European Union stops general circulation to Russia PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

European Union stops general circulation to Russia

The European Union (EU) stopped general circulation to Russia when it came to easy access to European countries. The Minister of Affairs and Foreign Affairs planned for the agreement to issue visas with Russia to be cancelled.

Josep Borrell, head of diplomacy of the European Union, along with other representatives decided that the 2007 agreement was cancelled, thus affecting the special treatment that the Russian people had to apply for visas in an easier way to the EU. That way, to get a visa, Russians will have more difficulty and it also becomes more expensive.

Why did this happen?

According to diplomats, the decision came after some countries requested such a suspension, as they no longer felt safe with Russians with free movement through their countries. Faced with the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the situation ends up getting much more delicate.

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Like some countries, the Czech Republic and Poland blocked Russian access after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. On the other hand, some countries remain exempt from the situation. The attempt by these countries against the free movement of Russians is to make them understand that war is not acceptable and that it should end.

The cancellation of visas for Russians by the EU marks the control of tickets and tourism from Russia and other European countries, in order to signal that there are penalties and disagreements between the European Union and Russia and its actions.

Context Russia and Ukraine

Russia and Ukraine live in an ancient history of conflict. Over the years, Ukraine has been part of empires, has undergone numerous invasions, and has been taken over by the Russians and the Soviets. Furthermore, the country became independent but never entered into a 100% consistent agreement with Russia.

European Union stops general circulation to Russia PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
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Ukraine is a former Soviet republic and has social and cultural links with Russia, the former Soviet Union. Bordering Russia, Ukraine is also close to the European Union and in addition to bordering the Russians, Ukraine is a neighbor of the European Union.

Historically, since 1991 Ukraine has been an independent country. However, the stories are still confusing to society.

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