Dokumentar viser, hvordan Bitcoin forbedrer Sydafrika

Dokumentar viser, hvordan Bitcoin forbedrer Sydafrika

  1. A documentary showed how Bitcoin is transforming a small community in South Africa.
  2. Donations are welcome to help marginalized South Africans adopt Bitcoin and thrive.
  3. Aside from South Africa, Bitcoin is being adopted in other countries like El Salvador and Costa Rica.

A documentary film by Aubrey Strobel showed how Bitcoin is improving the lives of a small community in South Africa through an initiative by various non-profit organizations (NGOs).

Named Bitcoin Ekasi, the Bitcoin initiative aims to provide a better future for underprivileged South African children through surfing, education, and Bitcoin use for daily transactions. According to the documentary, Bitcoin is helping marginalized South Africans by providing new investment and funding options and by serving the unbanked.

Strobel, the host of a Cash App-sponsored show The Aubservation, visited the community in Mossel Bay and documented how the Bitcoin-based initiative is making an impact in their lives. According to the video, the small community is focusing on at least two aspects, namely surfing for recreation, and financial education.

Aside from providing awareness, the documentary is also soliciting donations via crypto to help advance the agenda of the Bitcoin-based charity group. South Africa remains deeply divided despite Nelson Mandela’s landmark presidential victory which marked the end of the Apartheid — the racial segregation between white people and black people in the country.

At the time of writing, the documentary has seen almost 83,000 views on Twitter and 2,000 views on YouTube. Those who viewed the film lauded the production crew and expressed support for Bitcoin Ekasi. Someone even took a screenshot of her donation to the South African community.

Aside from Bitcoin Ekasi, other communities are being transformed by Bitcoin, especially those in Latin American countries like El Salvador and Costa Rica.

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