Quantum copy-protection of compute-and-compare programs in the quantum random oracle model

Quantum copy-protection of compute-and-compare programs in the quantum random oracle model

Andrea Coladangelo1, Christian Majenz2,3, and Alexander Poremba4

1University of California, Berkeley, USA.
2QuSoft and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands.
3Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
4Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Caltech, USA.

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Copy-protection allows a software distributor to encode a program in such a way that it can be evaluated on any input, yet it cannot be “pirated” – a notion that is impossible to achieve in a classical setting. Aaronson (CCC 2009) initiated the formal study of quantum copy-protection schemes, and speculated that quantum cryptography could offer a solution to the problem thanks to the quantum no-cloning theorem. In this work, we introduce a quantum copy-protection scheme for a large class of evasive functions known as “compute-and-compare programs” – a more expressive generalization of point functions. A compute-and-compare program $mathsf{CC}[f,y]$ is specified by a function $f$ and a string $y$ within its range: on input $x$, $mathsf{CC}[f,y]$ outputs $1$, if $f(x) = y$, and $0$ otherwise. We prove that our scheme achieves non-trivial security against fully malicious adversaries in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), which makes it the first copy-protection scheme to enjoy any level of provable security in a standard cryptographic model. As a complementary result, we show that the same scheme fulfils a weaker notion of software protection, called “secure software leasing”, introduced very recently by Ananth and La Placa (eprint 2020), with a standard security bound in the QROM, i.e. guaranteeing negligible adversarial advantage. Finally, as a third contribution, we elucidate the relationship between unclonable encryption and copy-protection for multi-bit output point functions.

Copy-protection captures the following cryptographic task. A vendor wishes to encode a program in such a way that a user who receives the encoded program is able to run it on arbitrary inputs. However, the recipient should not be able to create functionally equivalent “pirated” copies of the original program. Copy-protection of any kind is trivially impossible to achieve classically. This is because any classical information that the user receives can simply be copied. In the quantum realm, however, the no-cloning theorem prevents any naive copying strategy from working unconditionally, and copy-protection seems, at least in principle, possible. In this work, we introduce a quantum copy-protection scheme for a large class of evasive functions known as “compute-and-compare programs” – a more expressive generalization of point functions. We prove that our scheme achieves non-trivial security against fully malicious adversaries in the quantum random oracle model, which makes it the first copy-protection scheme to enjoy any level of provable security in a standard cryptographic model. As a complementary result, we show that the same scheme fulfills a weaker notion of software protection, called “secure software leasing”. Finally, as a third contribution, we elucidate the relationship between unclonable encryption and copy-protection for multi-bit output point functions.

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► References

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