
Vodja avstralske kripto borze pravi, da so predpisi koristni

Head of Australian Crypto Exchange Says Regulations Are Beneficial Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.
Head of Australian Crypto Exchange Says Regulations Are Beneficial Blockchain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Vodja priljubljene avstralske borze kriptovalut BTC Markets pravi, da predpisi kripto prinašajo koristi industriji. 


In the global race for cryptocurrency adoption, regulations, and innovation Australia seeks its own piece of the action. Glede na the CEO of the country’s largest crypto exchange the country could get left behind without proper action. 

Caroline Bowler je izvršna direktorica borze BTC Market. V intervjuju za Bloomberg je dejala, da bi bila "res škoda za Avstralijo, če tega bika ne vzamemo za rogove."


Bowler said a “progressive framework of regulation” would benefit the Australian crypto market. Moreover, she praised the Evropska unija for its strategies of regulation through innovation. Along with Europe she mentioned the crypto-forward track record of the city-state of Singapore.

On the other hand, the CEO noted the hardline stance on crypto from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In recent months the SEC cracked down on big names within the crypto industry such as UniSwap in Coinbase.  

Na splošno je Bowler pozdravil regulacijo industrije v Avstraliji in na splošno. Trdila je, da ima "določen občutek optimizma" glede poročila parlamentarne komisije o tej temi.

Avstralski kripto premislek

Odnos Avstralije do vseh kriptovalut sega naprej in nazaj. 

obstajajo reports which show Australian crypto adoption as more than that of the U.S. and U.K., which is a progressive sign. Though others, like from Blockchain Australia,  say that crypto progress in the country is in stagnation. 

V zvezi z institucijami obstajajo tudi mešani signali. 

Late last month, the regulators in the country called for a reevaluation of crypto wallets from Apple and Google services. Those reevaluations pondered stricter rules for digital asset wallets. While at the same time federal banks give crypto companies and investors a hard time. 

A handful of the top Australian banks refuse business dealings with crypto-related firms. While these bank decisions don’t deny crypto, some speculate they do this for an advantage in the market when they choose their entrance. Nonetheless the frequent rejections stifles potential  homegrown innovation in the industry. An Australian bitcoin trader reportedly prejeli zavrnitve from over 90 banks in the country. 

Zavrnitev odgovornosti

Vse informacije na našem spletnem mestu so objavljene v dobri veri in zgolj za splošne informacije. Vsako dejanje, ki ga bralec izvede na podlagi informacij na naši spletni strani, je izključno na lastno odgovornost.

Delite članek

Savannah Fortis je multimedijska novinarka, ki pokriva zgodbe na križišču kulture, mednarodnih odnosov in tehnologije. S svojimi potovanji se je kripto-skupnosti seznanila že leta 2017 in od takrat sodeluje s prostorom.

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