A Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) jelentkezőket fogad a konferenciára…


“This year we are excited to expand our scholarship opportunities to include all members and not just students. Scholarships allow our members to attend and find their community. We appreciate our generous sponsors who make these scholarships possible,” said Janell Straach, WiCyS conference chair.

Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) has several ösztöndíjak available for WiCyS members to attend its upcoming conference March 16 to 18 in Denver, Colorado.

Each year, WiCyS, the premier event to recruit, retain and advance women in cybersecurity, brings together students and professionals from academia, research and industry, to share knowledge and experience, network, learn and mentor. Of the 1,800+ expected conference participants, approximately half are attendees who will have successfully qualified for a scholarship to attend (including lodging, subsidized registration and meals).

The Student Scholarship is for WiCyS student members. The Faculty Scholarship is given to WiCyS Student Chapter advisors or WiCyS faculty members who have not previously attended the conference. Equity and Advancement Scholarships are for WiCyS non-student members who are part of underrepresented populations. Veteran Scholarships are for all WiCyS members who are U.S. veterans. Each scholarship includes discounted registration and two nights of complimentary shared lodging.

“This year we are excited to expand our scholarship opportunities to include all members and not just students. Scholarships allow our members to attend and find their community. We appreciate our generous sponsors who make these scholarships possible,” said Janell Straach, WiCyS conference chair.

Scholarship applications must be received by Oct. 31. For more information, visit http://www.wicys.org/events/wicys-2023/2023scholarships/.

A Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) egy nemzetközi hatókörrel rendelkező nonprofit szervezet, amely nők toborzásával, megtartásával és előmenetelével foglalkozik a kiberbiztonság területén. A WiCyS-t Dr. Ambareen Siraj alapította 2013-ban a National Science Foundation támogatásával, amelyet a Tennessee Műszaki Egyetemnek ítéltek oda. Kevesebb mint 10 év alatt olyan szervezetté nőtte ki magát (2017-ben), amely vezető szövetséget képvisel a tudományos élet, a kormány és az ipar úttörői között. A WiCyS lehetőségeket, képzéseket, eseményeket és forrásokat kínál tagjai számára. A stratégiai partnerek közé tartozik az 1. szint: Amazon Web Services, Battelle, Bloomberg, Carnegie Mellon University – Software Engineering Institute, Cisco, Fortinet, Google, Intel, Lockheed Martin, Meta, Microsoft, Optum, Sandia National Laboratories, SentinelOne. 2. szint: AbbVie, Aristocrat, Dell Technologies, JPMorgan Chase & Co., LinkedIn, McKesson, Nike, Wayfair, Workday. Partnerhez látogassa meg http://www.wicys.org/support/strategic-partnerships/.

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