Comodo Internet Security Premium | Wins AV-Test Certified Award

Comodo Internet Security Premium | Wins AV-Test Certified Award

AV Test Perfect Protection Reading Time: 1 minute

Comodo Internet Security Premium (CIS), our powerful security solution for PCs, has proven its worth once again with high scores for protection and usability. Internet security software is constantly being assessed by testing firms to ensure users have access to the highest quality PC protection. One such testing firm, carries out tests focused on assessing how well security solutions can identify and block malicious programs. The most recent security test results showed that Comodo Internet Security Premium (CIS) successfully blocked 100% of zero-day (unknown) malware attacks in addition to widespread malware discovered in the last 4 weeks.

The average score for these two categories of malware across the entire industry is 90% and 98%, respectively. While nine security suites surpassed these averages and achieved 100% in both categories, Comodo’s was the only product that is free to the end-user. In addition to receiving the highest possible score in the ‘Protection’ category, Comodo’s software also showed marked improvements in the ‘Usability’ category over similar tests run during May and June by As a result of our proven results, Comodo received an “AV-TEST CERTIFIED” seal for CIS in the July and August test-round!

Comodo Internet Security Premium uses a combination of firewall, antivirus, host intrusion prevention, automatic sandboxing and behavior analysis technologies to quickly and accurately identify safe, unsafe and questionable files through Comodo’s innovative ‘Default Deny Protection™’ system. In short, CIS software keeps hackers out and personal information in. For a look at the full list of results.

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