OpenOcean Atlantic täiustab ja häirib Ethereum DeFi-d, mis tulevad 1. novembril PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

OpenOcean Atlantic täiustab ja häirib Ethereum DeFi-t 1. novembril

OpenOcean Atlantic täiustab ja häirib Ethereum DeFi-d, mis tulevad 1. novembril PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Road Town, British Virgin Islands, 1st November, 2021,

OpenOcean Atlantic, the long-awaited upgrade of OpenOcean, will go live on the Ethereum network today, November 1, 2021. Users will benefit from maximum returns on swap rates that blow other DEX aggregators out of the water. In addition, OpenOcean prides itself on transparency regarding trading fees and providing an optimal user experience. 

OpenOcean has always aimed to let users achieve the best trading experience and rates for digital assets across multiple networks without extra fees. Today, the project has become the optimal cross-chain swaps and derivatives aggregation provider in the cryptocurrency space. With its focus on transparency, unlocking greater capital efficiency, and intelligent wealth management, OpenOcean prepares to take the next step in this ongoing journey. 

That next step involves the launch of OpenOcean Atlantic. The flagship product will bring more institutions to the vast ocean of crypto liquidity across different blockchains. Atlantic has a significant competitive edge over other DEX aggregators in more cases through an improved algorithm and better liquidity sources. In addition, its returns are far better than competing solutions on Ethereum due to incorporating various crucial parameters. For example, OpenOcean Atlantic provides better pricing, lower gas fees, less slippage, and optimized routing across networks and currencies to maximize the final returns. 

OpenOcean has noted tremendous success on other blockchains, including Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, Solana, etc. The first-mover advantage gained by exploring these new blockchains helped the team establish its position in the broader DeFi industry. Bringing the solution to Ethereum strengthens OpenOcean’s position as the one-stop destination for the best trading experience and pricing. 

The Ethereum launch of OpenOcean Atlantic coincides with enabling users to add tokens by themselves on the trading interface. All that is required is the token address to be pasted into the search bar and click the “Add” button. Keep in mind some tokens may have poor trading liquidity, and transactions may have a significant price impact.  

Gaasihinna eelseadistuse kaudu saavad kasutajad sujuva ja tõhusa kauplemiskogemuse. Eelseadistused võetakse ahelasse, et võimaldada reaalajas reguleerimist ilma sekkumiseta. Samas võivad emitendid valida kohandatud tasu, kui nad seda võimalust eelistavad. 

Need OpenOcean Atlanticu versiooniuuendused tähistavad meeskonna jaoks olulist verstaposti. Töö pole aga lõppenud, sest silmapiiril on näha rohkem optimeerimisi. OpenOcean jätkab uuenduste ja läbimurde saavutamist, uurides uusi tehnikaid ja algoritmide optimeerimisi, et pakkuda kauplemisel parimaid hindu. 

One of the future solutions to look forward to is on-chain derivatives aggregation. OpenOcean aims to tackle the derivatives market by providing access to the best-priced trades and liquidity across AMMs and order books. All of these aspects help traders capture trading opportunities and carry out trading strategies for both spot and derivatives trading. In addition, SaaS product subscribers will benefit from arbitrage trading opportunities and execute advanced strategies. 

OpenOceani kohta

OpenOcean on ühe peatuse täieliku ahela liitmise protokoll, mis toimib sillana DeFi ja CeFi vahel. See välistab killustatuse, mis eksisteerib DeFi ökosüsteemis, pakkudes kasutajatele kogu krüptoturule juurdepääsu ühe kasutajasõbraliku liidese kaudu. Kasutajatel on täielik juurdepääs koondlikviidsusele ja parimatele hindadele paljudest tsentraliseeritud ja detsentraliseeritud börsidest.

Täpsema info saamiseks külastage:

OpenOcean Atlantic täiustab ja häirib Ethereum DeFi-d, mis tulevad 1. novembril PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.



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