Riskisadama automatiseeritud ahelatevaheline nutikas leping on kõige elegantsem viis riskide haldamiseks. PlatoBlockchaini andmete luure. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Riskisadama automatiseeritud ahelatevaheline nutikas leping on kõige elegantsem viis riskide haldamiseks.

Blockonomisti töötajad

Risk Harbor, on August 24th, has launched the automated cross-chain smart contract risk and depeg projection for UST and Anchor.

Riskisadama automatiseeritud ahelatevaheline nutikas leping on kõige elegantsem viis riskide haldamiseks. PlatoBlockchaini andmete luure. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.
Pildi allikas: Shutterstock

The system can automatically protect the risks on Anchor and depegging events of UST via EthAnchor bridge. The users can leverage the 20% rewards for depositing UST on Anchor in a…

Source: https://medium.com/geekculture/risk-harbors-automated-cross-chain-smart-contract-is-the-most-elegant-way-to-manage-risk-c96ee05952bc?source=rss——-8—————–cryptocurrency


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