
Moonbeam, Diode Collaborate on Launch of DePIN Platform to Replace Traditional VPN, Web2 Products

Moonbeam, Diode Collaborate on Launch of DePIN Platform to Replace Traditional VPN, Web2 Products Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Diode chooses Moonbeam to deploy suite of blockchain solutions that align with Polkadot founder Gavin Woods’ original vision for Web3

[SINGAPORE]Moonbeam Network, a smart contract platform for building cross-chain connected applications, today announced the launch of Diode’s secure and decentralized communications platform. Diode’s solution is part of a movement known as DePIN, or “decentralized physical infrastructure network,” where blockchain protocols operate real-world infrastructure in a decentralized manner.

Providing a censorship-resistant alternative to traditional products like VPN, Slack or Microsoft OneDrive, Diode’s massively scalable platform helps to bring about the original vision for Web3 created by Gavin Woods, the co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Polkadot.

In a recent article, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin referenced Woods’ vision for Web3, where Ethereum is more than “Bitcoin plus smart contracts,” but becomes a foundation for a “public decentralized shared hard drive.” Conversely, as Buterin describes, today’s Internet users’ data gets routed through centralized servicers run by corporations that have the arbitrary power to monitor, censor and deplatform.

Diode’s DePIN solution addresses this issue by providing a secure, trustless and decentralized medium for people and companies to communicate.

“In 2023, we started looking for a partner to help accelerate our roadmap so that we can rapidly deploy communication infrastructure into new regions. Moonbeam’s shared vision, world-scale distributed infrastructure, amazing team, and access to cross-chain projects have made them the perfect partner. We are thrilled to announce this partnership with Moonbeam to accomplish our vision of transforming the Internet into everyone’s private network!,” said Diode CEO Hans Rempel.

Appropriately, the EVM-compatible parachain Moonbeam links the Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems. As a truly decentralized network with a DAO governance structure, the Moonbeam project has also maintained the ethos of Web3 at its core.

“Moonbeam is excited to partner with a technically sophisticated team like Diode. They understand deeply how vital it is for businesses and individuals to own and protect their data. Diode’s platform is demonstrable proof that crypto’s core principles of decentralization and data ownership pave the way for better, more user-centric solutions in the real world,” said Sicco Naets, Head of Ecosystem Development at the Moonbeam Foundation.

Anyone can build applications on top of Diode’s architecture. Products include:
  • Diode App – Messaging app that is similar to Slack or Discord, but more secure than Signal. Teams can share chats, files, notes, wikis and secure Web access.
  • Diode CLI – Headless tool that enables edge device connectivity with zero leakage. Used to securely connect assets anywhere in the world, including for IoT/OT data, SSH, websites and server administration.
  • Diode Vault – DePIN solution that ensures team chats, files and assets are always available. Used for backup, time zone-bridging and network exit nodes.
  • Diode Network – The world’s leading Smart Network whose regional DePIN nodes provide communication infrastructure to apps like the Diode App and CLI. New generation of zero-trust software-defined networks based on hardened blockchain technology, succeeding Cloud VPNs such as Tailscale, ZeroTier, Twingate, etc.

For more information about Diode and Moonbeam’s partnership, please visit:

To learn more about Moonbeam and follow its upcoming developments, see:


Moonbeam is a smart contract platform for building cross-chain connected applications that can access users, assets, and services on any chain. By uniting functionality from Ethereum, Cosmos, Polkadot and more into a single platform, Moonbeam solves today’s fragmented user experience — unlocking true interoperability and paving the way for the next generation of applications. The Moonbeam platform uses integrated cross-chain messaging to allow developers to create smart contracts that access services across many remote blockchains. This approach, plus Moonbeam’s developer-friendly EVM platform, vast tool support, and modern Substrate architecture, creates the ideal development environment for building connected applications.

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Since 2021, Diode has pioneered secure communication scaled by blockchain smart contracts. Today, Diode provides software that helps organizations and communities protect their team members and sensitive assets. The Diode Network is the only zero-trust communication network that mathematically secures its infrastructure. It enables uniquely secure applications like the Diode App: a team-focused secure messaging, file sharing, and web browsing tool.

Diode’s vision is to transform the Internet into everyone’s private network.

Visit to learn more about how Diode is making the Internet secure for everyone.

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Patrick Brendel