A Suspiciously Positive Insider Look At Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey’s Bitcoin Academy | Bitcoinist.com PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Sumljivo pozitiven notranji pogled na Bitcoin akademijo Jay-Z-ja in Jacka Dorseyja | Bitcoinist.com

The Bitcoin Academy wasn’t as properly obtained because it ought to’ve been. The group wants good press and obtained it. The Enterprise Insider article “Kako Bitcoin akademija Jay-Z-ja in Jacka Dorseyja zagotavlja finančno vključenost in podira ovire neenakosti” is optimistic after which some. Is it too cynical to be suspicious of a optimistic portrayal of a bitcoin establishment in mainstream media? Perhaps, however that is simply too optimistic!

Kdaj The Guardian went out of its manner to report that Marcy residents weren’t precisely thrilled with The Bitcoin Academy, we requested:

»Zakaj The Guardian, britanski časopis, poroča o Bitcoin akademiji z območja Marcyjevih projektov? Seveda je to svetovna novica, a obtožujoč ton članka se zdi sumljiv.”

And properly, this different article feels suspicious as properly. Even when the whole lot they are saying in it’s actual.

The article’s protagonists are Marcy resident Mariela Regalado and Bitcoin Academy teacher Lamar Wilson, of Black Bitcoin Billionaire fame. To color the clearest image potential, we’ll use their quotes verbatim.

Dobrodošli v Bitcoin akademiji

Kdaj Bitcoinist first mentioned the venture, we knowledgeable:

»Ena največjih ovir, da ljudje spoznajo Bitcoin, je dostop do interneta in naprav. Iz tega razloga bodo udeleženci prejeli naprave MiFi in enoletni omejeni podatkovni paket s pametnimi telefoni, »če bodo potrebni«.

Members will be capable to maintain the units supplied by the Bitcoin Academy. These Marcy Homes residents wanting to participate within the in-person lessons will probably be served dinner.”

What gave the impression of perks turned out to be key adoption components. Mariela Regalado lives in Marcy, in response to Enterprise Insider “she said a main “selling” level was that this system provided free childcare for her younger daughter, which allowed her the chance to take part as a single mom.” The publication makes positive to say that “both Wilson and Regalado made a point to stress that students in the program weren’t pressured into buying or selling bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.”

They even go so far as to say, “Regalado framed the program as “purely this fun, educational journey that I got to do with my neighbors.”

Some Of The Courses Marcy Residents Took 

"Gradnja bogastva in premoženje"
"Zakaj je decentralizacija pomembna"
"Ostati varen pred prevaranti"
"Bitcoin in davki"
"Kariera v kripto" 

Citati iz Bitcoin akademije

To drive the individuals “weren’t pressured into buying or selling bitcoin” level house, Bitcoin Academy teacher Lamar Wilson stated:

»Ker razumem informacije in jih lahko razčlenim v ljudski jezik, ki ga lahko razumejo drugi, zlasti ljudje, od koder sem, se mi zdi, da je skoraj moja dolžnost zagotoviti, da jim posredujem informacije, in ne na primer priporočite jim, naj kupijo bitcoin ali jih poskusite prepričati, da vložijo ves svoj denar ali kaj podobnega. Samo res je, dovolite mi, da posredujem informacije in vam kot zelo inteligentnemu bitju omogočim, da se sami odločate.”

Odgovoriti the preliminary backlash, Enterprise Insider obtained Mariela Regalado to do the soiled work:

»Skoraj tako, kot da so bili vsi v komentarjih in tem odzivu osredotočeni na pomanjkanje. Kot, hej, hvala. Vemo, kaj zamujamo. Vemo, kakšna je revščina, saj smo v njej. To ne pomeni, da moramo ostati pri tem, in ne pomeni, da nismo vredni sporočil, ki so pripeljala do tega, da so drugi ljudje in druge rase napredovali ali obogateli.«

As you’ll be able to learn, she did an outstanding job. Regalado additionally painted an image of the Bitcoin Academy scene that’s a sight to behold:

»Vidik skupnosti je bil res eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov zame, ker govorimo o najstnikih, veteranih, starejših, milenijcih, in do zdaj se ne morem spomniti ničesar drugega, kar bi povezalo toliko glasov, toliko medgeneracijskih glasov sedeti in se učiti ter deliti v skupnosti. In iskreno se ne morem spomniti prostorov, v katerih bi lahko to naredili.«

BTC value chart for 09/09/2022 on FX | Supply: BTC/USD on TradingView.com

Zaključne besede gospe Glorie Carter

The president and co-founder of The Shawn Carter Basis, Ms. Gloria Carter AKA Jay-Z’s mom, despatched Enterprise Insider a press release. The start efficiently summarizes this complete article in just a few sentences:

»Pojavili so se stanovalci Marcyja. Več kot 350 ljudi, ki so obiskovali tečaje The Bitcoin Academy, nam je dalo vedeti, da je to izobraževanje za njih pomembno – in da je pomembno. Pomembno je tudi zagotoviti potrebne vire, kot so večerja, varstvo otrok, naprave, dostop do interneta, predano osebje in inštruktorji, da bi čim več ljudi lahko sodelovalo osebno in na spletu.«

All in all, this is among the most optimistic bitcoin-related articles mainstream media has ever printed. It cleverly responded to the entire criticism speaking factors, one after the other. Let’s hope the development continues and will get to some extent during which it doesn’t appear suspicious.

Featured Picture: Bitcoin Academy college students, screenshot s spletnega mesta | Grafikoni TradingView

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