Pantheri protokoll toob võrgu PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure privaatsuse ja konfidentsiaalsuse. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Panther Protocol toob Flare Networki privaatsuse ja konfidentsiaalsuse

Pantheri protokoll toob võrgu PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure privaatsuse ja konfidentsiaalsuse. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Midtown, Gibraltar, 4th June, 2021,

Panther Protocol is expanding its interoperability by building on the Flare Network. Panther takes the next step to bringing much-needed features to the broader industry by providing a compliance friendly privacy protocol. Another step forward for the DeFi industry and its access to untapped liquidity. 

Flare võrk will prove to be of great interest to decentralized finance as a new smart contract network bringing the first Turing Complete Federated Byzantine Agreement consensus algorithm to the masses. More importantly, it provides access to approximately 65% of the total value in public networks that are currently not accessible to smart contract platforms. As decentralization remains essential, Flare Network aims to change that narrative.

Under the hood, Flare can provide access to the largest blockchain ecosystems incapable of running smart contracts natively. That includes Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ripple’s XRP Ledger, Dogecoin, Stellar and any other existing chain. In the current stage, Flare will integrate XRP, Stellar, Litecoin, and Dogecoin. The network  can integrate more coins and ecosystems via governance voting post network deployment. 

Considering how Flare Network can provide access to this liquidity, it is of great interest to the Panther Protocol. By building a compliance friendly privacy protocol on Flare, Panther will bring privacy and liquidity to that 65% in liquidity even if the native blockchains do not support smart contracts.

Panther Protokolli tegevjuht ja asutaja Oliver Gale kommenteerib:

“We are delighted to work with the best in class, enabling privacy rights for individual and public blockchains. Flare has a powerful tech stack with a focus on institutional integration. We are excited to partner with them to build Panther privacy in the Flare ecosystem.”

As a decentralized solution focusing on end-to-end privacy for any digital asset, Panther will be of great interest to virtually all DeFi users. Everyone can benefit from personal financial data protection and confidential cryptocurrency transactions. By minting and burning zAssets – confidential clones to the assets they represent – the appeal of synthetic assets will increase exponentially. 

Hugo Philion, CEO and co-founder of Flare says “One element that arose from the Gamestop short squeeze saga was the clear and urgent need to allow for privacy when making investments to avoid asymmetric outcomes. Panther’s design of a privacy enabling protocol that maintains KYC and AML compliance while keeping users in control of their data is to my mind a highly important development and a very valuable addition to the Flare ecosystem.”

Panther Protocol can accurately price the network’s privacy service with the help of game-theoretic bounds. An initial rollout on the Ethereum network with cross-chain solutions coming onstream is scheduled. During the first quarter of 2022, Panther will introduce a privacy-enabled cross-chain decentralized exchange on a scalable Layer 2 solution. 

Pantheri protokolli kohta

Pantheri protokoll on DeFi jaoks end-to-end privaatsusprotokoll. Panther pakub DeFi kasutajatele täielikult tagatud privaatsust parandavaid digitaalvarasid, kasutades krüptomajanduslikke stiimuleid ja zkSNARKsi tehnoloogiat. Kasutajad saavad vermida nullteadmisi zAssette, hoides mis tahes plokiahelast digitaalse vara Pantheri varahoidlatesse. zAssetist saab pidevalt laienev varaklass kasutajatele, kes soovivad oma tehinguid ja strateegiaid nii, nagu nad oleksid pidanud olema: privaatsed.

Flare Network'i kohta

loit on skaleeritav, väga detsentraliseeritud nutika lepingu platvorm, mis käitab Ethereumi virtuaalmasinat ja kasutab Bütsantsi föderaalsel kokkuleppel põhinevat konsensust. 

Platvormi natiivne token Spark (FLR) võimaldab Flare'il vallandada tohutu väärtuse ja kogukonna, mille on loonud olemasolevad märgid, millel pole praegu natiivseid nutikaid lepinguid. Flare integreerib algselt Doge'i, Litecoini, XRP ja XLM-i. Kõiki muid märke saab integreerida kogukonna juhtimise hääletamise kaudu.

Flare is unique in that it derives its network structure from its underlying integrated networks, leveraging the decentralisation and security of the underlying networks.

Flare arendusmeeskonnas on eksperte elektroonikatehnika, hajusüsteemide, kvantarvutuste, matemaatika, arvutiteaduse, kvantitatiivse rahanduse ja riskijuhtimise maailmast.




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