Kodus olev 2.4 PH Bitcoini kaevandaja kümblusjahutusega ja soojuse PlatoBlockchaini andmeanalüüsi eest tasu saamine. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Kodus olev 2.4 PH Bitcoini kaevandaja, mis jahutab ja saab soojuse eest tasu

Coin Heated, bitcoinide kaevandaja, kes juhib kodus kümblusjahutusega 2.4 petahash operatsiooni, arutleb oma tööstuse ülesehituse ja tuleviku üle.

See tükk on osa sarjast mis sisaldab intervjuusid Bitcoini kaevuritega nende kogemuste kohta kaevandamisoperatsioonide seadistamisel ja skaleerimisel, samuti nende seisukohti kaevandusmaailma suuna kohta. Kui kaevandate Bitcoini ja soovite jagada oma teadmisi ja lugu – tõusud, mõõnad ja uuendused – võtke ühendust autoriga Twitteris @KaptenSiddH.

Selle intervjuu jaoks Müntide soojendamine spoke about his massive, 2.4 petahash home bitcoin mine. Nearly all of his machines use immersion to reduce noise and improve heat reuse and miner reliability. Coin Heated is now commercializing a unique line of tank designs called the Hotbox, with the first production tank being the Hotbox Liu, which is specifically engineered for six S19 ASICs. You can find Coin Heated on Twitter (@CoinHeated) ja YouTube (Müntide soojendamine).

Täname, et liitusite minuga täna, Coin Heated! Enne kui hakkan teie kaevandamise seadistuse ja keelekümblussüsteemi kohta konkreetsete küsimuste juurde asuma, kas saate rääkida meile sellest, kuidas sattusite kaevandamise juurde ja kuidas saavutasite praeguse ulatuse? 

I first started mining Bitcoin in 2010. My friend said I should look into it, and since I’ve worked in IT for a long time I had some extra computers around, I thought I would give it a try. Mining was still possible with a CPU at this time, though graphics cards were starting to take over. I spent a few days mining and when I was done, I think I had about 12 cents worth of bitcoin. I thought, “This is a waste of time.” Then I watched bitcoin go to $100 and thought, “Woah, I missed the best time to get in.” Then it went to $1,000 — again, I thought I missed it. I always thought I missed the best time to get in over and over again. Last year, I finally said I don’t care. I’m kõik sisse.

Ostsin eBayst S9 ja nad tarnisid selle ilma pakendita. Mitte ühtegi. Nad viskasid selle lihtsalt tühja pappkasti ja saatsid. Kõik ventilaatorid olid läbi pekstud ja kahjustatud, nii et saatsin selle kohta eBay kaudu sõnumi ja müüja maksis mulle lihtsalt raha tagasi, ilma et oleks tahtnud S9 tagasi saada, nii et sain tasuta masina. Ostsin selle S9 oma töökojas elektrilise ruumisoojendi asendamiseks, kuna arvasin, et küttekeha on 100% jäätmetest toodetud seade – see teeb kindlasti soojust, aga S9 maksab mulle sooja tootmise eest. Niipea, kui sain kinnitust, et S9 maksab mulle töökoja kütmise eest, jäin ma hoo sisse ja teadsin, et pean mastaapi suurendama.

I ordered nine more S9s, and then made the leap to my first S17. Then a bunch more S17s followed not long after that. Now I’m up to 28 ASICs, all a mix of S17+ and S19. The most power I’ve drawn was a bit over 70,000 watts, which is somewhere between 250 and 300 amps of power. All summer long, I heated a 17,000 gallon swimming pool. I downsized the pool for winter because I knew I would be moving, and because there was a small leak in the big pool.

Kuidas on see võimsus teie ülejäänud majaga võrreldes?

It’s almost incomparable. The biggest energy users in my house are an electric dryer and air conditioner — you might have 40 amps from one of those, compared to 250 to 300 amps from my miners. I have a 400 amp dedicated service and meter just for the miners, and then I have a regular 200 amp household service. A couple of days before the technicians came to set up that dedicated service, the transformer on my block blew out. At that time, I was running very close to the 200 amp max. load on my regular home.

Elektriettevõte tuli välja ja ma ütlesin neile, et tõmban siin 180/24 umbes 7 amprit. Nad ütlesid mulle, et see ei saa olla – see peab olema mingi institutsioonilise suurusega loosimine. Ütlesin neile, et toon oma majja veel 400 amprit ja nad ütlesid, et see pole probleem. Kümne päeva jooksul kadus vool kuus korda, kuni lõpuks vahetati masti trafo välja. See kestis veel paar kuud ja siis läks uuesti õhku. Nad lihtsalt vahetasid trafo uuesti, öeldes, et see on lihtsalt halb trafo.

Mis protsess oli selle 400 amprise spetsiaalse vooluringi ehitamiseks? 

See ei olnud tõesti halb. Helistasin just Xcelile, Minnesota elektriettevõttele. Siin Minnesotas saab hoone kohta olla ainult üks võimsusmõõtur, kuid mul on eraldiseisev garaaž, mida loetakse teiseks hooneks. Ma arvan, et Xceli poole ühendamise kogumaksumus oli 400 dollarit, kuigi pärast seda, kui elektrik tuli välja ja paneeli paika pani, oli kogukulu umbes 6,500 dollarit.

Veelgi parem, kui sain selle uue vooluringi, võin tõestada, et minu koormus oli suurem kui 50,000 6,400 vatti, mis võimaldas mul osaleda elektriettevõtte eriprogrammis. Enne erihindu oli suurim elektriarve, mis mul kunagi olnud oli, umbes XNUMX dollarit – peaaegu võrdne vooluringi paigalduskuludega. Kuid kuu pärast selle vooluringi paigaldamist langes mu arve märkimisväärselt. Seega oli kokkuhoid end igati väärt.

Kodus olev 2.4 PH Bitcoini kaevandaja kümblusjahutusega ja soojuse PlatoBlockchaini andmeanalüüsi eest tasu saamine. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.
Austraalias kasutusele võetud nõudlusele reageerimise programmi kirjeldus, mis sarnaneb Minnesotas Coin Heatedile pakutavaga. allikas.

Toiteprogramm töötab nii, et elektriettevõte palub teil suve jooksul teatud päevadel teatud aja jooksul vähendada minimaalselt 50,000 XNUMX-vatist koormust, et aidata neil võrku koormust tasakaalustada. Lepingus on maksimaalne ajavahemik, millega ma nõustun, et pean toite välja lülitama. Näitasin elektrifirmale, et ma võin kõik välja lülitada, välja arvatud lülitid, mis on võib-olla kõige rohkem paar amprit ja sellega olid nad head. Elektrikulude tasaarvestus kaalub oluliselt üles seisakutest saamata jäänud tulu. Pean suve kuumimal perioodil kaks nädalat maas olema ja vastutasuks saan soliidse allahindluse. Ma võtan selle.

Kas juhite oma kaevureid LLC või äriüksuse kaudu? 

That’s why I originally started Coin Heated LLC last year, to start tracking expenses and offsetting costs. In 2022, the income is off my personal taxes so it doesn’t change my tax bracket. If you get into scale, owning a business allows you to write all that power consumption off of your profit. Even if you don’t do anything else other than expenses for that, it’s still worth it. Obviously with one or two miners, it’s not going to be worth incorporating a company, but once you’re getting into 20, or 30, it makes a lot more sense to subtract your costs from your revenues before paying taxes.

Ma tahan naasta aega, mil sul oli just üks S9. Mainisite, kui me varem vestlesime, et teil oli enne S6,500-d 9-vatine ruumikütteseade. Kuidas võrreldi soojuse väljundit ja energiatarbimist nende kahe vahel? 

The space heater would come on and off, heating the room very quickly then shutting off when its thermostat detected the right temperature. The S9 wasn’t as powerful, but I ran it 24/7. It averaged out almost the same. That S9 heated the workshop well enough that I thought, “Okay, this makes sense.” I was running it at a breakeven cost, but it taught me everything that I needed to learn about ASICs and Braiins OS+, and it allowed me to test immersion.

Let’s talk about immersion. I know you’re using immersion and repurposing the heat. Was there a reason you used immersion rather than just air-cooling and redirecting that heat to your home? 

When I had just one S9, at full power it was very loud, and that was annoying. It’s about as loud as a shop-vac running. I started looking into how to deal with the noise and I discovered immersion. I knew about immersion before I was ever into Bitcoin from overclocking regular PCs — so I’m familiar with liquid cooling in general. Once I discovered that you could do immersion with ASICs, that just opened up everything. Once you have it in a liquid, you can pipe that heated liquid around much more efficiently than you can air. Plus, the noise is almost non-existent.

Kust saate dielektriõli? 

There are a few places that make it. Engineered Fluids makes BitCool. They’re just one of the first people I found that were highly recommended. What I liked about them specifically, is they have a massive amount of online information about compatibility — different materials that work or don’t work. It’s definitely not the only solution, but it works well and I really appreciate the amount of time and effort they put into making all of their data available online.

Most dielectric oil is said to have about a 10-year lifespan, and it doesn’t evaporate. Your only factor is contamination, so if it’s closed and there’s not all kinds of dirt and contaminants getting in there, it really should just do its thing. It’s not like car oil where you have combustion and it’s burning off so the oil must be replaced often.

Kuidas siis otsustasite oma basseini soojendada? 

Kaevurid tulid tegelikult basseini ette. Mul oli vist neli S17 kalapaagis, mille peal autoradiaator. See oli funktsionaalne, kuid ma tahtsin, et keegi, kellel on HVAC-kogemus, aitaks mul soojusega midagi pistmist leida.

These HVAC guys who usually work on multi-million-dollar homes came out to my little workshop to look at this contraption with a car radiator on top of a fish tank held up with two by fours. They gave me some ideas of things they heat that I would not have expected at first — a pool, a driveway, etc. I started thinking, and decided a pool would be excellent, because I’ve got kids who love swimming.

I bought the biggest above ground pool I could find and started heating that. I discovered that the pool actually worked as an excellent heat buffer for the miners. We have some pretty wild temperature swings in a 24-hour period in Minnesota, but connecting the heat of the miners to the pool meant the oil around the ASICs would only fluctuate maybe one to two degrees per day. That really helped out the S17s because they’re extremely fussy about any kind of temperature fluctuation. At only $1,000, the pool was actually cheaper than a dry cooler setup.

Kas tõmbate praegu soojust millelegi peale basseini? 

Not yet, however, in my new house, I will be funneling heat from the miners into the pool and then tapping off of that to some degree, to bring it back into the house and circulate around. Here’s how it will work: The miners will heat the oil in my tanks, which will heat water via a heat exchanger. That water will head to a hot water heater, then to my home HVAC system, then out to the pool. There will be automated valves for the HVAC system so the house can accept or deny more heat depending on the thermostat.

Suvekuudel vajasin veidi lisaabi, et palavusest lahti saada. Mul oli basseinis purskkaev, mis aitas, kuid mul oli ka kuivjahuti, mis toitis basseinist välja, et aidata temperatuuri tõsta. alla. 

What is your vision for the future of home mining, especially given your many experiments with heating? Would a homeowner who doesn’t care about Bitcoin want to use an ASIC for heat versus just using an electric or gas heating system?

As I think about the roadmap in five to 10 years, if I’m a power company, and my competitor is natural gas, I can offer an incentive to replace your natural gas furnace with an ASIC-powered furnace. It’s likely that a power company wouldn’t directly sell this product, but partner with another company to supply, install and manage them — with the power company being able to have some amount of control over power demand to the furnace. That is, in the summer months, the miners could be scaled back to very low power during high electrical demand.

In Minnesota we already have these “eco saver” switches for air conditioners that are remotely managed by the power company. You basically agree to give the power company remote control of your AC in return for a discount on your power bill, and then the power company has the right to switch off your AC if the grid’s load is too high. The same concept could be applied to an ASIC heating system. All winter long, you want that heater running 24/7 max. power for max. heat. During summer, you can underclock it using Braiins OS+ or some other aftermarket firmware. If the miners are put to sleep, only the control board is powered. I measured it, and it’s only about 1 amp draw compared to 12 to 15 amps during normal operation and up to well over 20 amps in an overclocked setting for S19s. I’ve not yet measured Whatsminers, as there is no aftermarket firmware widely available yet.

The really awesome thing about mining is you can just shut off for a couple of days and really nothing changes. It’s not like a web store server where you’re going to miss orders. You might miss some found blocks, but the cost advantage given by power companies for being interruptible is huge. Plus, almost all of the power going into an ASIC comes out in heat. It’s really close to as efficient as a regular resistance heater.

Olete üsna hiljuti hankinud palju kaevandusmasinaid. Milliseid nõuandeid annate uutele kaevandajatele riistvarapettuste tuvastamiseks? 

Never trust, always verify. Seriously. Anybody that makes something super easy and just wants your money right away is almost always a scam. Talk to somebody over the phone if you can. Doing so on video is even better. Verify that it’s a real business you’re working with. Anybody that’s not willing to take a step to actually verify with you that they’re legitimate is probably not worth your time.

Töötate ka oma keelekümblusseadistuse kommertsialiseerimise kallal, luues plug-and-play tanke – kas saate HotBox Liu abil meile oma plaanid läbi viia? 

Kui hakkasin keelekümblust tegema, kasutasin akvaariume ja need töötavad siiani hästi, kuid ma hakkasin saama kinnisideeks tegelikust tahtlikust disainist. Poisid kl AIPROPROENERGIA võttis minuga ühendust ja küsis, kas ma tahan teha tõelisi sukelpaake, nii et hakkasin S19 jaoks spetsiaalset valmistama sobivas seadistuses. Nemad olid minekuks valmis, mina ka ning moodustasime tankide arendamiseks ühisettevõtte. Muude sukelpaakide puhul tuleb tavaliselt ventilaatorid eemaldada, räsiplaadid ümber pöörata ja seejärel pumbatakse õli aeglaselt põhja kaudu üles, võimaldades tõusval kuumusel tõusta ülespoole. Kuid ma ei olnud kunagi rahul sellega, mida kõik teised teevad.

Kodus olev 2.4 PH Bitcoini kaevandaja kümblusjahutusega ja soojuse PlatoBlockchaini andmeanalüüsi eest tasu saamine. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.
HotBox Liu ideekavandi tõend, mille sees on viis S19. allikas

For my design, I left two fans on the “rear” of the ASIC. I then designed my own standoffs to direct the oil down and out, back up through the center through the heat exchangers. This gives a better oil flow with lower temperatures, meaning happier miners. I designed my own standoffs allowing you to just put an ASIC straight down into the tank. Plug it in, turn it on and you’re done. I’ve been running fans in oil for a year now without any failures aside from a specific model fan that fails in a day or two. The fans only spin at about 200 RPM, so the ASIC doesn’t pick it up as “on.” However, I am redesigning a fan blade profile to work more effectively in oil, where the ASIC can register the signal correctly and report on fan failure if/when it happens.

Instead of following the standard of oil flowing up from the bottom and to an overflow, I changed the oil flow to go from top down, following the normal flow of what the ASIC was designed for. Almost everything in the tank I made is completely opposite of what everyone has been doing. It just made so much more sense to me. Everyone knows heat rises, but if you have an oil flow that’s fast enough, heat rising is irrelevant — the flow in my tanks is much faster than the speed at which heat rises in oil.

Pärast Hotbox Liu tootmist lõpetan Hotbox Duo kujundused, mis ei ole spetsiifilised S19-dele ja võimaldavad erineva suurusega ASIC-e.

Kas teil on ajakava, millal HotBox Liu turule tuleb?

Disain on valmis ja loodame, et tootmine algab veebruari alguses. Esialgne tootmine toimub väikeses mahus Houstonis, kuid suuremas mahus toodetakse seda Venemaal olemasolevates AIPROENERGY tehastes. Eeldame, et hind on olenevalt võimalustest umbes 2,900–3,500 dollarit, kusjuures alumisel otsal pole elektrilisi komponente, nagu PDU-d (toitejaotusseadmed). HotBox Liu on spetsiaalselt loodud ainult S19 jaoks; muud mudelid ei sobi. See sobib kuuele, kuid kas ma saan seda edukalt katsetada iga kombinatsiooniga ühest kuueni. Vähema S19-de kasutamise negatiivne külg on see, et vajate kas lisaõli või mõnda muud ballasti.

Thank you for your time and your tales, Coin Heated! I hope your immersion setup and vision for home mining heating appliances can be an inspiration for other home miners who might want to step up their mining activities.

Kui soovite Coin Heatedi jõuda, on ta Twitteris @CoinHeated. Jälgige teda, nagu ta aeg-ajalt annab ära kaevurid. Samuti saate vaadata mõnda videot tema HotBoxi toodetest ja keelekümbluse seadistusest YouTube'is aadressil Müntide soojendamine. 

See on kapten Siddi külalispostitus. Avaldatud arvamused on täielikult nende omad ja ei pruugi kajastada BTC Inc või Bitcoin ajakiri.

Source: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/business/interview-home-immersion-bitcoin-mining


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