Muhammad Ali – Still Delivering Technical Knockouts after all these Years
Years after his untimely death, Former World Heavyweight Boxing Legend still delivering Knockouts
In his first every foray into the world of Blockchain, Muhammad Ali with his first ever collection of NFT’s has landed yet another knockout punch. In conjunction with London based Photographer Christina Jansen, Dublin based Blockchain Developers dMerch and in association with UK Boxing Charity “Boxing Futures”
“Muhammad Ali: Through the Lens – A Collection by Christina Jansen” sold out within 8 minutes.

In a collection of beautifully sensitive images photographed by Christina Jansen, photographed over a two-week period in the 1980’s, “Through The Lens” captures the inner sensitivity of the great man himself.
The collection went live at 6.00 pm and by 8 minutes past the hour, the collection had sold out. $150K of NFT’s sold within minutes and to add further to the aura of the great man himself, a further $10K of NFT’s were sold with the proceeds going directly to the Boxing Futures, a charity dedicated to supporting the Boxing stars of tomorrow.
Further information on

Muhammad Ali can be found here www.ali.wdny.io
Christina Jansen at www.cjansenphotography.com
Dmerch at www.dmerch.io/
Boxing Futures at www.boxing-futures.org.uk
Source: Plato Data Intelligence