Life On Earth, Inc. Värskendab aktsionäride PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence'i. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Life On Earth, Inc. värskendab aktsionäre

Life On Earth, Inc. Värskendab aktsionäride PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence'i. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

NEW YORK, New York, May 26, 2021 – McapMediaWire  – Life On Earth, Inc. (OTC Pink: LFER) (the “Company”), has released its latest Letter to Shareholders from its Chief Executive Officer. Below are some of the highlights from the letter:

Väljavõte tegevjuhi kirjast Life On Earth, Inc. (LFER) aktsionäridele avaldab järgmist.

“In brief, we are looking at global market of approximately $1.3 Trillion by 2026 with deployment of IoT devices in the range of 5-6 billion annually within the foreseeable next few years. 

View full shareholder letter SIIN 

So, you may be asking, what are our advantages and how we will position ourselves to capitalize on this opportunity and realize our ultimate goals? Let me share some insights and our strategy to capture a significant part of the emerging market in the following. 


First, let me briefly describe the problem the world economies engaged in the global economic activities are faced with. The single biggest problem is cyber security, or more accurately, the lack of it. The cyber security vulnerabilities in the IoT based solutions are unbelievable! Of the 30 billion + IoT devices currently in deployment globally, about 25 billion are vulnerable to cyber hacks, according to ARMIS Inc. 2020 Report . Only a few billion devices are adequately secured. Moreover, this matter is getting worse as more and more IoT devices are being deployed at a fast rate as reported above. The highest vulnerabilities are in the edge devices – the sensors, gateways, controllers, and communication devices that can push and pull billions of transactions every second. The “man in the middle” (machines and/or individuals) is the global internet looking for opportunities to disrupt businesses around the world (just for fun, pirate IP, data, or hack in and pull/or inject false data, etc.). Some attacks, when successful in penetrating the mission critical business applications, have caused serious and sometimes irrecoverable damage to the businesses often causing millions of US dollars per incidents as reported by Nicole Eagan, CEO of Darktrace, “The attackers used the smart thermometer in a fish tank to get a foothold in the network. They then found the high-roller database and then pulled that back across the network, out the thermostat, and up to the cloud.” Scott Ferguson, Bank Info Security reported, “attackers were able to access Target … from a third-party HVAC vendor…$292 million in breach-related expenses” and Kim Zetter, of Wired reported, “Hackers struck a German steel mill by manipulating and disrupting control systems to such a degree that a blast furnace could not be properly shut down, resulting in “massive” damage.” Some have even successfully demanded millions of dollars (aka the recent pipeline case in the USA). Unfortunately, you can be sure, there are more such attacks to come causing major disruptions to our economy and national security. Yes, this problem is elevated to that level and requires major overhaul of our national infrastructure. A sobering thought!


This brings me to our solutions and how they solve our customers’ vulnerabilities by bullet proofing their IoT business environment with patented IoT technologies. SmartAxiom has developed complete end-to-end solution for multiple industries with Supply Chain Management, Warehouse and Asset Management, and Industrial IoT solutions. These solutions are “spot on” to serve the fastest-growing IoT base edge computing, mobility (tracking and visualizing distributed assets) and manufacturing Industry IoT solution markets. We shall be accelerating and driving these solutions to penetrate this high growth area of the industry. Let me briefly describe the technologies and solutions we are focused on. 

SmartAxiom’s Patented Technologies: SmartAxiom has been granted four major patents:

First, Pub. No.: US 2019/0036906 Al, Pub. Date: Jan. 31, 2019. Second, Pub. No.: US 2019/0253434 Al, Pub. Date:   Aug. 15, 2019. Third, Pub. No.: US 2019/0273623 Al, Pub. Date: Sep. 5, 2019. Fourth, Patent No.: US 10,924,466 B2, Pub. Date of Patent: Feb.16,2021 

These patents are the core software technologies that form the basis of “bullet proofing” IoT solution to secure our customer’s enterprise solutions to enable: (a) an architecture for a security framework based on Blockchain specifications; b) a method and system for managing and securing distributed ledger for a decentralized peer-to-peer (p2p) network; c) a system for a shared and synchronous time series identification that matches a hardware clock-generating signal of a blockchain identified node device, with a generated data event time stamp and shared by all computing nodes participating in a complete system based on a blockchain design pattern and protocol; d) a method and system for enabling IOT security using a decentralized IOT security platform that leverages the advanced communication and blockchain security thread model to protect IOT eco-systems. With these unique core capabilities, a system with IoT solutions with these characteristics can be safely characterized as “hack proof” in the cloud based distributed business environment. Moreover, it has been proven by our customers based on our platform technology partner, Renesas (TSE:6723) ja IBM. "

Lisateabe saamiseks lugege SEC-ile 8. märtsil 26 esitatud 2021K-d või laadige alla aktsionäride värskenduskiri aadressilt

About Life On Earth, Inc. 

Life on Earth, Inc. ("LFER") on Cloud Enterprise'i tarkvaraarendaja ja pakkuja, kes võimaldab kiiret innovatsiooni, mis hoiab pilveettevõtte tegevuse turvalisena, ühilduvana ja hallatavana. Tooted loodi selleks, et aidata organisatsioonidel uuendada ja moderniseerida pärandsüsteeme, minimeerides samal ajal kulusid ja ärihäirete riski ning tagama eeskirjade järgimise. Lisateabe saamiseks külastage meie ettevõtte veebisaiti -

Investorite ja ettevõtete päringud: | (646) 844-9897 

Life On Earth, Inc. Värskendab aktsionäride PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence'i. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Teave SmartAxiom, Inc kohta

SmartAxiom’s software manages and secures IoT devices through patented, lite blockchain technology running among those devices at the edge of the Internet – enabling them to defend themselves. Our peer-to-peer distributed ledgers improve security, latency, reliability, and manageability. We uniquely create the first true endpoint-to-cloud blockchain solution, while our IoT Smart Contracts push intelligence to the edge. SmartAxiom technology is proving valuable in many verticals such as smart buildings, manufacturing lines, in vehicles and shipment tracking. It interoperates with enterprise systems such as IBM Blockchain and Microsoft Azure and is proven on many ARM and Intel based microcontrollers such as those from Intel, NXP, Renesas, Marvell, and Broadcom.

Safe Harbori seadus

Tulevikku suunatud avaldused: see väljaanne sisaldab avaldusi, mis kujutavad endast tulevikku suunatud avaldusi 27. aasta väärtpaberiseaduse (muudetud kujul) jaotise 1933A ja 21. aasta väärtpaberibörsi seaduse (muudetud kujul) jaotise 1934E tähenduses. Need avaldused esinevad selles väljaandes mitmes kohas ja hõlmavad kõiki väiteid, mis ei ole ajalooliste faktide väited seoses Life on Earth, Inc. selle direktorite või ametnike kavatsuste, veendumuste või praeguste ootustega seoses muu hulgas: i) rahastamiskavad; ii) tema finantsseisundit või tegevustulemusi mõjutavad suundumused; (iii) kasvustrateegia ja tegevusstrateegia. Sõnad "võib", "oleks", "tahab", "ootab", "hinnata", "saab", "uskuda", "potentsiaalne" ja sarnased väljendid ja nende variatsioonid on mõeldud tulevikku suunatud väidete tuvastamiseks. Investoreid hoiatatakse, et sellised tulevikku suunatud avaldused, sealhulgas need, mis puudutavad ettevõtte rahastamist, mis on ettevõtte jaoks piisavad oma tarkvaratoodete arendamiseks ja turustamiseks ning muu hulgas oma kasvu- ja laienemisplaanide käivitamiseks, ei ole tulevase tegevuse garantii. hõlmavad riske ja ebakindlust, millest paljusid ei saa Life on Earth, Inc. kontrollida, ning tegelikud tulemused võivad erinevate tegurite tõttu oluliselt erineda tulevikku suunatud avaldustes prognoositutest. Ühtegi selles pressiteates sisalduvat teavet ei tohi mingil viisil tõlgendada Life on Earth, Inc. tulevaste tulude, finantstulemuste või aktsiahinna näitajana. Lisateavet potentsiaalsete tegurite kohta, mis võivad mõjutada äri- ja finantstulemusi, on ja lisatakse Life on Earth, Inc.-i dokumentides Väärtpaberi- ja Börsikomisjonile aadressil



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