Kanye West partnert vásárol


Kanye West is buying Parler.

The deal is expected to close during the fourth quarter of 2022. There will be ongoing technical support from Parlement and the use of private cloud services via Parlement’s private cloud and data center infrastructure.

Elon is buying Twitter.
Trump has made Truth Social.
Peter Thiel and J.D. Vance are funding Rumble.

At the beginning of December 2021, Parler got about 1.62 million total visits, which was a drop of about 8.08% over the last 6 months. During its peak period from November 2020 through to January 2021, Parler reported having 15 million total users and about 4 million active users.

Google, Amazon and Apple shutdown access to downloads from Google Play and iTunes in 2021. Amazon suspended Amazon Web Service to Parler in 2021.

Parler, based in Nashville, was founded in 2018 by John Matze and Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of the billionaire hedge fund manager and Breitbart founder Robert Mercer.

On September 2, 2022 Parler’s app became available again on Google Play Store, after Parler reportedly agreed to moderate posts that are shown in the Android version of the app.

On September 16, 2022 Parler announced that it had restructured as Parlement Technologies, and would acquire the California-based Dynascale as part of an effort to expand into “uncancelable” internet infrastructure services.

Brian Wang futurista gondolatvezető és népszerű tudományos blogger, havi 1 millió olvasóval. Blogja a Nextbigfuture.com a Science News Blog első helyén van. Számos zavaró technológiát és trendet fed le, beleértve az űrt, a robotikát, a mesterséges intelligenciát, az orvostudományt, az öregedésgátló biotechnológiát és a nanotechnológiát.

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A vállalatok gyakori előadója, volt TEDx -előadó, a Szingularitás Egyetem előadója és számos rádió- és podcast -interjú vendége. Nyitott a nyilvános beszédre és tanácsadásra.


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