Netvrk Virtual Land Sales in Parts, Debuts With Land Presale PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Netvrk Virtual Land Sales in Parts, Debuts With Land Presale

Netvrk Virtual Land Sales in Parts, Debuts With Land Presale PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

In an important announcement, Netvrk metaverse has declared the final details for its virtual land sale that will manifest in several phases, with the first one coming across as a presale process in the land sale. This highly anticipated phase will be conducted with the help of the Ferrum Network. The network will act as an incubator, which provides an opportunity for the holders of the Ferrum to participate and purchase the land before it gets open for private and public sales. The holders can also access the presale prices, which is again a great opportunity to leverage by token holders.

For others, the entire process of Land Presale has been divided into three stages. The first stage will be exclusively for the Ferrum and followed by the second and third stages of private sale and public sales, respectively. For the first stage, the snapshot of the user holdings will be taken by the network, and the participation requirement is to have a minimum of 25,000 FRM in the wallets of holders. Regarding the timing deadline for this holding process, 9 PM EST and 9 AM EST on August 3 (Evening) and August 4 (Morning) have been fixed by the metaverse.

It’s important to note that that more Ferrum holdings will make holders eligible to buy a bigger share of virtual land. Every holder, per their holdings, will be provided with the choice of the particular tier they want to own the land. There are five categories to choose from (Epic, Giant, Large. Medium, and Standard) though for the presale option, only Large, Medium, and Standard will be available. The contribution amount will be divided between USD and $NTVRK according to the pre-specified rule by the network.

It will be interesting to witness the enthusiasm and response of community members towards virtual land, which is represented as an NFT. NFTs are virtual assets and can be bought, sold, or held at any point in time without any intervention from a third party. Netvrk metaverse has become a preferred choice for all those who want to buy digital assets without intermediary intervention.


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