Bitcoini omavate investorite arv kolmekordistus viimase kolme aasta jooksul PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Bitcoini omavate investorite arv kolmekordistus viimase kolme aasta jooksul

A recent Gallup poll has shown that the number of investors who own bitcoin has tripled since 2018. U.S. investors are showing increasing interest in the digital asset. The number which sat at 2% back in 2018 has now tripled in 2021 as that number now sits at 6%. The investors included in the poll were investors who owned $10,000 or more worth of stocks, bonds, and/or mutual bonds.

Ownership among investors aged 18 to 49 had grown 10 percentage points to 13%, up 10% from just 3% back in 2018. While investors aged 50 and older, only 3% said they owned bitcoin. Compared to 1% from back in 2018, showing the number had tripled in the last three years.

Riskitolerants Bitcoini tõusuteel

From 2018 until now, the number of investors who think bitcoin is “too risky” to invest has been declining steadily. The poll showed that following the 6% of investors that confirmed they already owned bitcoin now, another 2% of investors said they would most likely buy into the digital asset in the near future.  In comparison to 2018, less than 0.5% of investors had said that they would probably buy the cryptocurrency in the near future.

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The number of investors who said they would never buy bitcoin had also dropped. The poll in 2018 had shown that 72% of investors said they would never consider buying into bitcoin, showing absolutely no interest in the digital asset. Now that number has dropped from 72% to 58% who say they would never consider buying into the digital asset.

Uuring koosnes ka jaotisest, kus olid investorid, kes olid uudishimulikud digitaalse vara vastu, kuid ei arvanud, et nad varsti varsti sisse ostavad. Selle kategooria investorite protsent oli 34%, võrreldes 26. aasta 2018% -ga, kes olid öelnud, et nad on huvitatud, kuid ei osta vara.

Vanuse ja sugude erinevused

Gallup’s poll also featured a separation of the information into age groups and sex. Bitcoin ownership was up all across the board. Interest in the digital asset was also up with investors that were surveyed in comparison to the 2018 data.

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. aru showed that the percentage of women who currently own bitcoin in the U.S. is currently 3%, up from 1% in 2018. While in men, the number of investors who own the digital asset in 2021 is now 11%, up tremendously from a mere 3% back in 2018.

Vanuselised erinevused näitasid ka selget piiritlemist. Investorid, kes olid vanuses 18–49 aastat, omasid suurema tõenäosusega digitaalset vara ja üle 50-aastased investorid vähem. Vanemad investorid, kellel polnud huvi kunagi digitaalset vara osta või omada, olid 80%, mis on kõigi gruppide kõrgeim.

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The sex disparity in investors regarding bitcoin was the same throughout the board. Male investors were more likely to own or invest in bitcoin than female investors.

Digitaalse vara arvamus on viimase kolme aasta jooksul liikunud pigem positiivse poole. Investorite protsent, kes pidasid vara 2018. aastal väga riskantseks, oli 75%, nüüd on see arv langenud 60% -ni. 35% investoritest ütles, et peab vara endiselt "mõnevõrra riskantseks", samas kui 5% ütles, et ei pea vara "mitte liiga riskantseks" või "üldse mitte riskantseks".

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