Legendaarse väärtusega investori fond nimetab Bitcoini "digitaalseks kullaks" PlatoBlockchaini andmeanalüüsiks. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Legendaarse väärtusega investorite fond nimetab Bitcoini "digitaalseks kullaks"

Legendaarse väärtusega investori fond nimetab Bitcoini "digitaalseks kullaks" PlatoBlockchaini andmeanalüüsiks. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Hiljutises aruandes Milleri võimaluste usaldus, one of the funds offered by investment firm Milleri väärtuse partnerid, said that Bitcoin has the potential to become a form of digital gold. 

Legendary American value investor William H. Miller III is the Founder, Chairman, and Chief Investment Officer of Miller Value Partners.

Enne Miller Value Partnersi asutamist asutasid Bill Miller ja Ernie Kiehne Legg Mason Capital Managementi ning töötasid Legg Mason Capital Management Value Trust portfelli haldajatena selle loomisest 1982. aastal.

Oluline on välja tuua, et Miller pole teie keskmine fondihaldur. Nagu CNBC märkida Veel 2018. aasta juunis on Milleri 15-aastane seeria (kuni 2005. aastani) S&P 500 peksmine endiselt võrdlusalus, mida ükski aktiivne juht ei saa puutuda. "

Miller Opportunity Trust is “a flexible, value fund with a contrarian bent for investors thinking about the long term.” It is managed by Bill Miller and Samantha McLemore.

According to a new investor aru, the Miller Opportunity Trust fund used Bitcoin’s price crash in May as an opportunity to invest in the asset via the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC).

The report said the fund had been observing Bitcoin for a “long time” and received approval to invest in GBTC during the last quarter. The fund utilized Bitcoin’s falling price to trade one of the trust’s “larger discounts to its underlying holding in Bitcoin” thereby creating upside potential. 

The investor report also noted Bitcoin’s utility as a form of “digital gold” and said it was positioned to appreciate favorably when compared to gold’s market capitalization: 

We believe Bitcoin has significant upside potential as a form of ‘digital gold’. With gold’s market capitalization greater than $11 trillion, Bitcoin’s current cap close to $600 billion would have a long way to go to catch up. 

The fund, which holds $2.8 billion in assets, said the market for Bitcoin was early in a continuing adoption curve, resulting in price volatility. However, the report concluded that the risk-reward for Bitcoin is “attractive” given the upside potential. 

Tema „4. aasta 2020. kvartali turukiri” (published on January 5), Miller had this to say about Bitcoin:

"Fed järgib poliitikat, mille eesmärk on, et sularahainvesteeringud kaotaksid lähitulevikus reaalselt raha. Sellised ettevõtted nagu Square, MassMutual ja MicroStrategy on kolinud sularaha pigem bitcoini kui taganud bilansis oleva sularaha kahjumit. Ainuüksi Paypal ja Square ostavad oma klientide nimel kõik 900 uut päevas kaevandatud bitcoini.

"Bitcoin on selles etapis kõige parem mõelda digitaalseks kullaks, kuid sellel on kollase metalli ees siiski palju eeliseid. Kui inflatsioon tõuseb või isegi mitte, ja rohkem ettevõtteid otsustab mitmekesistada mõne väikese osa oma sularahajääkidest sularaha asemel bitcoiniks, muutuks praegune suhteline bitcoiniks torrent. Warren Buffett nimetas bitcoini kuulsaks rotimürgiks. Tal võib olla õigus. Bitcoin võib olla rotimürk ja rott sularaha."

Then, on January 8, during an intervjuu with Kelly Evans on CNBC’s “The Exchange”, Miller had this to say about Bitcoin’s price volatility:

"You have to expect that it’s going to be very, very volatile… If you can’t take the volatility, you probably shouldn’t own it. But its volatility is the price you pay for its performance."


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Source: https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2021/09/legendary-value-investors-fund-calls-bitcoin-digital-gold/


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