Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimisel"

30. august 2021 / Unchained Daily / Laura Shin

Igapäevased bitid ✍️✍️✍️

  • Avanti, a Wyoming-based digital bank, rakendatud to become to Federal Reserve Member Bank, granting it access to the Fed’s payment system. 
  • According to SEC filings, Morgan Stanley omab approximately $240M worth of GBTC, and Bill Miller’s Opportunity Trust omab roughly $44M worth of GBTC. 
  • Crypto advocates are lootusrikas of revising the infrastructure bill’s controversial language regarding cryptocurrency through other legislative vehicles. 
  • Ethereum silmitsi seisnud a chain split last week due to node operators not upgrading Geth (Ethereum is currently running normally). 
  • Kuuba will recognize and regulate cryptocurrencies for payment. 
  • SEC allkirjastatud a one-year, $125,000 deal with blockchain analytics firm AnChain.AI to help monitor DeFi and regulate DeFi.

Mida meemeerite?

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Mis on Poppin?

Jack Dorsey + Bitcoin + DeFi = TBD

Last month, Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey left the Bitcoin community with quite a cliffhanger, teasing the launch of a new, BTC-focused company titled “TBD.” 

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Well, according to Dorsey and Mike Brock, the CashApp exec leading TBD, the company’s plans are no longer vague. TBD knows the problem it’s trying to solve: the project plans to build a Bitcoin-native decentralized exchange, where users can trade fiat for BTC without relying on a centralized third party. 

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

In a tweet thread, Brock describes TBD’s purpose as such: “make it easy to fund a non-custodial wallet anywhere in the world through a platform to build on- and off-ramps into Bitcoin. You can think about this as a decentralized exchange for fiat.” 

He thinks TBD is a missing piece for the crypto industry, citing Bitcoin’s reliance on centralized intermediaries and custodians.  

"We believe Bitcoin will be the native currency of the internet. While there are many projects to help make the internet more decentralized, our focus is solely on a sound global monetary system for all. But including all requires a few pieces we think are missing,” Brock explains. “Getting bitcoin today typically involves exchanging fiat at a centralized and custodial service like Cash App or Coinbase. These on- and off-ramps to Bitcoin have a number of issues, and aren’t distributed evenly around the world.” 

For now, the exact specifications of TBD are not finalized. The project will be completely open-sourced, without a foundation or governance model. According to Brock, “it’s permissionless or bust.” TBD plans to bring the ethos of decentralization to fiat trades, a feat yet to be accomplished in the crypto industry. 

Pulling this off will require a new tech stack for Bitcoin. Unlike Ethereum, Solana, or Binance Smart Chain, Bitcoin is not natively built to handle smart contracts and DeFi. Brock mentioned Rootstock, a smart-contract Bitcoin sidechain, as a possible option for building out the BTC DEX. However, he noted, “the gaps needed to build this may be too large, which would also have us consider other chains as a bridge.” 

NFT Corner: Everyone in the know, knows… 

  1. Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) had quite a weekend. 
    1. Nad käivitatud a new set of 10,000 mutant apes over the weekend, sisse toomine roughly $100M in 45 minutes. 
    2. NBA superstar Steph Curry ostetud a BAYC NFT for $180K. 
    3. BAYC’s price floor, at publishing time, sits at $48K — up from $12K to start the month. 
  2. OpenSea’s August is one for the record books.
    1. OpenSea sales accounted for 97% ($2.23B) of the entire NFT industry’s volume this month (Plokk)
    2. OpenSea customers sold 1.4M NFTs in August, more than 3X the previous ATH (Richard Chen)
  3. NFT whales appear to be obsessed with the number 8. Why? Well, Decrypt’s Ekin Denc arvab, it could have something to do with increasing Chinese interest in NFTs
    1. CryptoPunk #8888 müüdi 888.8 ETH eest
    2. An EtherRock sold for 888 ETH
    3. 64 CryptoPunks are listed for 888 ETH

Soovitatavad lugemised

  • Optimism’s Kevin Fichter on Ethereum’s unplanned fork:

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

  • Here are a few tips on buying your first NFT:

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

  • According to research from Nansen, the NFT economy is healthy:

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.


Kuidas on järjekordne NFT-trend, .eth Names, meelitanud Budweiserit

Square'i TBD töötab "Fiati vahetuse detsentraliseerimise" PlatoBlockchaini andmeluure kallal. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Nick Johnson, Ethereumi nimeteenuse (ENS) juhtivarendaja, räägib Ethereumi inimloetavaks muutmisest, miks Budweiser NFT ostis, kuidas ENS-i ostmine toimib ja palju muud. Kuva esiletõstmised:

  • mida ENS teeb ja miks see oluline on

  • miks Budweiser ostis „beer.eth”

  • kuidas saab ENS-i nimesid kasutada Ethereumi kasutamise hõlbustamiseks

  • milliseid ärikasutusjuhtumeid ENS-i nimed võimaldavad

  • mis pani Nicki soovima Ethereumis nimeteenust luua

  • kuidas inimesed oma ENS-i nimesid kasutavad

  • miks inimesed ENS-i nimesid ostavad

  • millised privaatsusprobleemid tekivad inimestest, kes lisavad oma nime ETH-aadressile

  • mis juhtub, kui Ethereumi aadressid saavad soovimatute märkidega rämpsposti

  • kuidas ENS-i nime osta ja kui palju see maksab

  • kuidas ENS kükitajatega hakkama saab

  • mis juhtub, kui kaotate juurdepääsu ENS-i nime sisaldavale aadressile

  • kuidas ENS integreerib tavalisi domeene (nt „.com”) Ethereumi

  • mida ENS on L2 käivitamiseks kavandanud

Raamatu värskendus

Minu raamat, Krüptooplased: idealism, ahnus, valed ja esimese suure krüptovaluutahulluse loomine, on nüüd saadaval ettetellimiseks.

Raamat, mis räägib kõike Ethereumist ja 2017. aasta ICO-maaniast, ilmub 18. jaanuaril. Tellige see juba täna!

Saate seda osta siit: http://bit.ly/cryptopians

Source: https://unchainedpodcast.com/squares-tbd-is-working-on-decentralize-exchange-for-fiat/


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