Paul Terry, Photonicu tegevjuht, on IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 kõlar – Inside Quantum Technology

Photonicu tegevjuht Paul Terry on IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 kõlar – Inside Quantum Technology

Dr. Paul Terry, CEO of quantum company Photonic, is a 2024 Speaker for the IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim conference in June

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry postitatud 15

. IQT Vancouveri / Vaikse ookeani piirkonna konverents is set to feature Dr. Paul Terry, an accomplished entrepreneur, engineer, and angel investor with a formidable track record in pioneering disruptive technologies across networking, storage, supercomputing, AI, and Big Data. As the CEO of Photonic, Terry’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by his foundational role in six successful Canadian companies, including one that went public on NASDAQ and five that were acquired, cumulatively valuing over $10 billion to Canadian stakeholders. His ventures have spanned critical technology sectors such as telecommunications, networking, supercomputing, and big data, demonstrating his versatility and foresight in navigating and shaping the tech landscape.

With a robust educational background that includes a 1st Class Honours Degree in Physics/Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering from Liverpool University, complemented by an MBA from Cranfield University, Terry deeply understands the technical and business dimensions of technology development. His past roles have seen him at the strategic helm of notable companies such as Newbridge Networks (Alcatel), Abatis (Ericsson), and Cray Supercomputing (Octigabay), and as CEO of PHEMI, highlighting his leadership across various technology domains. Now, as the CEO of Photonic, Terry leads a hiiglane in fault-tolerant quantum computing using silicon centers.

Beyond his entrepreneurial and corporate endeavors at Photonic, Terry has contributed significantly to the tech community and broader societal sectors through his service on over 40 technology boards. His advisory roles with VCs, national defense, and governments in the UK, US, and Canada on economic, technical, health, and national defense strategies underline his expertise and influence in shaping technology policy and strategy. Furthermore, Terry’s commitment to non-profit organizations, such as Providence Health Care, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, and Genome BC, where he chaired the industrial innovation sub-committee, showcases his dedication to leveraging technology for societal benefit.

At the IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim conference, Dr. Paul Terry is expected to share insights from his extensive experience fostering innovation and commercializing cutting-edge technologies. His discussion will likely touch upon the challenges and opportunities of developing disruptive technologies, the importance of strategic leadership in the growth of tech enterprises, and the role of technology in addressing complex societal challenges, using his work at Photonic as an example. Attendees can anticipate a comprehensive overview of the current state and future directions of disruptive technologies in sectors like AI, big data, and supercomputing.

IQT Vancouver · Vaikse ookeani piirkond 2024: kvantarvuti, side ja turvalisus – teed pärismaailma lahendusteni.

Kuna Vancouver on Põhja-Ameerika värav Vaikse ookeani äärde, on IQT ja Quantum Algorithms Institute kokku tuues partneritega üle Põhja-Ameerika ja Aasia, et tutvustada kvantarvutite, side ja turvalisuse olukorda. See rahvusvaheline konverents liigub kvant-hüpeest kaugemale, et tutvustada kvantarvutust, sidetehnoloogiaid ja kvantteadmisi reaalmaailmas. Sessioonidel rõhutatakse kvantalgoritmide praktilisi rakendusi ja võrgustike loomist farmaatsia-, transpordi-, rahandus- ja muudes tööstusharudes. Osalejate hulgas on tööstus- ja valitsusjuhid, lõppkasutajad ja investorid, kes saavad teada nende tehnoloogiate viimastest arengutest, ettevõtete kvantlahendusteks valmistumise viisidest ning eetikast ja poliitilistest kaalutlustest selles kiiresti kasvavas tööstuses.

Registreeruge IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 võistlusele siin. 

Konverents, fotoonika, kvantarvutus

IQT Vancouver, Paul Terry, Fotooniline


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