Aurory: Solana esimene rollimäng PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Aurory: Solana esimene rollimäng

5. november 2021, 1:29 EDT

• 10 min loetud

Aurory: Solana esimene rollimäng PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Kiire võtmine

  • Aurory is a play-to-earn game with ‘pets,’ known as Nefties. The default human character in the game, also known as Sam, an Aurorian. You can then change the character’s skin once you own an Aurorian NFT. 
  • Players will be given free Nefties in the player versus environment (PvE) to help them get started. However, the free Nefties are not transferable or sellable.
  • The Aurory team plans to release the game’s private alpha in Q4 2021 and open beta in Q1 2022.
  • The project has raised over $113 million through its seed rounds, token sales and NFT sales. 

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