karrigan: "Vastutus on minu peal" PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

karrigan: "Vastutus on minu peal"

faasid on IEM Rio Majorist väljas pärast ärritunud kaotust Halvad uudised Kotkad, kukkus Vertigo ja Mirage lisaajal mõlemal pool veenvat Nuke'i võitu. Pärast valusat lüüasaamist, karrigan andis saates intervjuu, pakkudes oma mõtteid selle kohta, miks tema meeskond kaotas.

Nii analüütiku lauas kui ka sotsiaalmeedias tõstatati enne mängu küsimusi seoses faasid allowing Vertigo through the veto, a map that they usually ban and haven’t played officially this season. It was the first topic karrigan adresseeritud.

FaZe oli pärast nende varajast elimineerimist laastatud

“We have practiced a lot of Vertigo coming into this tournament, we decided to play seven maps at this tournament,” karrigan algas.

“I think we had the Vertigo in the bag, we win two pistols but lose two anti-ecos. Obviously it’s rough, but I felt like we had a good chance on the map and we played it good, but in the end we were not there today and that showed on Mirage.”

Kui ta küsis, miks ta tundis, et tema meeskond kaotas need olulised anti-ökod, karrigan cited his opponent’s good performance on the day.

“I think they made some good shots and we did some mistakes. I think the first time we are playing Vertigo officially hurt us in the end to finish off the rounds, but obviously they played better than us today and that’s why we lose.

“I think we would also lose a lot of rounds on different maps, so I don’t think it was the maps today.”

Taani IGL-ilt küsiti ka, kas tal on tunne Halvad uudised Kotkad olid oma stiili tõttu ebamugav kokkulangevus, mille ta kiiresti maha tõmbas.

“No, for us it’s fine to play against BNE, their style is a lot of heads up duels, but we have to win those duels right? We were the best team in the world coming into this tournament and also today, but tomorrow not, obviously. If we can’t win our duels there we have to play better as a team, and we didn’t manage to do that.

“We had a huge lead on Mirage, 14-9 or something like this, and then I let them get back into the game and at that point it’s a coin flip, and we didn’t manage to win the 50/50.”

Meeskonna kapten avaldas pärast mängu oma arvamust ka Twitteris, rõhutades veelgi oma tunnet, et ta lasi Halvad uudised Kotkad back into the map on Mirage by stating “Over and out, responsibility is on me.”


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