5 pogostih vprašanj o uvajanju samostojnih delavcev, ki jih rešujejo tehnične rešitve (Pavel Shynkarenko) Podatkovna inteligenca PlatoBlockchain. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

5 pogostih vprašanj o uvajanju svobodnjakov, ki jih rešujejo tehnične rešitve (Pavel Shynkarenko)

Trenutno se ameriška podjetja soočajo s hudo in dvostransko težavo. Na eni strani je

veliko pomanjkanje talentov
, zaradi česar je težko zaposliti kvalificirane kandidate. Hkrati večina podjetij ne more ponuditi višjih, privlačnejših plač za pridobitev najboljših talentov, ker morajo optimizirati stroške delovne sile. 

In most cases, the solution to this problem is hiring qualified freelancers rather than full-time employees. A recent survey showed that tech companies are among the first to turn to independent contractors to save money while hiring top talent. In this
survey, 71% of companies noted that bringing on freelancers is ideal for staying agile during economic uncertainty, which all businesses are looking for in the current landscape. 

Vendar pa vključevanje izvajalcev na daljavo prinaša izzive. Podjetja morajo ugotoviti, kako se vključiti na daljavo na hiter, učinkovit in skladen način, kar odpira nekaj ključnih vprašanj, ki jih tehnološka podjetja lahko rešijo. 

1. Kako lahko moje podjetje zakonito sodeluje s samostojnimi podjetji v vseh regijah?

Every country has it’s business laws and financial regulations, which can be challenging to keep organized, especially when hiring contractors from multiple regions. 

For example, the legal working age is 14 in India but 18 in Indonesia. In Mexico, freelancers can only be hired for specific jobs, and in Malaysia, it’s prohibited to interact with Israel (and vice versa). This is why it’s often worthwhile to outsource your
freelance hiring to companies that specifically keep up with these regulations.

Poleg tega lahko podjetja uporabljajo poenostavljene postopke preverjanja z visoko stopnjo varnosti. Podjetja, kot je Sumsub, ponujajo temeljita preverjanja preteklosti in postopke KYC, ki zagotavljajo skladnost. 

2. Kako naj moje podjetje določi pogodbene cilje in prejme opravljeno delo?

With remote workers, it can be difficult to know how to establish a working relationship. Since you can’t go to their office for a status check, how do you navigate setting goals and receiving work on time? 

The answer is with a clear, thorough contract. Sites like Rocket Lawyer and HoneyBook help businesses and contractors to draft written expectations that cover confidentiality, ownership, explicit tasks and goals, transparent payment rates, and termination

In these instances, it’s better to overly explain expectations, so there’s no room for future debates or confusion. 

3. Kako merimo rezultate in produktivnost izvajalcev?

The global pandemic helped companies take a much-needed fresh look at how to evaluate results for in-house and contract employees. Rather than measuring value by the number of hours worked, businesses are now evaluating outputs and tracking how much time
is spent on each task.

Fortunately, there are a few solutions companies can choose from. Services like TimeCamp or Quickbooks Time can be used to track billable hours and contractor productivity. These records can also help companies decide which contractors to develop full-time
relationships with. 

4. Kako lahko učinkovito komuniciramo s freelancerji o rokih? Kdaj naj se obrnemo na mediacijo za reševanje sporov?

Medtem ko so številni svobodnjaki odlični delavci, ki pravočasno oddajo delo, morajo imeti podjetja vzpostavljene politike in postopke za reševanje težkih situacij s pogodbenimi delavci. 

Vaše podjetje mora pri sklepanju nove pogodbe postaviti jasne roke in začrtati jasne cilje. To pomeni, da je treba določiti stvari, kot so urne postavke v primerjavi s tarifami za posamezno nalogo in katere storitve so vključene v te cene, na primer število revizij ali preizkusov za nalogo. 

Some platforms, like Solar Staff, hold payment in escrow and allow work deadlines to be shifted if both sides approve it. These services also offer outside mediation in case a completed contract is not seen as sufficient by either party. Additionally, if
you’re looking for a solution to help resolve conflicts, dispute rate is an important figure: How many disputes have the service successfully resolved?

Companies always have the option to communicate with contractors directly via email or messenger programs like Whatsapp and Slack. Still, it’s usually best to keep communications on a verified service platform. Using a third-party service like this protects
both freelancers and businesses when it comes to meeting deadlines and disagreements over work goals. 

5. Kako lahko moje podjetje hitro in enostavno plača svobodnjakom za opravljeno delo?

Za podjetja je pogosto najbolj zapleteno vprašanje plačila izvajalcev. Izvajalci se ne obravnavajo enako kot redno zaposleni, zato morajo računovodski oddelki imeti podrobne in natančne dnevnike o tem, kako se denar razporeja. 

For instance, companies must make sure that all contractor payouts for completed tasks are marked as wage budgets and not as payments to individuals. In addition, since various regions around the world have their tax and work regulations, businesses need
to make sure they document every transaction accurately. In general, the top three problems companies face when paying cross-border contractors are:

  1. Kako krmariti po predplačilu brez garancije, da bo izvajalec poslal delo.

  2. Kako zmanjšati čas, porabljen za čezmejna plačila neodvisnim izvajalcem.

  3. Kako pospešiti postopek plačila, tako da transakcije prispejo hitro, namesto da trajajo več tednov (kot se pogosto zgodi pri plačilih SWIFT).

In most cases, it is faster, easier, and more effective for companies to outsource this accounting to a professional service. Third-party services that specialize in keeping up with legal and financial regulations can help businesses stay compliant without
additional paperwork and headaches. 

Nenazadnje je tudi pametno, da računovodski oddelki vzdržujejo zaključne registratorje za vsako nalogo, tako da bodo računovodski in knjigovodski procesi v prihodnje potekali nemoteno. 

Glede na
Mednarodna organizacija dela
, približno 46.5 % svetovne delovne sile sestavljajo samostojni delavci. Samo v ZDA naj bi samostojni podjetniki nadomestili

več kot polovica celotne delovne sile
s 2028.

These numbers prove that contract workers are the future, and building contractor teams will soon be as commonplace as in-house hiring. This shift in the workforce means that companies need to start revising their onboarding processes sooner rather than
later to stay relevant in the future.

Fortunately, there are numerous startups and tech solutions on the scene that are ready to help streamline the process of creating a remote team, so working with freelancers doesn’t have to be a hassle. 

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