Institutsioonid, mis ühinevad Ethereumi seitsmeks järjestikuseks nädalaks: teatage PlatoBlockchaini andmete luurest. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Asutused, mis ühinemise lähenedes 7 nädalat järjest Ethereumi kogunevad: teatage


Institutional investors are piling into Ether-based digital asset funds, which have recorded seven straight weeks of positive inflows, according to the latest CoinShares aru. 

Nimetatud sissevool ulatus eelmisel nädalal 16.3, 159 miljoni dollarini, lisades viimase seitsme nädala sissevoolule kokku XNUMX miljonit dollarit.

CoinShares Head of Research James Butterfill on Aug. 8 said the rise in market sentiment for Ethereum-focused products is largely due to “greater clarity” relating to the upcoming Ühenda, mis on määratud 19. septembriks ja Butterfill ütleb: 

"Usume, et investorite suhtumise muutus on tingitud suuremast selgusest The Merge'i ajastuse osas, kus Ethereum nihkub töö tõendamiselt panuse tõendamisele."

. Merge will see the Ethereum Mainnet merge with the Ethereum 2.0 Beacon Chain, which will complete the transition from proof-of-work (POW) to a proof-of-stake (POS) consensus mechanism. The POS consensus mechanism is expected to make Ethereum more secure, energy efficient, and environmentally friendly.

. Goerly and Prater testnet merge is also expected to take place this week, which will be the last scheduled dress rehearsal before the mainnet Merge takes place in less than six weeks’ time.

Kauplejad valmistuvad

Blockchaini analüüsi ettevõte Klaasisõlm suggested that the highly-anticipated Merge has crypto traders gearing up to “buy the rumor, and sell the news.”

"Tuletisinstrumentidega kauplejad teevad Ethereumile selgelt ennustusi, eriti seoses eelseisva ühinemisega, mis on kavandatud 19. septembril."

In a newsletter titled “Betting on the Merge” on Aug. 8, the analytics firm noted that post-Merge, the ETH options, and futures market is positioned in “backwardation” — a situation in which the current price of an asset is higher than the prices trading in the futures market.

“Both futures and options markets are in backwardation after September, suggesting traders are expecting the Merge to be a ‘buy the rumor, sell the news’ style event, and have positioned accordingly,” said the firm.

Seotud: Ethereumi optsioonide andmed näitavad, et professionaalsed kauplejad on valmis ETH-i ühinemisse kauaks minema

However, the jury is still out as to how the Merge will ultimately affect Ethereum’s price. In a recent intervjuu, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin remained optimistic about ETH’s long-term prospects saying that the narrative will likely remain positive post-Merge — as aspect that hasn’t yet been priced in. 

"Kui ühinemine tegelikult toimub, siis ma eeldan, et moraal tõuseb palju. Põhimõtteliselt eeldan, et ühinemise hinda ei määrata, mille all ma ei pea silmas mitte ainult turutingimusi, vaid isegi psühholoogilisi ja narratiivseid termineid. Narratiivses mõttes arvan, et selle hinda ei maksta päris palju enne, kui see juhtub.

The price of Ethereum is $1,776 at the time of writing, up 8.6% over the last seven days, according to data from CoinGecko. 


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