A CleanSpark bitcoinbányász telephelyet vásárol Grúziában, és azt tervezi, hogy 86 megawattra növeli.


CleanSpark acquired a 36-megawatt mining facility in Georgia from vertically integrated bitcoin miner Waha Technologies for $16.2 million.

The new site will add 1.1 exahash per second (EH/s) to the company’s hash rate (a 38% increase), according to a statement released Tuesday. It can be scaled by 50 megawatts, totaling 86 megawatts.

The miner bought roughly 3,400 rigs that were already operating in the new Georgia location for $8.9 million. They represent about 0.34 EH/s.

CleanSpark will fill the balance of the 36 megawatts with machines it has already paid for. The company has been stocking up on ASICs recently, taking advantage of the current buyer’s market. It acquired 1,800 bitcoin miners júniusban és 1,061  additional ones júliusban. 

“The market has been preparing all summer for consolidation, and we are pleased to be on the acquiring side,” CleanSpark CEO Zach Bradford said. “Our focus on sustainability and maximizing value for our stakeholders have put us in a unique position to take advantage of the unprecedented opportunities that the current market has created.”

CleanSpark announced last week that it generated roughly $8.8 million from the sale of 426 BTC in July, based on an average bitcoin price of $20,768.

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