3 razlogi, zakaj menjalne rezerve Ethereuma padajo na nove dno PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

3 razlogi, zakaj devizne rezerve Ethereuma padajo na nove najnižje ravni

Over the past week, astute crypto market analysts noticed some interesting developments related to the supply of Ether (ETH) as the network’s Aug. 4 Londonska trda vilica pristopov.

Najnovejši podatki podjetja CryptoQuant, analitičnega podjetja na verigi, kažejo, da je količina etra v rezervah borz kriptovalut od začetka julija dosegla nove najnižje dnevne vrednosti.

3 razlogi, zakaj menjalne rezerve Ethereuma padajo na nove dno PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Ethereum vse devizne rezerve. Vir: kriptokvant

Da bi ugotovili, ali gre za bikovski ali medvedji razvoj za najvišji altcoin, si podrobneje oglejmo nekatere dejavnike, ki igrajo vlogo pri povečanem povpraševanju po eteru, vključno s pogodbo o stajanju Eth2, povečano aktivnostjo v decentraliziranih financah in trgovcih "morebitno navdušenje pred izvajanjem predloga za izboljšanje Ethereuma (EIP) 1559.

Vložki Eth2 presegajo 6 milijonov eterjev

One source for the increased demand for Ether is the Eth2 staking contract, which surpassed the 6 milijonov Ether mark on June 30.

Data from CryptoQuant shows that July 1 saw the largest single-day outflow of Ether from exchanges since Jan. 21, with more than 596,000 Ether pulled off exchanges.

3 razlogi, zakaj menjalne rezerve Ethereuma padajo na nove dno PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Ethereum vse izmenjuje netflow. Vir: kriptokvant

Najnovejši podatki, ki jih je zagotovil Eth2 Launchpad, kažejo, da je trenutni vloženi znesek 6,166,661, kar pomeni, da ni šel ves vloženi eter z borz.

Vrednosti DeFi naraščajo

Another possible destination for the Ether being taken off exchanges is the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, which has seen increases in token values as well as the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi protocols.

3 razlogi, zakaj menjalne rezerve Ethereuma padajo na nove dno PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
Skupna vrednost zaklenjena v vseh sistemih DeFi. Vir: Defi lama

While Ether and Bitcoin (BTC) hold a lot of the value that is currently locked in DeFi, their prices have remained relatively unchanged over the past week, meaning the recent rise in TVL seen on Thursday may have been caused by rising token values as deposits have remained steady according to deposits and loan datum provided by Dune Analytics. 

Navdušenje trgovcev raste pred londonskim hard forkom

A third potential contributor to the recent flows seen in Ether is the upcoming London Hard Fork and the EIP-1559 snubitev.

Številni analitiki pričakujejo, da bo nadgradnja pozitivno vplivala na Eterovo ceno zaradi prehoda na okolju prijaznejši mehanizem soglasja o dokazovanju vlog in nove funkcije "pomanjkanja", ki bo zmanjšala število žetonov v obtoku.

Podobni: Cena Ethereuma lahko na Bitcoinu doseže 40%, trdi analitik, ko se londonska vilica bliža

Excitement about the upcoming hard fork is a possible source in the rise of ETH/BTC pair seen since June 27 as the price of Ether also rose in its United States dollar pair.

3 razlogi, zakaj menjalne rezerve Ethereuma padajo na nove dno PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.
ETH / BTC 4-urni grafikon. Vir: TradingView

While Ether has outperformed Bitcoin for the majority of the time since June 27, BTC’s performance during the market-wide pullback on Thursday is a sign that BTC remains the most resilient of the cryptocurrencies when market conditions are less than favorable.

From a long-term perspective, however, the value proposition of Ether can’t be ignored, and the battle between Ether and BTC is far from settled as recently discussed in a report from Goldman Sachs, which suggests that Ether could possibly surpass the total market capitalization of Bitcoin in the coming years.

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Vir: https://cointelegraph.com/news/3-reasons-why-ethereum-exchange-reserves-are-falling-to-new-lows

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