Unikaalne võrk, mis on valitud eksklusiivseks plokiahela partneriks PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertikaalne otsing. Ai.

Ainulaadne võrgustik on valitud eksklusiivseks plokiahela partneriks

For United Nations Associated NFT Climate Initiative

The NFT infrastructure platform was selected for the DigitalArt4Climate initiative to help empower artists to adopt NFTs in the context of goals and programs of the UN.

NEW YORK, Aug. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NFT platform Unikaalne võrk teatas täna, et selle valis välja ÜRO akrediteeritud inimasustuse programm (UN-elupaik) ja rahvusvaheline ühing globaalsete väljakutsete uuenduslike lähenemisviiside edendamiseks (IAAI GLOCHA) as the lead tech partner for DigitalArt4Climate, its latest initiative to help combat climate change. Unique Network is an NFT Chain that is expanding the capabilities for non-fungible tokens through its more efficient and scalable proof-of-stake solution, currently built for the Kusama and Polkadot blockchains.

As the climate crisis continues to escalate, it is imperative that the young people of the world are brought into the solution-making process. To this end, the United Nations has recognized NFT technology as a unique new medium for creative expression that can help amplify messages about climate action. NFTs are a way for artists to monetize their work on a global scale and continue to receive payments for their work long after it is sold. Artists anywhere can reach an international audience of collectors who support their work, and the UN wants to bring this art form to the next generation of creators who stand to benefit from a technology that can help them amplify their work.

DigitalArt4Climate eesmärk on anda noortele kunstnikele, disaineritele ja aktivistidele kogu maailmas võimalus luua kunsti, mis võib inspireerida inimesi globaalse kliimakriisi vastu tegutsema. Tehnoloogia on pikka aega olnud aktivismi ressurss ja NFT -d kujutavad endast uut meediat, mis on optimeeritud digitaalajastule. Unique Network loob ja võõrustab nende kunstnike ja veebidisainerite jaoks DigitalArt4Climate'i NFT turgu oma kunstiteoste tutvustamiseks. Turg ehitatakse Unique Networki kasutusvalmis NFT-lahenduste komplektile, mis kasutab plokiahela tehnoloogiat, mis on optimeeritud energiatõhususe ja vähese süsinikdioksiidi mõju jaoks.

„ÜRO mõistab kliimakriisiga toimetulekuks vajadust kasutada kõiki olemasolevaid vahendeid, et inspireerida inimesi pühenduma tõsistele kliimamuutustega seotud meetmetele,” ütleb GLOCHA asutaja ja tegevjuht Miroslav Polzer. „Usume, et digitaalsete uuenduste (asjade Interneti, andmeturud, NFT-d) ühendamine sotsiaalsete uuendustega (uued mitme osapoole koostöövormid) toob kaasa skaleeritavad ja suure osalusega süsteemid. Oleme leidnud, et Unique Networki uuenduslik ja paindlik infrastruktuur on juhtiv platvorm, mis aitab meil saavutada suure mõjuga kliimameetmeid. Selle algatusega juhime kasu ühiskonnaülesest ressursside ja inimeste energia mobiliseerimisest, et saavutada jätkusuutlik maailm. ”

Mündibaas 2

Unique Network has joined DigitalArt4Climate to lead the technical implementation of the program, alongside partner organizations GLOCHA, UN-Habitat, Sotsiaalse Alfa SihtasutusPeened töötajadja Palett 69. SAF will provide mentorship sessions for artists and sponsor the winner awards. Exquisite Workers is the lead creative and content partner for the initiative while Pallette69 is leading UX/UI mentorship for Designathon.

"Meil on hea meel tõestada, et hajutatud pearaamatu tehnoloogiate ja avatud andmete eetikat saab kasutada muutuste agentide toetamiseks nende tehtavate kliimameetmete tuvastamisel," ütleb Alexander Mitrovich, Unique Networki tegevjuht. “Unique Network is extremely proud to collaborate with key United Nations associated initiatives, the global body for challenging paradigms and ensuring equity for a just transition. We believe that the future of human expression will be through sustainable NFTs, and we are dedicated to showing the world how it can unite our disparate communities in the fight to save our planet.”

Selle algatuse esimene komponent oli a Designathon, a design competition started in July that saw UX/UI designers compete to create the digital art gallery and marketplace that will showcase the second component of this initiative, DigitalArt4Climate’s Art Competition. Starting on International Youth Day, August 12, young artists will be able to submit their work on the initiative’s website. At the end of the competition, the submissions will be put up for auction on the DigitalArt4Climate marketplace. The advanced features of Unique Network will allow for building in flexible revenue models for individual artists.

Teave unikaalse võrgu kohta
Unique Network is a foundation for the next generation of NFTs. The NFT chain for Kusama and Polkadot, it offers developers and creators independence from network-wide transaction fees and upgrades.

Globaalsete väljakutsete tegevusvõrgustiku (GLOCHA) kohta
GLOCHA is a youth-focused, UN-accredited civil society organization based in Austria. IAAI’s mission since 1999 has been to set up an ecosystem for the GLOCHA, and a corresponding intellectual, technological, and institutional infrastructure for societal engagement in the implementation of sustainable development goals for the environment.

ÜRO Habitat programmi kohta
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme is the UN’s program for human settlements and sustainable urban development. UN-Habitat operates in +90 countries to promote transformative change in cities and human settlements through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance, and collaborative action.

Sotsiaalse Alfa Sihtasutuse kohta
Social Alpha Foundation is a non-profit organization that focuses on supporting blockchain education, outreach, and projects to empower communities utilizing blockchain technology for social good.

Peenete töötajate kohta
Exquisite Workers is a curated social media platform, creative consultancy, and the largest NFT community of artists (572 creators from 50 countries).

About Palette 69
Palette 69 is a design services company from India founded in 2015.

Unique Network Chosen as Exclusive Blockchain Partner 1

Source: https://e-cryptonews.com/unique-network-chosen-as-exclusive-blockchain-partner/


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