Episode 39: Rear Admiral Paul Becker, USN (ret) on leadership in the modern age PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Episode 39: Rear Admiral Paul Becker, USN (ret) on leadership in the modern age

Oct 23, 2020

Rear Admiral Paul Becker, USN (Retired), is an author, speaker
and board member with extensive experience in intelligence

During his 30 year career as a naval intelligence officer he
lead major operational intelligence efforts, rising to the position
of Director of Intelligence (J2) for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Upon retirement from the Navy he formed a consultancy delivering
solutions and lessons learned around intelligence to corporate
America. He is also a professor, teaching at the US Naval Academy
and the University of Virginia.  Paul is renowned for his
ability to translate military leadership principles into corporate
pillars of performance, productivity and profit.

In this OODAcast we ask Admiral Becker for his insights into
what intelligence is and how to evaluate it, the difference in
leadership and management, and the nature of the shifting threats
in the modern geopolitical environment. We examine some of Paul’s
personal heroes and discuss the continuing legacy of Colonel John
Boyd. We also ask Admiral Becker about his reading habits including
the books he taps into for inspiration.

Related Resources:

Intelligent Enterprise Series:
Special reports from OODA
focused on corporate intelligence

Useful Standards For Corporate Intelligence:
Based on lessons
learned from the US intelligence community and corporate

Optimizing Corporate Intelligence:
Tips and best practices and
actionable recommendations to make intelligence programs

A Practitioner’s View of Corporate Intelligence:
insights aimed
at corporate strategists seeking competitive advantage through
better and more accurate decision-making.

An Executive’s Guide To Cognitive Bias in Decision Making:

Cognitive Bias and the errors in judgement they produce are seen in
every aspect of human decision-making, including in the business
world. Companies that have a better understanding of these
cognitive biases can optimize decision making at all levels of the
organization, leading to better performance in the market.

Time Stamp:

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