Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker

Machine learning (ML) model deployments can have very demanding performance and latency requirements for businesses today. Use cases such as fraud detection and ad placement are examples where milliseconds matter and are critical to business success. Strict service level agreements (SLAs) need to be met, and a typical request may require multiple steps such as preprocessing, data transformation, model selection logic, model aggregation, and postprocessing. At scale, this often means maintaining a huge volume of traffic while maintaining low latency. Common design patterns include serial inference pipelines, ensembles (scatter-gather), and business logic workflows, which result in realizing the entire workflow of the request as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). However, as workflows get more complex, this can lead to an increase in overall response times, which in turn can negatively impact the end-user experience and jeopardize business goals. Triton can address these use cases where multiple models are composed in a pipeline with input and output tensors connected between them, helping you address these workloads.

As you evaluate your goals in relation to ML model inference, many options can be considered, but few are as capable and proven as Amazon SageMaker z Triton Inference Server. SageMaker with Triton Inference Server has been a popular choice for many customers because it’s purpose-built to maximize throughput and hardware utilization with ultra-low (single-digit milliseconds) inference latency. It has wide range of supported ML frameworks (including TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, XGBoost, and NVIDIA TensorRT) and infrastructure backends, including NVIDIA GPUs, CPUs, and Sklepanje AWS. Additionally, Triton Inference Server is integrated with SageMaker, a fully managed end-to-end ML service, providing real-time inference options for model hosting.

In this post, we walk through deploying a fraud detection ensemble workload to SageMaker with Triton Inference Server.

Pregled rešitev

It’s essential for any project to have a list of requirements and an effort estimation, in order to approximate the total cost of the project. It’s important to estimate the return on investment (ROI) that supports the decision of an organization. Some considerations to take account when moving a workload to Triton include:

Effort estimation is key in software development, and its measurement is often based on incomplete, uncertain, and noisy inputs. ML workloads are no different. Multiple factors will affect an architecture for ML inference, med katerimi so nekateri:

  • Client-side latency budget – It specifies the client-side round-trip maximum acceptable waiting time for an inference response, commonly expressed in percentiles. For workloads that require a latency budget near tens of milliseconds, network transfers could become expensive, so using models at the edge would be a better fit.
  • Data payload distribution size – Payload, often referred to as telo sporočila, is the request data transmitted from the client to the model, as well as the response data transmitted from the model to the client. The payload size often has a major impact on latency and should be taken into consideration.
  • Oblika podatkov – This specifies how the payload is sent to the ML model. Format can be human-readable, such as JSON and CSV, however there are also binary formats, which are often compressed and smaller in size. This is a trade-off between compression overhead and transfer size, meaning that CPU cycles and latency is added to compress or decompress, in order to save bytes transferred over the network. This post shows how to utilize both JSON and binary formats.
  • Software stack and components required – A stack is a collection of components that operate together to support an ML application, including operating system, runtimes, and software layers. Triton comes with built-in popular ML frameworks, called zapornice, such as ONNX, TensorFlow, FIL, OpenVINO, native Python, and others. You can also author a custom backend for your own homegrown components. This post goes over an XGBoost model and data preprocessing, which we migrate to the NVIDIA provided FIL and Python Triton backends, respectively.

All these factors should play a vital part in evaluating how your workloads perform, but in this use case we focus on the work needed to move your ML models to be hosted in SageMaker with Triton Inference Server. Specifically, we use an example of a fraud detection ensemble composed of an XGBoost model with preprocessing logic written in Python.

NVIDIA Triton Inference Server

Triton Inference Server has been designed from the ground up to enable teams to deploy, run, and scale trained AI models from any framework on GPU or CPU based infrastructure. In addition, it has been optimized to offer high-performance inference at scale with features like dynamic batching, concurrent runs, optimal model configuration, model ensemble, and support for streaming inputs.

The following diagram shows an example NVIDIA Triton ensemble pipeline.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Workloads should take into account the capabilities that Triton provides along with SageMaker hosting to maximize the benefits offered. For example, Triton supports HTTP as well as a C API, which allow for flexibility as well as payload optimization when needed. As previously mentioned, Triton supports several popular frameworks out of the box, including TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, XGBoost, and NVIDIA TensorRT. These frameworks are supported through Triton backends, and in the rare event that a backend doesn’t support your use case, Triton allows you to implement your own and integrate it easily.

The following diagram shows an example of the NVIDIA Triton architecture.

NVIDIA Triton on SageMaker

Gostovanje SageMaker storitve so nabor funkcij SageMaker, katerih cilj je lažja uvedba in strežba modela. Ponuja različne možnosti za preprosto uvajanje, samodejno prilagajanje, spremljanje in optimizacijo modelov ML, prilagojenih za različne primere uporabe. To pomeni, da lahko svoje uvedbe optimizirate za vse vrste vzorcev uporabe, od trajnih in vedno na voljo z možnostmi brez strežnika do prehodnih, dolgotrajnih ali paketnih potreb po sklepanju.

Under the SageMaker hosting umbrella is also the set of SageMaker inference Deep Learning Containers (DLCs), which come prepackaged with the appropriate model server software for their corresponding supported ML framework. This enables you to achieve high inference performance with no model server setup, which is often the most complex technical aspect of model deployment and in general isn’t part of a data scientist’s skill set. Triton inference server is now Na voljo on SageMaker DLCs.

Zaradi te širine možnosti, modularnosti in enostavne uporabe različnih strežniških okvirov se SageMaker in Triton močno ujemata.

NVIDIA FIL backend support

Z 22.05 version release of Triton, NVIDIA now supports forest models trained by several popular ML frameworks, including XGBoost, LightGBM, Scikit-learn, and cuML. When using the FIL backend for Triton, you should ensure that the model artifacts that you provide are supported. For example, FIL supports model_type xgboost, xgboost_json, lightgbmali treelite_checkpoint, indicating whether the provided model is in XGBoost binary format, XGBoost JSON format, LightGBM text format, or Treelite binary format, respectively.

This backend support is essential for us to use in our example because FIL supports XGBoost models. The only consideration to check is to ensure that the model that we deploy supports binary or JSON formats.

In addition to ensuring that you have the proper model format, other considerations should be taken. The FIL backend for Triton provides configurable options for developers to tune their workloads and optimize model run performance. The configuration dynamic_batching allows Triton to hold client-side requests and batch them on the server side, in order to efficiently use FIL’s parallel computation to inference the entire batch together. The option max_queue_delay_microseconds offers a fail-safe control of how long Triton waits to form a batch. FIL comes with Shapley explainer, which can be activated by the configuration treeshap_output; however, you should keep in mind that Shapley outputs hurt performance due to its output size. Another important aspect is storage_type in order to trade-off between memory footprint and runtime. For example, using storage as SPARSE can reduce the memory consumption, whereas DENSE can reduce your model run performance at the expense of higher memory usage. Deciding the best choice for each of these depends on your workload and your latency budget, so we recommend a deeper look into all options in the FIL backend FAQ in list of configurations available in FIL.

Steps to host a model on triton

Let’s look at our fraud detection use case as an example of what to consider when moving a workload to Triton.

Identify your workload

In this use case, we have a fraud detection model used during the checkout process of a retail customer. The inference pipeline is using an XGBoost algorithm with preprocessing logic that includes data preparation for preprocessing.

Identify current and target performance metrics and other goals that may apply

You may find that your end-to-end inference time is taking too long to be acceptable. Your goal could be to go from tens of milliseconds of latency to single-digit latency for the same volume of requests and respective throughput. You determine that the bulk of the time is consumed by data preprocessing and the XGBoost model. Other factors such as network and payload size play a minimal role in the overhead associated with the end-to-end inference time.

Work backward to determine if Triton can host your workload based on your requirements

To determine if Triton can meet your requirements, you want to pay attention to two main areas of concern. The first is to ensure that Triton can serve with an acceptable front end option such as HTTP or C API.

As mentioned previously, it’s also critical to determine if Triton supports a backend that can serve your artifacts. Triton supports a number of zapornice that are tailor-made to support various frameworks like PyTorch and TensorFlow. Check to ensure that your models are supported and that you have the proper model format that Triton expects. To do this, first check to see what model formats the Triton backend supports. In many cases, this doesn’t require any changes for the model. In other cases, your model may require transformation to a different format. Depending on the source and target format, various options exist, such as transforming a Python pickle file to use Treelite’s binary checkpoint format.

For this use case, we determine the FIL backend can support the XGBoost model with no changes needed and that we can use the Zaledje Python for the preprocessing. With the ensemble feature of Triton, you can further optimize your workload by avoiding costly network calls between hosting instances.

Create a plan and estimate the effort required to use Triton for hosting

Let’s talk about the plan to move your models to Triton. Every Triton deployment requires the following:

  • Model artifacts required by Triton backends
  • Triton configuration files
  • A model repository folder with the proper structure

We show an example of how to create these deployment dependencies later in this post.

Run the plan and validate the results

After you create the required files and artifacts in the properly structured model repository, you need to tune your deployment and test it to validate that you have now hit your target metrics.

At this point, you can use SageMaker Inference Recommender to determine what endpoint instance type is best for you based upon your requirements. In addition, Triton provides tools to make build optimizations to get better performance.


Now let’s look at the implementation details. For this we have prepared two notebooks that provide an example of what can be expected. The prvi zvezek shows the training of the given XGBoost model as well as the preprocessing logic that is used for both training and inference time. The second notebook shows how we prepare the artifacts needed for deployment on Triton.

The first notebook shows an existing notebook your organization has that uses the HITRI suite of libraries and the RAPIDS Conda kernel. This instance runs on a G4DN instance type provided by AWS, which is GPU accelerated by using NVIDIA T4 processors.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Preprocessing tasks in this example benefit from GPU acceleration and heavily use the cuML and cuDF libraries. An example of this is in the following code, where we show categorical label encoding using cuML. We also generate a label_encoders.pkl file that we can use to serialize the encoders and use them for preprocessing during inference time.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

The first notebook concludes by training our XGBoost model and saving the artifacts accordingly.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

In this scenario, the training code already existed and no changes are needed for the model at training time. Additionally, although we used GPU acceleration for preprocessing during training, we plan to use CPUs for preprocessing at inference time. We explain more later in the post.

Let’s now move on to the second notebook and recall what we need for a successful Triton deployment.

First, we need the model artifacts required by backends. The files that we need to create for this ensemble include:

  • Preprocessing artifacts (, label_encoders.pkl)
  • XGBoost model artifacts (xgboost.json)

The Python backend in Triton requires us to use a Conda environment as a dependency. In this case, we use the Python backend to preprocess the raw data before feeding it into the XGBoost model being run in the FIL backend. Even though we originally used RAPIDS cuDF and cuML libraries to do the data preprocessing (as referenced earlier using our GPU), here we use Pandas and Scikit-learn as preprocessing dependencies for inference time (using our CPU). We do this for three reasons:

  • To show how to create a Conda environment for your dependencies and how to package it in the pričakovana oblika z zaledjem Triton Python.
  • By showing the preprocessing model running in the Python backend on the CPU while the XGBoost model runs on the GPU in the FIL backend, we illustrate how each model in Triton’s ensemble pipeline can run on a different framework backend, and run on different hardware with different configurations.
  • It highlights how the RAPIDS libraries (cuDF, cuML) are compatible with their CPU counterparts (Pandas, Scikit-learn). This way, we can show how LabelEncoders created in cuML can be used in Scikit-learn and vice-versa. Note that if you expect to preprocess large amounts of tabular data during inference time, you can still use RAPIDS to GPU-accelerate it.

Recall that we created the label_encoders.pkl file in the first notebook. There’s nothing more to do for category encoding other than include it in our file for preprocessing.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

To create the file required by the Triton Python backend, we adhere to the formatting required by the backend and include our Python logic to process the incoming tensor and use the label encoder referenced earlier. You can review the datoteka used for preprocessing.

For the XGBoost model, nothing more needs to be done. We trained the model in the first notebook and Triton’s FIL backend requires no additional effort for XGBoost models.

Next, we need the Triton configuration files. Each model in the Triton ensemble requires a config.pbtxt file. In addition, we also create a config.pbtxt file for the ensemble as a whole. These files allow Triton to know metadata about the ensemble with information such as the inputs and outputs we expect as well as help defining the DAG associated with the ensemble.

Lastly, to deploy a model on Triton, we need our model repository folder to have the proper folder structure. Triton has specific requirements for model repository layout. Within the top-level model repository directory, each model has its own sub-directory containing the information for the corresponding model. Each model directory in Triton must have at least one numeric sub-directory representing a version of the model. For our use case, the resulting structure should look like the following.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

After we have these three prerequisites, we create a compressed file as packaging for deployment and upload it to Preprosta storitev shranjevanja Amazon (Amazon S3).

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

We can now create a SageMaker model from the model repository we uploaded to Amazon S3 in the previous step.

In this step, we also provide the additional environment variable SAGEMAKER_TRITON_DEFAULT_MODEL_NAME, ki določa ime modela, ki ga naloži Triton. Vrednost tega ključa se mora ujemati z imenom mape v paketu modela, naloženem v Amazon S3. Ta spremenljivka je neobvezna v primeru enega samega modela. V primeru skupnih modelov je treba ta ključ določiti, da se Triton zažene v SageMakerju.

Poleg tega lahko nastavite SAGEMAKER_TRITON_BUFFER_MANAGER_THREAD_COUNT and SAGEMAKER_TRITON_THREAD_COUNT for optimizing the thread counts. Both configuration values help tune the number of threads that are running on your CPUs, so you can possibly gain better utilization by increasing these values for CPUs with a greater number of cores. In the majority of cases, the default values often work well, but it may be worth experimenting see if further efficiency can be gained for your workloads.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

With the preceding model, we create an endpoint configuration where we can specify the type and number of instances we want in the endpoint.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Lastly, we use the preceding endpoint configuration to create a new SageMaker endpoint and wait for the deployment to finish. The status changes to InService po uspešni uvedbi.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

That’s it! Your endpoint is now ready for testing and validation. At this point, you may want to use various tools to help optimize your instance types and configuration to get the best possible performance. The following figure provides an example of the gains that can be achieved by using the FIL backend for an XGBoost model on Triton.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.


In this post, we walked you through deploying an XGBoost ensemble workload to SageMaker with Triton Inference Server. Moving workloads to Triton on SageMaker can be a beneficial return on investment. As with any adoption of technology, a vetting process and plan are key, and we detailed a five-step process to guide you through what to consider when moving your workloads. In addition, we dove deep into the steps needed to deploy an ensemble that uses using Python preprocessing and an XGBoost model on Triton on SageMaker.

SageMaker provides the tools to remove the undifferentiated heavy lifting from each stage of the ML lifecycle, thereby facilitating the rapid experimentation and exploration needed to fully optimize your model deployments. SageMaker hosting support for Triton Inference Server enables low-latency, high transactions per second (TPS) workloads.

You can find the notebooks used for this example on GitHub.

O avtorju

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.James Park je arhitekt rešitev pri Amazon Web Services. Sodeluje z pri načrtovanju, gradnji in uvajanju tehnoloških rešitev na AWS, posebej pa ga zanimata umetna inteligenca in strojno učenje. V prostem času rad išče nove kulture, nove izkušnje in je na tekočem z najnovejšimi tehnološkimi trendi.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai. Jiahong Liu je arhitekt rešitve v skupini ponudnikov storitev v oblaku pri NVIDIA. Strankam pomaga pri sprejemanju rešitev strojnega učenja in umetne inteligence, ki izkoriščajo pospešeno računalništvo NVIDIA za reševanje njihovih izzivov pri usposabljanju in sklepanju. V prostem času uživa v origamiju, DIY projektih in igra košarko.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Kshitiz Gupta je arhitekt rešitev pri NVIDIA. Uživa v izobraževanju strank v oblaku o tehnologijah GPU AI, ki jih ponuja NVIDIA, in jim pomaga pri pospeševanju njihovih aplikacij za strojno učenje in globoko učenje. Zunaj dela uživa v teku, pohodništvu in opazovanju divjih živali.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Bruno Aguiar de Melo is a Software Development Engineer at, where he helps science teams to build, deploy and release ML workloads. He is interested in instrumentation and controllable aspects within the ML modelling/design phase that must be considered and measured with the insight that model execution performance is just as important as model quality performance, particularly in latency constrained use cases. In his spare time, he enjoys wine, board games and cooking.

Dosezite gostovanje z nizko zakasnitvijo za modele ML, ki temeljijo na drevesu odločitev, na strežniku NVIDIA Triton Inference Server na Amazon SageMaker PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.Eliuth Triana je vodja odnosov z razvijalci pri NVIDIA. Povezuje vodje izdelkov Amazon in AWS, razvijalce in znanstvenike s tehnologi in vodji izdelkov NVIDIA za pospešitev delovnih obremenitev Amazon ML/DL, izdelkov EC2 in storitev AI AWS. Poleg tega je Eliuth strasten gorski kolesar, smučar in igralec pokra.

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