ALTEN Calsoft käivitab koostöös Clinlogixiga kliinilisteks katseteks kasutatava plokiahela PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

ALTEN Calsoft käivitas koostöös Clinlogixiga kliinilisteks uuringuteks plokiahela

JÕULUVANA CLARA, CaliforniaJuuli 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — ALTEN Calsoft Labs, a leading Enterprise Digital Transformation solutions and Engineering R&D services company, has launched – “BioPharma Ledger”, a plokk Chain clinical trial platform.

This reinforces ALTEN Calsoft Labs’ continued commitment to bringing Digital led transformation to industry-specific areas. . plokk Chain practice provides customers with enterprise plokk Chain solutions in innovative business initiatives covering everything from business strategy and ideation to development and full enterprise scale. “The plokk Chain for clinical trials is our first initiative in the broader plokk Chain practice at ALTEN Calsoft Labs. We will make a significant impact on the clinical trial process with our scalable plokk Chain platform that will ultimately address many key core processes in the Life Sciences industry. This will pave the way to fundamental changes in other key verticals that will demonstrate savings in costs, time and efficiency – all with the meaningful added benefits of security and trust,” says Paul Elisii, Vice President of BI and plokk Chain, ALTEN Calsoft Labs.

Vastloodud plokk Chain Platform for clinical trials will leverage the BlockApps STRATO middleware platform. BlockApps is a founding member of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), the world’s largest open-source plokk Chain initiative, and has the distinction as the first plokk Chain platform available on Microsoft Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud.

Clinlogix, tipptasemel ülemaailmne kliiniliste uuringute organisatsioon (CRO), mille asukohad asuvad EuroopaAasiaLõuna-Ameerika USA on esimene praktik, kes katsetab ja juurutab platvormi reaalsetes kliinilistes uuringutes.

"plokk Chain will introduce us all to a new age of transparency, privacy, and traceability in all aspects of the Life Sciences as we know them. It is as transformational to pharma, biotech, and medical devices today, as the Internet was to communications 20 years ago. plokk Chain has the power to fundamentally shift many core processes for drug research and development by increasing patient safety and privacy, improving quality of data, and significantly shortening the length of clinical trials,” says Nick Spring, bioteaduste partner, ALTEN Calsoft Labs. "Ootame Clinlogixi meeskonnaga selle uuendusliku lähenemisviisi kallal koostööd teha."

JeanMarie Markham, the Founder, and CEO of Clinlogix said, “I’m very excited to be one of the first, if not the first, CRO who is moving ahead with the rapid development and deployment of a blockchain-based platform which will become an industry standard. Clinlogix has always embraced new technologies that improve patient outcomes, safety, and health along with helping our sponsors to get new treatments to market rapidly, efficiently and cost-effectively. We are a decidedly different CRO and the new plokk Chain technology complements our ‘Innovation Pathway’ culture for all of our people and our customers.”

ALTEN Calsoft Labsi kohta

ALTEN Calsoft Labs (ACL) on a digitaalse muundamise, järgmise põlvkonna tehnoloogiaalase nõustamise ja inseneriteenuste ettevõte. Ettevõte pakub digitaalseid, nõustamisteenuseid, ettevõtte infotehnoloogia- ja tootearendusteenuseid vertikaalsetes valdkondades nagu jae-, tervishoiu-, Maaülikooli, Telekommunikatsioon, tootmine, energeetika ja kommunaalteenused, võrgud, pooljuhid ja kõrgtehnoloogia. ACL võimaldab ettevõtetel oma äri uuendada, integreerida ja ümber kujundada, kasutades selleks häirivaid tehnoloogiaid, nagu plokk Chain, Digital Interactive, Cloud, Mobility, AI & RPA, Analytics, DevOps, IoT ja Software-defined Networking (SDN/NFV).

ALTEN Calsoft Labs on osa ALTEN Groupist - suuruselt teisest ülemaailmsest inseneriteenuste ettevõttest, millel on üle 33,700 XNUMX töötaja kogu maailmas.

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