IQT Põhjamaade värskendus: Ebba Carbonnier, Karolinska Instituudi Rootsi Quantum Life Science Centeri direktor on 2024. aasta kõneleja – Inside Quantum Technology

IQT Põhjamaade värskendus: Ebba Carbonnier, Karolinska Instituudi Rootsi Quantum Life Science Centeri direktor on 2024. aasta kõneleja – Inside Quantum Technology

Ebba Carbonnier, Director of the Swedish Quantum Life Science Centre, based at Karolinska Institutet is an IQT Nordics Speaker for June 2024

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry postitatud 15

The IQT Nordics conference is set to highlight the transformative potential of quantum technologies in the healthcare and life sciences sectors, featuring Ebba Carbonnier, the Director of the Swedish Quantum Life Science Centre based at Karolinska Institutet. Carbonnier’s leadership has been pivotal in fostering a unique collaborative environment that brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including academics, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives from prestigious organizations such as the Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology (WACQT), AstraZeneca, IBM, Karolinska Institutet, and Swelife. This consortium is dedicated to exploring and developing quantum technology applications that promise to revolutionize healthcare and industry.

In addition to her role at the Swedish Quantum Life Science Centre, Carbonnier is deeply involved in the strategic and managerial aspects of Swelife’s portfolio, which encompasses national projects across a range of critical healthcare and life sciences domains, including gene sequencing, cell and gene therapies, and biobanking. Her work is instrumental in bridging the gap between groundbreaking quantum technologies and their practical applications in improving health outcomes, accelerating biomedical research, and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services.

At the IQT Nordics conference, Ebba Carbonnier is expected to share her extensive insights into the ongoing initiatives and future directions of quantum technologies using her work at the Quantum Life Sciences as an example. Her presentation will likely delve into the consortium’s collaborative efforts, the challenges and opportunities in integrating quantum technologies into healthcare and biomedical research, and the potential impact of these innovations on patient care, drug discovery, and personalized medicine.

IQT Nordics/Helsinki, 24.-26. juuni, Aalto Ülikool, Dipoli Building, Helsingi
Teine iga-aastane Põhjamaad konverents teeb koostööd Blueforsi, Business Finlandi, Soome Quantum Institute'i ja VTT-ga ning keskendub reaalsetele kvanttehnoloogia rakendustele.

Konverents, kvantarvutus

Ebba Carbonnier, IQT Nordics, Karolinska Institutet


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