre et tilbud, opfordring, salg eller køb af værdipapirer i nogen jurisdiktion, hvor et sådant tilbud, opfordring, salg eller køb ville være ulovligt.

Ventas Inc. (NYSE:VTR) er en førende S&P 500 ejendomsinvesteringsfond, der fokuserer på at levere stærke, bæredygtige aktionærafkast ved at muliggøre exceptionelle miljøer, der gavner en stor og voksende aldrende befolkning. Virksomhedens vækst er drevet af dets seniorboliger, som leverer værdifulde tjenester til beboerne og sætter dem i stand til at trives i understøttede miljøer. Ventas udnytter sin uovertrufne operationelle ekspertise, datadrevne indsigter fra sine Ventas Operational InsightsTM platform, omfattende relationer og stærk finansiel position for at nå sit mål om at levere overordnede præstationer på tværs af cirka 1,400 ejendomme. Ventas-porteføljen er sammensat af seniorboliger, ambulante medicinske bygninger, forskningscentre og sundhedsfaciliteter i Nordamerika og Storbritannien. Virksomheden nyder godt af et erfarent team af talentfulde fagfolk, som deler en forpligtelse til ekspertise, integritet og et fælles formål om at hjælpe mennesker med at leve længere, sundere og lykkeligere liv.

Denne pressemeddelelse indeholder fremadrettede udsagn i betydningen af ​​Section 27A i Securities Act og Section 21E i Securities Exchange Act of 1934, som ændret og fremadskuende information i henhold til gældende canadiske værdipapirlove (samlet, "forward". -looking statements"). Disse fremadrettede udsagn omfatter blandt andet erklæringer om forventninger, overbevisninger, fremtidige planer og strategier, forventede resultater fra drift og udvikling og andre forhold, der ikke er historiske fakta. Fremadrettede udsagn omfatter blandt andet udsagn om vores og vores embedsmænds hensigt, tro eller forventning, som identificeret ved brug af ord som "antager", "kan", "vil", "projekter", "forventer, " "tror", "har til hensigt", "foregriber", "søger", "mål", "forudsige", "planlægge", "potentielle", "mulighed", "estimere", "kunne", "ville", " burde” og andre sammenlignelige og afledte udtryk eller negative heraf.

Fremadrettede udsagn er baseret på ledelsens overbevisninger samt på en række antagelser om fremtidige begivenheder. Du bør ikke stole unødigt på disse fremadrettede udsagn, som ikke er en garanti for ydeevne og er underlagt en række usikkerhedsmomenter og andre faktorer, der kan forårsage, at faktiske begivenheder eller resultater afviger væsentligt fra dem, der udtrykkes eller antydes af fremadrettet- ser udsagn. Vi påtager os ikke en pligt til at opdatere disse fremadrettede udsagn, som kun taler fra den dato, hvor de er fremsat. Vi opfordrer dig indtrængende til omhyggeligt at gennemgå de oplysninger, vi giver om risici og usikkerheder, der kan påvirke vores forretning og fremtidige økonomiske resultater, herunder dem, der er lavet nedenfor og i vores indberetninger til Securities and Exchange Commission, såsom i afsnittene med titlen "Advarselserklæringer - Sammenfattende risikofaktorer", "Risikofaktorer" og "Ledelsens diskussion og analyse af finansielle tilstand og resultater af operationer" i vores Årsrapport på Form 10-K for året, der sluttede den 31. december 2023.

Certain factors that could affect our future results and our ability to achieve our stated goals include, but are not limited to: (a) our ability to achieve the anticipated benefits and synergies from, and effectively integrate, our completed or anticipated acquisitions and investments of properties, including our ownership of the properties included in our equitized loan portfolio; (b) our exposure and the exposure of our tenants, managers and borrowers to complex healthcare and other regulation, including evolving laws and regulations regarding data privacy and cybersecurity and environmental matters, and the challenges and expense associated with complying with such regulation; (c) the potential for significant general and commercial claims, legal actions, regulatory proceedings or enforcement actions that could subject us or our tenants, managers or borrowers to increased operating costs, uninsured liabilities, fines or significant operational limitations, including the loss or suspension of or moratoriums on accreditations, licenses or certificates of need, suspension of or nonpayment for new admissions, denial of reimbursement, suspension, decertification or exclusion from federal, state or foreign healthcare programs or the closure of facilities or communities; (d) the impact of market and general economic conditions on us, our tenants, managers and borrowers and in areas in which our properties are geographically concentrated, including macroeconomic trends and financial market events, such as bank failures and other events affecting financial institutions, market volatility, increases in inflation, changes in or elevated interest and exchange rates, tightening of lending standards and reduced availability of credit or capital, geopolitical conditions, supply chain pressures, rising labor costs and historically low unemployment, events that affect consumer confidence, our occupancy rates and resident fee revenues, and the actual and perceived state of the real estate markets, labor markets and public and private capital markets; (e) our reliance and the reliance of our tenants, managers and borrowers on the financial, credit and capital markets and the risk that those markets may be disrupted or become constrained, including as a result of bank failures or concerns or rumors about such events, tightening of lending standards and reduced availability of credit or capital; (f) the secondary and tertiary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business, financial condition and results of operations and the implementation and impact of regulations related to the CARES Act and other stimulus legislation, including the risk that some or all of the CARES Act or other COVID-19 relief payments we or our tenants, managers or borrowers received could be recouped; (g) our ability, and the ability of our tenants, managers and borrowers, to navigate the trends impacting our or their businesses and the industries in which we or they operate, and the financial condition or business prospect of our tenants, managers and borrowers; (h) the risk of bankruptcy, inability to obtain benefits from governmental programs, insolvency or financial deterioration of our tenants, managers, borrowers and other obligors which may, among other things, have an adverse impact on the ability of such parties to make payments or meet their other obligations to us, which could have an adverse impact on our results of operations and financial condition; (i) the risk that the borrowers under our loans or other investments default or that, to the extent we are able to foreclose or otherwise acquire the collateral securing our loans or other investments, we will be required to incur additional expense or indebtedness in connection therewith, that the assets will underperform expectations or that we may not be able to subsequently dispose of all or part of such assets on favorable terms; (j) our current and future amount of outstanding indebtedness, and our ability to access capital and to incur additional debt which is subject to our compliance with covenants in instruments governing our and our subsidiaries’ existing indebtedness; (k) the recognition of reserves, allowances, credit losses or impairment charges are inherently uncertain, may increase or decrease in the future and may not represent or reflect the ultimate value of, or loss that we ultimately realize with respect to, the relevant assets, which could have an adverse impact on our results of operations and financial condition; (l) the non-renewal of any leases or management agreement or defaults by tenants or managers thereunder and the risk of our inability to replace those tenants or managers on a timely basis or on favorable terms, if at all; (m) our ability to identify and consummate future investments in or dispositions of healthcare assets and effectively manage our portfolio opportunities and our investments in co-investment vehicles, joint ventures and minority interests, including our ability to dispose of such assets on favorable terms as a result of rights of first offer or rights of first refusal in favor of third parties; (n) risks related to development, redevelopment and construction projects, including costs associated with inflation, rising or elevated interest rates, labor conditions and supply chain pressures, and risks related to increased construction and development in markets in which our properties are located, including adverse effect on our future occupancy rates; (o) our ability to attract and retain talented employees; (p) the limitations and significant requirements imposed upon our business as a result of our status as a REIT and the adverse consequences (including the possible loss of our status as a REIT) that would result if we are not able to comply with such requirements; (q) the ownership limits contained in our certificate of incorporation with respect to our capital stock in order to preserve our qualification as a REIT, which may delay, defer or prevent a change of control of our company; (r) the risk of changes in healthcare law or regulation or in tax laws, guidance and interpretations, particularly as applied to REITs, that could adversely affect us or our tenants, managers or borrowers; (s) increases in our borrowing costs as a result of becoming more leveraged, including in connection with acquisitions or other investment activity and rising or elevated interest rates; (t) our reliance on third-party managers and tenants to operate or exert substantial control over properties they manage for or rent from us, which limits our control and influence over such operations and results; (u) our exposure to various operational risks, liabilities and claims from our operating assets; (v) our dependency on a limited number of tenants and managers for a significant portion of our revenues and operating income; (w) our exposure to particular risks due to our specific asset classes and operating markets, such as adverse changes affecting our specific asset classes and the real estate industry, the competitiveness or financial viability of hospitals on or near the campuses where our outpatient medical buildings are located, our relationships with universities, the level of expense and uncertainty of our research tenants, and the limitation of our uses of some properties we own that are subject to ground lease, air rights or other restrictive agreements; (x) the risk of damage to our reputation; (y) the availability, adequacy and pricing of insurance coverage provided by our policies and policies maintained by our tenants, managers or other counterparties; (z) the risk of exposure to unknown liabilities from our investments in properties or businesses; (aa) the occurrence of cybersecurity threats and incidents that could disrupt our or our tenants’, managers’ or borrower’s operations, result in the loss of confidential or personal information or damage our business relationships and reputation; (bb) the failure to maintain effective internal controls, which could harm our business, results of operations and financial condition; (cc) the impact of merger, acquisition and investment activity in the healthcare industry or otherwise affecting our tenants, managers or borrowers; (dd) disruptions to the management and operations of our business and the uncertainties caused by activist investors; (ee) the risk of catastrophic or extreme weather and other natural events and the physical effects of climate change; (ff) the risk of potential dilution resulting from future sales or issuances of our equity securities; and (gg) the other factors set forth in our periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Kontakt os

Ventas, Inc.

BJ Grant

(877) 4-VENTAS


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