Gazdakód-szerver az Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-en. Függőleges keresés. Ai.

Gazdakód-szerver az Amazon SageMakeren

Machine learning (ML) teams need the flexibility to choose their integrated development environment (IDE) when working on a project. It allows you to have a productive developer experience and innovate at speed. You may even use multiple IDEs within a project. Amazon SageMaker lets ML teams choose to work from fully managed, cloud-based environments within Amazon SageMaker Studio, SageMaker Notebook Instances, or from your local machine using helyi mód.

SageMaker provides a one-click experience to Jupyter and RStudio to build, train, debug, deploy, and monitor ML models. In this post, we will also share a megoldások a fogadásért code-server a SageMakeren.

With code-server, users can run VS kód on remote machines and access it in a web browser. For ML teams, hosting code-server on SageMaker provides minimal changes to a local development experience, and allows you to code from anywhere, on scalable cloud compute. With VS Code, you can also use built-in Conda environments with AWS-optimized TensorFlow and PyTorch, managed Git repositories, local mode, and other features provided by SageMaker to speed up your delivery. For IT admins, it allows you to standardize and expedite the provisioning of managed, secure IDEs in the cloud, to quickly onboard and enable ML teams in their projects.

Megoldás áttekintése

In this post, we cover installation for both Studio environments (Option A), and notebook instances (Option B). For each option, we walk through a manual installation process that ML teams can run in their environment, and an automated installation that IT admins can set up for them via the AWS parancssori interfész (AWS CLI).

The following diagram illustrates the architecture overview for hosting code-server on SageMaker.

Our solution speeds up the install and setup of code-server in your environment. It works for both JupyterLab 3 (recommended) and JupyterLab 1 that run within Studio and SageMaker notebook instances. It is made of shell scripts that do the following based on the option.

For Studio (Option A), the shell script does the following:

For SageMaker notebook instances (Option B), the shell script does the following:

  • Installs code-server.
  • Adds a code-server shortcut on the Jupyter notebook file menu and JupyterLab launcher for fast access to the IDE.
  • Creates a dedicated Conda environment for managing dependencies.
  • Telepíti a Piton és a Dokkmunkás extensions on the IDE.

In the following sections, we walk through the solution install process for Option A and Option B. Make sure you have access to Studio or a notebook instance.

Option A: Host code-server on Studio

To host code-server on Studio, complete the following steps:

  1. A pop-art design, négy időzóna kijelzése egyszerre és méretének arányai azok az érvek, amelyek a NeXtime Time Zones-t kiváló választássá teszik. Válassza a Rendszerterminál in your Studio launcher.
  2. To install the code-server solution, run the following commands in your system terminal:
    curl -LO
    tar -xvzf amazon-sagemaker-codeserver-0.1.5.tar.gz
    cd amazon-sagemaker-codeserver/install-scripts/studio
    chmod +x
    # Note: when installing on JL1, please prepend the nohup command to the install command above and run as follows: 
    # nohup ./

    The commands should take a few seconds to complete.

  3. Reload the browser page, where you can see a Code Server button in your Studio launcher.
  4. A pop-art design, négy időzóna kijelzése egyszerre és méretének arányai azok az érvek, amelyek a NeXtime Time Zones-t kiváló választássá teszik. Válassza a Code Server to open a new browser tab, allowing you to access code-server from your browser.
    The Python extension is already installed, and you can get to work in your ML

You can open your project folder in VS Code and select the pre-built Conda environment to run your Python scripts.


Automate the code-server install for users in a Studio domain

As an IT admin, you can automate the installation for Studio users by using a életciklus konfiguráció. It can be done for all users’ profiles under a Studio domain or for specific ones. See Az Amazon SageMaker Studio testreszabása az életciklus-konfigurációk segítségével fül alatt találsz.

For this post, we create a lifecycle configuration from the install-codeserver script, and attach it to an existing Studio domain. The install is done for all the user profiles in the domain.

From a terminal configured with the AWS CLI and appropriate permissions, run the following commands:

curl -LO
tar -xvzf amazon-sagemaker-codeserver-0.1.5.tar.gz

cd amazon-sagemaker-codeserver/install-scripts/studio

LCC_CONTENT=`openssl base64 -A -in`

aws sagemaker create-studio-lifecycle-config 
    --studio-lifecycle-config-name install-codeserver-on-jupyterserver 
    --studio-lifecycle-config-content $LCC_CONTENT 
    --studio-lifecycle-config-app-type JupyterServer 
    --query 'StudioLifecycleConfigArn'

aws sagemaker update-domain 
    "JupyterServerAppSettings": {
    "DefaultResourceSpec": {
    "LifecycleConfigArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker:::studio-lifecycle-config/install-codeserver-on-jupyterserver",
    "InstanceType": "system"
    "LifecycleConfigArns": [

# Make sure to replace ,  and  in the previous commands with
# the Studio domain ID, the AWS region and AWS Account ID you are using respectively.

After Jupyter Server restarts, the Code Server button appears in your Studio launcher.

Option B: Host code-server on a SageMaker notebook instance

To host code-server on a SageMaker notebook instance, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch a terminal via Jupyter or JupyterLab for your notebook instance.
    If you use Jupyter, choose terminál a Új menüben.
    Gazdakód-szerver az Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-en. Függőleges keresés. Ai.
  2.  To install the code-server solution, run the following commands in your terminal:
    curl -LO
    tar -xvzf amazon-sagemaker-codeserver-0.1.5.tar.gz
    cd amazon-sagemaker-codeserver/install-scripts/notebook-instances
    chmod +x
    chmod +x
    sudo ./
    sudo ./

    The code-server and extensions installations are persistent on the notebook instance. However, if you stop or restart the instance, you need to run the following command to reconfigure code-server:

    sudo ./

    The commands should take a few seconds to run. You can close the terminal tab when you see the following.


  3. Now reload the Jupyter page and check the Új menü újra.
    A Code Server option should now be available.
    Gazdakód-szerver az Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-en. Függőleges keresés. Ai.

You can also launch code-server from JupyterLab using a dedicated launcher button, as shown in the following screenshot.


Kiválasztása Code Server will open a new browser tab, allowing you to access code-server from your browser. The Python and Docker extensions are already installed, and you can get to work in your ML project.


Automate the code-server install on a notebook instance

As an IT admin, you can automate the code-server install with a életciklus konfiguráció running on instance creation, and automate the setup with one running on instance start.

Here, we create an example notebook instance and lifecycle configuration using the AWS CLI Az on-create config runs install-codeserverés on-start fut setup-codeserver.

From a terminal configured with the AWS CLI and appropriate permissions, run the following commands:

curl -LO
tar -xvzf amazon-sagemaker-codeserver-0.1.5.tar.gz

cd amazon-sagemaker-codeserver/install-scripts/notebook-instances

aws sagemaker create-notebook-instance-lifecycle-config 
    --notebook-instance-lifecycle-config-name install-codeserver 
    --on-start Content=$((cat || echo "")| base64) 
    --on-create Content=$((cat || echo "")| base64)

aws sagemaker create-notebook-instance 
    --lifecycle-config-name install-codeserver

# Make sure to replace , ,
# and  in the previous commands with the appropriate values.

The code-server install is now automated for the notebook instance.


A code-server hosted on SageMaker, ML teams can run VS Code on scalable cloud compute, code from anywhere, and speed up their ML project delivery. For IT admins, it allows them to standardize and expedite the provisioning of managed, secure IDEs in the cloud, to quickly onboard and enable ML teams in their projects.

In this post, we shared a solution you can use to quickly install code-server on both Studio and notebook instances. We shared a manual installation process that ML teams can run on their own, and an automated installation that IT admins can set up for them.

To go further in your learnings, visit AWSome SageMaker on GitHub to find all the relevant and up-to-date resources needed for working with SageMaker.

A szerzőkről

Gazdakód-szerver az Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-en. Függőleges keresés. Ai.Giuseppe Angelo Porcelli az Amazon Web Services vezető gépi tanulási specialistája. Több éves szoftvermérnöki háttérrel, ML háttérrel, bármilyen méretű ügyfelekkel dolgozik, hogy mélyen megértse üzleti és műszaki igényeiket, és olyan mesterséges intelligencia és gépi tanulási megoldásokat tervezzen, amelyek a lehető legjobban használják ki az AWS felhőt és az Amazon Machine Learning veremét. Különböző területeken dolgozott projekteken, beleértve az MLOps-t, a Computer Vision-t, az NLP-t és az AWS-szolgáltatások széles körét. Szabadidejében Giuseppe szívesen focizik.

Gazdakód-szerver az Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-en. Függőleges keresés. Ai.Sofian Hamiti az AWS AI/ML-specialista megoldástervezője. Segíti az ügyfeleket a különböző iparágakban, hogy felgyorsítsák az AI/ML-útjukat azáltal, hogy segít nekik a végpontok közötti gépi tanulási megoldások kidolgozásában és üzemeltetésében.

Gazdakód-szerver az Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence-en. Függőleges keresés. Ai.Eric Pena is a Senior Technical Product Manager in the AWS Artificial Intelligence Platforms team, working on Amazon SageMaker Interactive Machine Learning. He currently focuses on IDE integrations on SageMaker Studio . He holds an MBA degree from MIT Sloan and outside of work enjoys playing basketball and football.


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