3 dni po tem, ko je Vitalik Saylorja označil za 'popolnega klovna', MicroStrategy napoveduje novega izvršnega direktorja PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

3 dni po tem, ko je Vitalik Saylorja označil za 'popolnega klovna', MicroStrategy napoveduje novega izvršnega direktorja

Based on what Nasdaq-listed business intelligence company MicroStrategy Inc. (NASDAQ: MSTR) announced on Tuesday (August 2), the firm will have a new CEO as of August 8.

Ne smemo pozabiti, da je MicroStrategy 11. avgusta 2020 prek a sporočilo za javnost da je "kupila 21,454 bitcoinov po skupni nabavni ceni 250 milijonov dolarjev", da bi jo uporabila kot "primarno zakladniško sredstvo".

Michael Saylor (soustanovitelj, predsednik in izvršni direktor podjetja) je takrat dejal:

"Našo odločitev, da trenutno vlagamo v Bitcoin, je deloma spodbudilo sotočanje makro dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na gospodarsko in poslovno krajino, za katere menimo, da ustvarjajo dolgoročna tveganja za naš korporativni zakladniški program - tveganja, ki bi jih bilo treba obravnavati proaktivno."

Od takrat je MicroStrategy še naprej kopičil Bitcoin in njegov izvršni direktor je postal eden najglasnejših zagovornikov Bitcoina. Zadnji nakup $BTC s strani MicroStrategyja, o katerem je Saylor tvitnil 29. junija, pomeni, da podjetje zdaj HODLing okoli 129,699 bitcoinov, ki so bili "pridobljeni za ~3.98 milijarde $ po povprečni ceni ~30,664 $ na bitcoin."

Kakorkoli, po mnenju a poročilo by CoinDesk, on Wednesday (July 27), Saylor, who is a self-confessed Bitcoin maximalist, spoke at a two-day crypto conference in Turkey — “Blockchain ekonomija Istanbul” — where he shared his thoughts on Ethereum.

Poročilo CoinDesk je omenilo, da je Saylor "opozoril, da je govoril kot institucionalni vlagatelj in da bo v zvezi s tem 'moralo počakati, da bo protokol dokončan'." Očitno je "poudaril, da je soustanovitelj Ethereuma Vitalik Buterin dejal v govoru prejšnji teden je dejal, da je Ethereum 40-odstotno pripravljen in da je začrtal načrt za tri do štiri leta, kar pomeni, da 'protokol izgleda ne bo dokončan ali stabilen še 36 mesecev.'«

Glede trdnosti Ethereuma je Saylor dejal:

""Tehnično dobro" pomeni, da moram videti funkcijo protokola za to stvar po približno petih do desetih letih. Torej tudi tega ne vemo. Prav? Kajti če težko forkate in ga spreminjate, vsakič, ko naredite veliko nadgradnjo, uvedete nove napadalne površine ...

""Etično zdravo pomeni, da moram vedeti, da nihče ne more spremeniti [protokola], kar vključuje Vitalika. Vedeti moram, da nihče v fundaciji Ethereum, noben posameznik ne more spremeniti protokola, ker če bi lahko spremenili protokol, to postane vrednostni papir in če postane vrednostni papir, potem ne bo postal svetovni denar."

On July 12, during an Videz on YouTube series “Ne investicijski nasvet“, Saylor said that the basis for U.S. securities laws was the bible (more specifically, the Old Testament):

"Most of the crypto industry, it just went, fast broke things, lacking adult supervision. Very entrepreneurial and that works until it doesn’t work anymore. It’s pretty clear it’s not working anymore. And the next decade, you’re gonna have to have lawyers and accountants. I know people are saying, ‘well, I guess Celsius should have disclosed what they were doing’. You know who discloses what they’re doing? Publicly traded companies…

"Just keep in mind: the basis of securities laws are biblical; they go back thousands of years, I mean, Hamurabijev kodeks even. The basis of securities laws are ‘thou shalt not lie, cheat, or steal’. That’s the basis of the law. So saying ‘these are antiquated laws from 1933 that don’t apply to crypto’ that’s kind of a dead on arrival argument. The law is ‘don’t lie, cheat, or steal’. It’s just instantiated in different years and different places. And so, the future the industry is going to have to be based on an ethically sound foundation, a technically sound foundation, and an economically sound foundation.

"And as you can tell, I think Bitcoin is economically, technically, and ethically sound. You’ve you’ve got a million reasons why. We could talk about it for thousands of hours. If you want to build a business in this industry, you need to be inspired by those three principles.

"And the simple thing to do is just use Bitcoin as your token and then build on top of that monetary protocol and on top of that monetary asset, but if you’re not going to do that, you definitely have to think long and hard about the economic, ethical, and technical implications of what you’re doing."

This led Buterin to wonder out loud last Saturday (July 30) why Bitcoin maximalists like to choose as heroes “total clowns” like Michael Syalor:

Earlier today, MicroStrategy released its “Finančni rezultati v prvem četrtletju leta 2“. The company’s sporočilo za javnost about its latets quarterly earnings report announced that “as of August 8, 2022, Michael Saylor will assume the new role of Executive Chairman and Phong Le, the Company’s President, will also serve as the Company’s new Chief Executive Officer and as a member of the Board of Directors.” It also mentioned that “Mr. Saylor will remain the Chairman of the Board of Directors and an executive officer of the Company.”

Sporočilo za javnost je nadaljevalo, da se bo "kot izvršni predsednik g. Saylor osredotočil predvsem na inovacije in dolgoročno korporativno strategijo, medtem ko bo kot vodja odbora za naložbe še naprej zagotavljal nadzor nad strategijo podjetja za pridobivanje bitcoinov."

Saylor had this to say about his new role at the company:

"Verjamem, da nam bo delitev vlog predsednika in izvršnega direktorja omogočila boljše izvajanje naših dveh korporativnih strategij pridobivanja in zadrževanja bitcoina ter rasti našega poslovanja s programsko opremo za analitiko podjetij. Kot izvršni predsednik se bom lahko bolj osredotočil na našo strategijo pridobivanja bitcoinov in s tem povezane pobude za zagovarjanje bitcoinov, Phong pa bo kot izvršni direktor pooblaščen za upravljanje celotnega poslovanja podjetja."

And Le stated:

"I’m honored and excited to continue leading this truly innovative organization, as President & CEO. Our people and our brand carry incredible momentum. I would like to reinforce our commitment to our customers, shareholders, partners and employees, and I look forward to leading the organization for the long-term health and growth of our enterprise software and bitcoin acquisition strategies."

The press release also talked about “Operating Expenses” and “Loss from Operations and Net Loss” for Q2 2022:

  • Poslovni odhodki: "Operating expenses for the second quarter of 2022 were $1.015 billion, a 96.5% increase compared to the second quarter of 2021. Operating expenses include impairment losses on MicroStrategy’s digital assets, which were $917.8 million during the second quarter of 2022, compared to $424.8 million in the second quarter of 2021."
  • Loss from Operations and Net Loss: "Loss from operations for the second quarter of 2022 was $918.1 million, compared to $414.2 million for the second quarter of 2021. Net loss for the second quarter of 2022 was $1.062 billion, or $94.01 per share on a diluted basis, as compared to $299.3 million, or $30.71 per share on a diluted basis, for the second quarter of 2021. Digital asset impairment charges of $917.8 million and $424.8 million for the second quarter of 2022 and 2021, respectively, were reflected in these amounts."

Here are a few reactions from the crypto community to the news about Saylor stepping down as CEO:

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