Michael Saylor väidab, et ta ei kasuta Bitcoin Lightning Network PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence'i. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Michael Saylor snubs väidab, et ta ei kasuta Bitcoin Lightning Networki


Executive chairman of Microstrategy, Michael Saylor, does not like to be called out. He responded to a poll shared by Eric Wall, a crypto researcher, that suggested he had not used Bitcoin’s (BTC) layer-2 Lightning Network more than three times with a Twitter poll of his own.

Saylor replied to the poll with a resounding yes, and kickstarted a meme competition with a 1,000,000 sats giveaway (0.01 Bitcoin, $200) to the most liked meme. In giving away Sats to prizewinners, Saylor will literally use the Lightning Network three times.

Saylor kõigepealt tweeted about the Lightning Network in May 2021, and has since become a proponent for the layer-2 payments solution built on Bitcoin, as well as LiFivõi Lightning Finance. Wall, endine Arcane Researchi investeerimisjuht kutsutud out Saylor several times, and his initial optimism about the Lightning Network in 2018 has dissolved into critiques. 

Other prominent Bifluencers, including Udi Wertheimer and Lilli, head of business development at Foundation Devices, regularly knock the LN. Lilli recently called the network a “failure,” and Udi ütles, "Keegi ei kasuta seda."

Küsitlus ja Walli hiljutised kommentaarid toovad fookusesse suurema probleemi. Kas Lightning Network on Bitcoini mastaapsuse probleemi kõrvallahendus, mida isegi Bitcoini ruumi suurimatel nimedel on raske kasutada? Või on välguvõrk pärast kaheksa aastat kestnud arengut ebaõnnestunud?

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Wall jagas mitmeid videoid, milles rõhutati raskusi raha ülekandmisel LN-i kaudu vanadest Bitcoini rahakottidest uude telefoni. Tema ka ennustada that Bitcoin capacity on the LN will not exceed 6,000 Bitcoin before 2023. Bitcoin network capacity juunis tõusis üle 4,000 BTC ja 5,000 BTC oktoobris. With two months to go until year-end, Wall tweeted it’s “gonna be a nail-biter.”

Võib-olla tugevdavad ruumi sisenevad suured ettevõtted LN-i kasutamist ja parandavad meeleolu. Saylor kahekordistab taas oma Bitcoini strateegiat, nagu Microstrategy is hiring Lightning developers. Lisaks NYDIG, a leading Bitcoin company, announced in their Q3 report that “Now it’s time for Lightning,” stating their intention to contribute to the LN.

For smaller, Bitcoin-first companies, deals are struck and announcements are made on a weekly basis. Strike recently led a successful $80 million funding round while Galoy, the team behind El Salvador’s Bitcoin Beach wallet, has implemented dollars onto the LN — õnnistuseks arenevatele turgudele. Gibraltaril, väga keerukal finantsturul, Lightning Networki kasutuselevõtt on edukas.

Lõpetuseks hiljutises paneeldiskussioonis modereeritud by Cointelegraph in France, prominent Lightning Developers including “Dr. Bitcoin” himself, Christian Decker, as well as data scientist, Rene Pickhard mulled over whether transaction failure on the LN is acceptable in 2022.

The overwhelming sentiment from the panel that day is that the LN is still a work in progress. It’s neither a resounding success as it’s still early. For Nicolas Burtey, CEO at Galoy, the group behind the Adopting Bitcoin, a Lightning Summit in El Salvador, “The adoption of Bitcoin in El Salvador was the tipping point for Lightning.” The El Salvador Bitcoin Law hit its year anniversary just one month ago.

Vahepeal on nüüd Saylori vastuseks sadu meeme piiksuma.  

Cointelegraph reached out to Eric Wall, who declined to comment. Cointelegraph will update the article if Saylor, Wertheimer or Lilli share commentary.


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