Bitcoin, Ether csúszás, a 10 legjobb kriptográfia emelkedése, kivéve a Dogecoint

Bitcoin, Ether csúszás, a 10 legjobb kriptográfia emelkedése, kivéve a Dogecoint

Bitcoin and Ether slipped during Thursday afternoon trading in Hong Kong, while all other top 10 non-stablecoin cryptocurrencies by market capitalization rose, except Dogecoin. Despite stagnating prices, crypto industry profitability is showing positive signs for investors, industry experts told Forkast.

Lásd a kapcsolódó cikket: Heti piaci összefoglaló: A Bitcoin 30,000 XNUMX USD alá esik, mivel az ETF-ek iránti intézményi érdeklődés nem emeli fel a piacokat

Bitcoin, Ether remain under key levels, Dogecoin reverses gains, top 10 cryptos rise

A Bitcoin alig változott az ázsiai délutáni kereskedés során, Hongkongban délután 29,426:4-kor 30 30,000 dolláron kereskedtek, miután hétfőn a XNUMX XNUMX dolláros támogatási szint alá esett.

Az éter 0.1%-ot csúszott az ázsiai délutáni kereskedés során 1,872 dollárra, és 1.89%-ot esett az elmúlt héten.

“Although crypto revenues remain more than 50% below the high-water mark set in 2021, 2Q23 was the first quarter of aggregate profitability, an important milestone for the asset class’s investibility for institutional investors,”  Jamie Coutts, a senior market structure analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, told forkast egy nyilatkozatában.

“Applications, the engines of the blockchain ecosystem, are driving profitability as more become economically viable.”

Solana SOL tokenje was the day’s biggest winner in the top 10, after it rose 5.91% in the past 24 hours to US$24.97, followed by Sokszög Matic tokenje that gained 3.04% to US$0.7281

Reversing the gains of the past three days, Dogecoin fell 1.87% to US$0.07896, as the only token that fell in the top 10.

A teljes kriptopiaci kapitalizáció az elmúlt 24 órában 0.94%-kal 1.19 billió dollárra, míg a piaci volumen 16.71%-kal 30.77 milliárd dollárra nőtt. CoinMarketCap adatokat.

A Forkast 500 NFT index minden idők mélypontjára emelkedett, a Bitcoin NFT eladások fellendülésnek indultak, az Ethereum NFT eladásai pedig tovább csökkennek

A Forkast 500 NFT index Hongkongban 0.22%-kal 2,634.24 pontra 24 pontra esett vissza 4:30-ra Hongkongban, és 2.43%-ot esett a hét folyamán. Az index történelmi mélypontjára, 2,625.24 pontra süllyedt a mai napon.

Bitcoin’s 24-hour non-fungible token sales started recovering, rising 3.28% to US$598,139 with the network remaining the sixth largest blockchain by 24-hour NFT sales volume, according to CryptoSlam.

Ethereum’s 24-hour NFT sales continued to decline, falling 59% to US$13.35 million, while sales for the largest Ethereum-native NFT collection, the Unatkozó Ape Yacht Club, fell 5.66% to US$969,388. CryptoPunks sales rose 55.48% to US$336,878.

In the wider NFT space, Témák és variációkMolnár Vera művész 500 generatív műalkotásából álló NFT-gyűjtemény egy órán belül elkelt egy holland aukción szerdán 631 ETH-ért (1.2 millió USD). Ez az első kollekció a Sotheby's Gen Art Programban, amelynek célja, hogy minden évben három generatív művészt állítson a középpontba. 

“In the future, we’re going to look back at this time in NFTs as a very special time for generative art. Between ‘The Goose’ sale at Christie’s, and now Sotheby’s auction of Vera Molnar’s first NFT collection, we’re setting milestones on the blockchain while using NFTs in their best form,”  said Yehudah Petscher, NFT Strategist at Forkast Labs.  

“The rest of the market is still pretty unremarkable with the indexes looking mostly flat. Buyers however have picked up on most of the top blockchains, especially on Solana.”

All Forkast Labs NFT indexes were in the red for the second consecutive day.

Asian equities mixed, U.S. stock futures rise after Fed interest rate hike

Wall Street feliratok Manhattanben, New YorkbanWall Street feliratok Manhattanben, New Yorkban
Kép: elements.envato

A főbb ázsiai részvények 4:30-kor keveredtek Hongkongban a japán részvényekkel Nikkei 225 és Hongkongé Hang Seng index posting gains. The Shenzhen komponens és a Shanghai Composite both declined.

U.S. stock futures strengthened during Thursday afternoon trading in Hong Kong, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average futures, the S&P 500 futures index and the tech-heavy Nasdaq-100 futures all strengthening.

In line with preliminary expectations,  the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 25 basis points to between 5.25% to 5.5%. This puts borrowing costs at the highest level in 22 years.

Investors were optimistic after Fed Chair Jerome Powell indicated that its next interest rate decision will be data-dependent, meaning that it could pause its rate hiking cycle in September.

Investors are now looking ahead at the European Central Bank’s monetary policy decision tomorrow. The bank is also expected to raise its borrowing rates, which are now at 3.5%, the highest since 2001.

On the corporate front, investors are now anticipating earnings from companies like Mastercard, Shell, McDonald’s Corporation. T-Mobile U.S. and S&P Global.

Lásd a kapcsolódó cikket: A Standard Chartered nagy elvárásai a Bitcoinnal szemben 2024-ben

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