BTC ületas tehinguväärtuselt Visa ja MasterCardi

BTC ületas tehinguväärtuselt Visa ja MasterCardi

  1. BTC surpassed Visa and MasterCard in transaction value.
  2. Bitcoin has a total of $42 trillion total transaction value last year.
  3. The largest cryptocurrency is trading at $22,685.79.

Eelmisel aastal Bitcoini võrk surpassed both Visa and Mastercard when it came to total processing transaction value. Concretely, MasterCard, a pioneer in payment and innovation, garnered $7.7 trillion worth of transactions last year, while a close competitor, viisa garnered $14.1 trillion in the same period.

On the other hand, Bitcoin recorded $42 trillion worth of transaction value surpassing all its competitors. This is a testament to the meteoric rise of Bitcoin, which has grown from an alternative asset to becoming a secure and reliable form of payment.

The increasing adoption of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a form of payment has revolutionized the traditional banking system, allowing users to make safe and secure payments without relying on third-party intermediaries. 

This trend of cryptocurrency adoption can be attributed to its strong security features, such as cryptographic encryption and a distributed ledger system.

Samal viisil both on-chain and technical data point to the fact that Bitcoin is now at a fork in the road where significant choices need to be taken. Bitcoin is now trading below a long-term negative resistance level, and the level is currently being retested by market participants.

If Bitcoin is successful in breaking past this barrier, it will mark the beginning of the end of the downward trend that has been speculatively occurring recently.

Bitcoin is currently changing hands at $22,685.79 with a 24-hour trading volume of $27,348,482,447. Bitcoin is down 1.86% in the last 24 hours with a live market cap of $437,194,375,452 according to Coinmarketcap andmed.

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Sildid: BitcoinMasterCardTransaction_ValueVISA

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Krüptouudiste maa ( ), mida nimetatakse ka CNL-iks, on sõltumatu meediaüksus – me ei ole seotud ühegi plokiahela ja krüptovaluutatööstuse ettevõttega. Meie eesmärk on pakkuda värsket ja asjakohast sisu, mis aitab krüptoruumi üles ehitada, kuna usume selle potentsiaali maailma paremaks muuta. Kõik meie uudisteallikad on meile teadaolevalt usaldusväärsed ja täpsed, kuigi me ei anna mingit garantiid nende väidete paikapidavuse ega nende motiivide kohta. Kuigi kontrollime kindlasti veel kord oma allikatest pärineva teabe õigsust, ei garanteeri me oma veebisaidil oleva teabe õigeaegsust ja täielikkust, nagu meie allikad pakuvad. Lisaks ei anna me oma veebisaidil teavet investeerimis- või finantsnõustamisena. Julgustame kõiki külastajaid enne investeerimis- või kauplemisotsuse tegemist ise uurima ja konsulteerima vastava teema asjatundjaga.

BTC Surpassed Visa and MasterCard in Transaction Value PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Godfrey Mwirigi on entusiastlik krüptokirjutaja, kes tunneb huvi Bitcoini, plokiahela ja tehnilise analüüsi vastu. Keskendudes igapäevasele turuanalüüsile, aitab tema uurimus nii kauplejaid kui ka investoreid. Tema eriline huvi digitaalsete rahakottide ja plokiahela vastu aitab tema publikut igapäevastes ettevõtmistes.


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