
Najboljši stabilni kovanci, ocenjeni in ocenjeni za leto 2022

Najboljši stabilni kovanci, ocenjeni in pregledani za leto 2022 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Best Stablecoins, Rated and Reviewed for 2021_600 x 400

Razloženi stabilni kovanci: Preprosto povedano, stabilni coin je digitalna valuta, ki ohranja svojo vrednost, ker je podprta z vrednostjo osnovnega sredstva, ki je lahko karkoli, od fiat valute do nafte in zlata ali včasih celo kriptovalute.

Na primer, Tether (USDT) in USD Coin (USDC) sta stabilna kovanca, podprta z ameriškimi dolarji v rezervi. PAX Gold (PAXG) pa se za vzdrževanje stalne cene zanaša na zlato rezervo.

V 21. stoletju stabilni kovanci veljajo za enega največjih finančnih prebojev tega obdobja:

  • Stabilni kovanci so odlični za trgovce ali vlagatelje, ki morajo »obdržati vrednost« v digitalnem sredstvu brez nestanovitnih nihanj cen kriptovalute.
  • Stablecoins offer new ways of earning interest (a.k.a. “yield”) at a time when traditional savings vehicles offer next to nothing. (See our page on Best Interest Rates.)
  • Stabilni kovanci ponujajo tudi poceni, hiter in dostopen način čezmejnega prenosa vrednosti.

In this piece, we’ll cover our list of best stablecoins, then explain more about how smart investors can use stablecoins to build wealth.

List of Top Stablecoins

Ime Opis Leto ustanovitve Number of social followers Stabilizirano sredstvo Quality of Team Stabilization Mechanism Rezultat
PAX Standard Paxos Standard Token is a payment platform complete with the PAX stablecoin backed 1:1 to the U.S. Dollar. 2016 26,700 ameriški dolar The team backing Paxos is a mixed-bag with a wealth of expertise from tech and finance backgrounds PAX is backed 1:1 by a reserve of USD. 5
True USD True USD is a one-to-one stable currency that pegs its value to $1 U.S. per token. 2018 17,200 ameriški dolar The young team behind this project boasts some of the most impressive technology names in the field, albeit with little financial experience Escrow: Each True USD is backed by $1 U.S. held in an escrow account by third parties. Qualifying institutions can participate in the True USD system, eliminating the need for trust in a central project (albeit replacing that with the need for trust in third-party accounting). With only two minor deviations, the price has remained stable within $0.02. 4.5
USD kovanca USDC is a full reserve dollar stablecoin issued by the CENTRE Consortium. 2018 5,600 ameriški dolar The CENTRE and CIRCLE team have founded and helped run numerous high-profile technology companies including Brightcove and Macromedia. Collateralized: Each USDC token has a corresponding $1 U.S. invested in an owned account. Decentralization will be ensured by allowing numerous different projects to join a network of USDC issuers overseen by the CIRCLE project, each of which maintains its own cash reserves to stabilize the tokens it issues. While the oversight of CIRCLE can insure against value fluctuation, allowing third parties to independently issue the USDC does invite potential concerns of individual error or bad actors. 4.5
dai Dai is a decentralized stable currency which is pegged to the U.S. Dollar at a 1-to-1 ratio. 2017 190,500 ameriški dolar MakerDao’s Founder has almost no experience, having graduated in 2014. It has made up for this lack by hiring other executive-level talent with a deep bench of relevant experience. Collateral Against Ethereum: To create Dai tokens users have to purchase and stake an equal value (in U.S. Dollars) of Ethereum tokens. As the price of Dai rises, users will be incentivized to create more. As the price falls, users will be incentivized to sell their assets back to the pool. 4.5
GUSD Created by Gemini cryptocurrency exchange, the Gemini USD stablecoin claims to be the first U.S. Dollar-backed stablecoin to receive approval from a U.S. regulator and aims to be the most transparent stablecoin on the market. 2018 330,800 ameriški dolar Gemini was founded by Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, two Bitcoin billionaires with a rich background in business.This trickles down to the team who collectively possess high levels of experience. Collateralized: GUSD is backed 1:1 by real dollars in reserve, with monthly audits. 4.5
Digix Digix takes the idea of a blockchain gold standard literally, promising that each DGX token represents 1 gram of actual, solid gold in a vault in Singapore. The utility of this over purchasing gold outright or an options contract remains uncertain, but the mechanism is sound. 2016 17,600 Gold Digix is run by a team with extensive experience in both finance and blockchain development at some of the world’s largest firms. Asset-Backed: A Digix token is minted once the underlying Proof of Provenance protocol confirms that a corresponding ounce of gold is in the vault. The price has fluctuated within approximately 25 percent since inception. 4
Binance USD Developed by Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, BUSD is a fully-regulated stablecoin backed by U.S. dollars, issued via the Paxos Trust Company. 2019 6,100,000 ameriški dolar As the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance in partnership with Paxos have a wealth of industry-leading expertise. Collateralized: Each BUSD is backed 1:1 by a reserve of dollars held in the Paxos account. 4
Huobi USD Huobi is one the Asia’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, and in partnership with Stable Universal, the firms issued the HUSD stablecoin token as a means to uncouple for pre-existing 3rd party stablecoins, as well as gain exposure in DeFi markets and platforms. 2020 736,600 Ameriški dolar Singapore-based exchange Huobi has relished a market-leading position for some years. Collateralized: Every HUSD token is backed by U.S. dollars held in reserves by a regulated trust company. 4
Tether Tether is one of the most well-known, valued, and reliable stablecoins on the market. 2015 170,300 ameriški dolar Bloomberg, among other outlets, has published very serious questions regarding the accounting practices of Tether. The company’s founders have a range of professional experience, ranging from fintech to retail. Collateralized: Each Tether token has a corresponding $1 U.S. invested in an owned account. While serious questions have been raised as to the company’s accounting practices in this regard, the token’s price has remained stable within $0.05. 4
PAX zlato (PAXG) PAXG is an Ethereum-based digital asset backed by gold. As per the website, each token is backed by one fine troy ounce (t oz) of a gold bar. In this case, if you own PAXG, you also own the gold that backs it. 2019 26,700 Gold The team backing Paxos is a mixed-bag with a wealth of expertise from tech and finance backgrounds. The team backing Paxos is a mixed-bag with a wealth of expertise from tech and finance backgrounds. 4
Stabilno USD Stably is a cryptocurrency pegged to the U.S. dollar, with each token set to $1. 2019 2,900 ameriški dolar Stably has a team with experience in both technology and finance. While they have little background in blockchain, their c-level leadership has worked with impressive firms in this space. Collateralized: Stably will hold $1 U.S. in reserves for each token distributed with quarterly audits. 3.5
Terra USD Terra is a blockchain platform that has built numerous fiat-backed stablecoins to power global payments systems. The firm created the decentralized stablecoin, UST, so that it could be available to all developers and blockchains, with DeFi yield earning as a prominent feature. Interchain stablecoin products are at the core of the firm’s goals, as is working to solve scalability issues. 2020 214,000 Cryptocurrency Terra has a significant presence in the Asia-Pacific region. The team has notable experience in e-commerce, software engineering and business development. Collateralized: Terra UST is an algorithmic stablecoin. For every UST minted, $1 worth of the reserve asset $LUNA is burned. 3

Najboljši stabilni kovanci glede na velikost

To give you a visual of how the stablecoins stack up against each other, here’s a look at their market capitalization (or total amount held by investors):

Vrste stabilnih kovancev

Tako kot vlada podpira fiat valuto, so tudi stabilni kovanci podprti s kakšnim drugim sredstvom ali avtoriteto. Tukaj so vrste stabilnih kovancev in njihova podpora.

Fiat podprti stabilni kovanci

Fiat podprti stabilni kovanci so povezani z določeno fiat valuto: ameriškimi dolarji, evri itd. Fiat podprti stabilni kovanci ponujajo boljšo stabilnost, zlasti v primerjavi s kripto podprtimi stabilnimi kovanci. Medtem ko kriptovalute spremljajo divja nihanja cen, imajo stabilni kovanci, podprti s fiat, minimalna nihanja cen, saj za njimi stoji zaupanja vredna valuta.

Vendar pa so stabilni kovanci, podprti s fiat, razmeroma novi in ​​imajo omejeno zgodovino, zato niso brez tveganja.

Coinbase, ena največjih platform za menjavo kriptovalut na svetu, ponuja stabilni coin, podprt s fiatnimi valutami, imenovan USD Coin. Ta kovanec je mogoče zamenjati z ameriškim dolarjem v razmerju 1:1. Na splošno je varen za uporabo, saj je vsak USDC podprt z enim ameriškim dolarjem.

S kripto podprti stabilni kovanci

Kot že ime pove, so to stabilni kovanci, "podprti" z drugimi kripto sredstvi. Ker so cene kriptovalut lahko spremenljive, so stabilni kovanci, podprti s kriptovalutami, preveč zavarovani (kar pomeni, da hranijo dodatno kriptovaluto v rezervah za primer tržnega zloma).

Na primer, če želite izposoditi 5 $ stabilnega kovanca, podprtega s kripto, boste morda morali kot zavarovanje »vložiti« (ali zakleniti) 10 $ drugega kripto sredstva. Če osnovno kripto sredstvo izgubi svojo vrednost, imate še vedno vgrajeno rezervo v višini 5 USD. Na splošno zaradi te volatilnosti so stabilni kovanci, podprti s kripto, manj zanesljivi kot stabilni kovanci, podprti s fiat.

Stabilcoin, podprt z blagom

Ti stabilni kovanci ohranjajo svojo vrednost s plemenitimi kovinami ali drugimi dobrinami, kot so nepremičnine ali nafta. Čeprav so ti stabilni kovanci na splošno centralizirani, centralizacija ščiti uporabnike pred nestanovitnostjo kriptovalut. Zlato je najbolj priljubljena dobrina, ki jo je treba zavarovati. Paxos Gold, Tether Gold in Digix so trije najbolj likvidni z zlatom podprti stabilni kovanci.

Stabilni kovanci, podprti z blagom, vam omogočajo, da vlagate v sredstva, ki bi sicer morda bila nedosegljiva. Na primer, pridobivanje in shranjevanje zlate palice je lahko zapleteno in drago, zato je držanje "zlatega stabilnega kovanca" lažji način za shranjevanje vrednosti, ne da bi morali kupiti osnovno blago.

Algoritmični stabilnik

Algoritemsko podprti stabilni kovanci se zanašajo na specializirane algoritme in pametne pogodbe za upravljanje ponudbe žetonov v obtoku. Na primer, če je cena algoritemskega stabilnega kovanca nastavljena na 1 dolar, vendar se cena stabilnega kovanca dvigne višje, bo računalniški algoritem samodejno sprostil več žetonov v ponudbo, da bi znižal ceno.

Alternatively, an algorithmic stablecoin will reduce the number of tokens in circulation when the market price drops below the price of the fiat currency it tracks.

Zakaj potrebujemo stabilne kovance?

Tukaj je nekaj primarnih primerov uporabe:

  • Premoženje Safe Haven: Za razliko od kriptovalut, katerih cena močno niha, imajo tisti, ki uporabljajo stabilne kovance za shranjevanje vrednosti, minimalno tveganje izgube.
  • Plačila: Podjetja imajo lahko koristi od sprejemanja stabilnih kovancev kot plačila, kar jim omogoča znižanje transakcijskih provizij, ki jih prinašajo običajni plačilni procesorji.
  • Takojšnje poravnave: Ko so poravnave izplačane, jih pogosto ni mogoče dostaviti takoj, ker zanje velja redni bančni čas. Stabilni kovanci delujejo v verigi blokov, kar pomeni, da delujejo 24/7: stranke lahko takoj prejmejo poravnavo.
  • Kreditiranje: Posojanje stablecoinov je priložnost z visokim donosom za vlagatelje v kriptovalute, saj lahko ponudi dvomestne obresti.
  • Escrow: Stabilni kovanci avtomatizirajo postopek hrambe prek pametnih pogodb, ki ocenjujejo pogoje hrambe brez uporabe institucionalnega posredovanja.
  • Alternativno bančništvo: 14.1 milijonov odraslih Američanov are unbanked. All you need is internet access to have a stablecoin “account,” opening financial access to all.

Kako zaslužite s stabilnimi kovanci?


Most people make their money with regular cryptocurrency through trading, mining, or upravičuje, posojanjeali pridelek. Because stablecoins are tied to an asset, making money with stablecoin works a little differently.  Here are the ways to make money with stablecoins:

  • Staking: Staking involves helping maintain the flow of the blockchain network on a particular asset. In return, you earn compensation from income from the network. Essentially, you’re locking in your stablecoins to receive rewards. Examples of stablecoins that offer staking rewards include Binance, Tether, and PAX Gold. (See our guide to Najboljši donosi kripto vložkov.)
  • Kreditiranje: You can lend your stablecoins out to borrowers to earn money, with rates of return ranging from 5 to 12 percent. You can lend your stablecoin on many major crypto lending platforms, such as BlockFi or Celsius. (See our guide to Najboljše platforme za posojanje kriptovalut.)
  • Pridelek: Yield farming allows investors to earn money by lending stablecoins through smart contracts, like earning interest on a traditional savings account. (See our guide to Najboljše stopnje pridelave.)

Primer za stabilne kovance

typing on a phone

Da valuta deluje, mora zanesljivo hraniti vrednost. Varčevalci morajo biti prepričani, da bo znesek denarja, ki so ga vložili v banko v ponedeljek, razumno odražal njihovo bogastvo v petek. Tako inflacija kot deflacija morata ostati pod nadzorom.

That is why several digital currency projects have taken a new approach. Instead of replacing traditional money, they’ll work alongside it. “Stable cryptocurrencies” peg themselves to a fiat currency of choice, typically the dollar, and automatically adjust the number of tokens in circulation to keep the price stable.

It’s an approach taken by several countries, even before cryptocurrency was widespread. For example, Cambodia pegs its riel at 4,400 to one U.S. dollar. Their goal is to create an electronic wallet that serves as a bank account, not an investment portfolio.

Stablecoins just take this currency “peg” and put it into code.

Kako stabilni so cenovno stabilni kovanci?

When looking at the prices of stablecoins on digital asset data platforms, you will notice that stablecoins often do not remain “stable” at $1.00. For example, at the time of writing this article, Tether (USDT), Kovanček USD (USDC)In Blizanci dolar (GUSD) were trading at $1.01, $1.01, and $1.02, respectively.

The reason is that the issuers of dollar-collateralized stablecoins need to manage the supply of their coins through issuing and burning/redeeming to ensure the value of their coins maintains roughly one-to-one with the US dollar.

However, there have also been stablecoins that have lost their peg entirely. For example, Steem dolarjev (SBD), a cryptocurrency of the Steemit network, was designed to maintain its value at one dollar. However, the startup behind the Steemit network eventually stopped managing the coin’s money supply and let the digital currency float freely. This caused the coin’s value to surge to $15 during the 2017 rally before it came crashing down to as low as $0.51.

Not all stablecoins are really 100 percent price-stable. Moreover, due to their centralized nature and occasional lack of transparency, some stablecoins are actually riskier than they may seem, even if their values oscillate closely around the $1 mark. Do your research and never invest more than you are willing to lose.

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