Quantum Merkle Trees

Quantum Merkle Trees

Quantum Merkle Trees PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Lijie Chen1 and Ramis Movassagh2,3

1Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA
2Google Quantum AI, Venice, CA, 90291, USA
3IBM Quantum, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab, Cambridge, MA, 02142, USA

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Committing to information is a central task in cryptography, where a party (typically called a prover) stores a piece of information (e.g., a bit string) with the promise of not changing it. This information can be accessed by another party (typically called the verifier), who can later learn the information and verify that it was not meddled with. Merkle trees [1] are a well-known construction for doing so in a succinct manner, in which the verifier can learn any part of the information by receiving a short proof from the honest prover. Despite its significance in classical cryptography, there was no quantum analog of the Merkle tree. A direct generalization using the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM) [2] does not seem to be secure. In this work, we propose the $textit{quantum Merkle tree}$. It is based on what we call the $textit{Quantum Haar Random Oracle Model}$ (QHROM). In QHROM, both the prover and the verifier have access to a $Haar$ random quantum oracle $G$ and its inverse.
Using the quantum Merkle tree, we propose a succinct quantum argument for the Gap-$k$-Local-Hamiltonian problem. Assuming the Quantum PCP conjecture is true, this succinct argument extends to all of QMA. This work raises a number of interesting open research problems.

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â–º References

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Cited by

[1] Ramis Movassagh, “The hardness of random quantum circuits”, Nature Physics 19 11, 1719 (2023).

[2] Sam Gunn, Nathan Ju, Fermi Ma, and Mark Zhandry, “Commitments to Quantum States”, arXiv:2210.05138, (2022).

[3] Charles Yuan and Michael Carbin, “Tower: Data Structures in Quantum Superposition”, arXiv:2205.10255, (2022).

[4] Lijie Chen and Ramis Movassagh, “Making Quantum Local Verifiers Simulable with Potential Applications to Zero-Knowledge”, arXiv:2209.10798, (2022).

[5] Prabhanjan Ananth, Aditya Gulati, and Yao-Ting Lin, “A Note on the Common Haar State Model”, arXiv:2404.05227, (2024).

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