$ADA: Crypto Exchange Kraken Calls Cardano and “ICO Warrior” and Praises Its “Design and Values” PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

$ADA: Crypto Exchange Kraken kliče Cardano in "ICO Warrior" in hvali njegovo "zasnovo in vrednote"

$ADA: Crypto Exchange Kraken Calls Cardano and “ICO Warrior” and Praises Its “Design and Values” PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

This article looks at highlights from a recently-released comprehensive report on layer one blockchain Cardano ($ADA) by Kraken Intelligence, the research arm of crypto exchange Kraken.

Kraken’s 42-page highly impressive research poročilo, ki nosi naslov »Cardano: Nova generacija v oblikovanju platforme pametnih pogodb«, je bil izdan pred nekaj dnevi. Po uvodu poročilo preučuje tehnologijo, ekosistem Web3 ter rast in sprejemanje omrežja.

Tukaj je nekaj ključnih poudarkov iz Krakenovega poročila:

  • "Cardano je leta 2017 po zagonu omrežja sprva zaslovel med razredom projektov, ki jih poganja ICO. Medtem ko je val ICO postal razvpit zaradi števila precenjenih sredstev, ki so nazadnje izginila v kripto prahu, se Cardano znajde med podmnožico ICO bojevnikov, ki so vztrajali pred zahrbtnimi nevarnostmi temne in tihe kripto zime - krvavi, potolčeni, a lačni več ."
  • "While the blockchain space is seemingly saturated with Layer-1 (L1) smart contract platforms, Cardano’s approach and philosophy is quite unique relative to its L1 peers, which may give Cardano a competitive edge if developments prove to be successful."
  • "Pomembno je, da je Cardano v veliki meri projekt, ki temelji na vrednostih in poudarja upravljanje skupnosti, akademsko medsebojno ocenjevanje in pomen programiranja z visoko stopnjo zanesljivosti."
  • "Cardanove vrednote so opazno usmerjale razvoj projekta in oblikovalske odločitve, zato je videti, da je veriga blokov zasnovana z namenom in standardi zagotavljanja decentralizirane, globalne finančne infrastrukture, namesto da bi se osredotočala le na zagotavljanje spletne izkušnje."
  • "Z ambicioznimi cilji se Cardano zaveda, da mora njihova infrastruktura pravilno delovati že ob prvem zagonu. To je v nasprotju s filozofijo "zaženi zdaj, popravi sproti", ki jo uporabljajo številne razvojne ekipe iz Silicijeve doline."
  • "Ironično, kljub oznaki 'Ethereum Killer' Cardano dejansko veliko bolj spominja na Bitcoin, zlasti glede svoje tokenomike, protokola soglasja in računovodskega stila."
  • "The tokenomics of Cardano’s cryptocurrency, ADA, were intended to mimic those of Bitcoin with the adoption of a maximum supply such that no more than 45 billion ADA will ever exist. Similar to Bitcoin, the rate at which new ADA is minted decreases over time such that the circulating supply (currently 33.2 billion ADA) asymptotically approaches the maximum supply…"
  • "Zasnova Cardano je v bistvu edinstvena med večino podobnih, zlasti ker njena zasnova natančno odraža različico Bitcoina, ki temelji na PoS in omogoča pametne pogodbe, zaradi zasnove njegovega osnovnega protokola in računovodskega modela, ne pa ponovitve na Ethereumu."
  • "Ključne tehnične značilnosti, po katerih se Cardano razlikuje od podobnih L1, so njegov osnovni protokol Ouroboros in njegova varna delegatorju prijazna zasnova, računovodski model Extended Unspend Transaction Output (EUTXO), osnova projekta Haskell, edinstvene rešitve Layer-2 (L2) in skupnost fokus."
  • "One feature of Cardano that makes it incredibly unique to most other smart contract platforms is its accounting model, which refers to the way transactions are handled and how wallet/account balances are maintained and updated. There are two common approaches in blockchain accounting design, each with their own costs and benefits. Firstly, the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model made popular by Bitcoin, and secondly the Account-based model made popular by Ethereum and used in other networks such as Solana, Polkadot, and Algorand."
  • "For Cardano, the team at lOG was drawn by the UTXO model’s features and benefits, but they also wanted to retain Ethereum’s programmable smart contract functionality. Therefore, Cardano implements the Extended UTXO (EUTXO) model which is an extension of Bitcoin’s UTXO model that facilitates the use of smart contracts."
  • "In a traditional UTO model, the outputs of a transaction contain a value (e.g. the amount of BTC) and an address (i.e. address of the owner). The EUTXO model extends this model by enabling the addition of metadata and scripts (smart contracts)."
  • "… Cardano je sprejel Haskell v prizadevanju, da bi zgradil izdelek z neprimerljivimi prednostmi v zanesljivosti in varnosti ter se postavil kot izvedljiva rešitev za globalno finančno infrastrukturo institucionalnega razreda."
  • "Cardano-based non-fungible tokens (CNFTs) have been live on Cardano since the Mary hard fork event in March 2021. CNFTs are similar to NTS on Ethereum, but they differ in that CNFTs are native tokens while Ethereum NFTS are embedded in smart contracts (ERC- 721 and ERC-1155 tokens). As a result, CNPTs operate more effiçiently than Ethereum- based NFTS."
  • "Cardano je konec leta 2020 in v celotnem letu 2021 opazil ogromen porast v sprejetju ... Cardano je doživel eksponentno rast v skoraj vseh navedenih metrikah sprejetja, tako v verigi kot zunaj verige. Trenutno je v omrežju skoraj 3 milijone denarnic (1348-odstotna letna rast) in več kot milijon delegiranih denarnic (870-odstotna letna rast)."
  • "As the on-chain and off-chain data suggest, Cardano saw a massive increase in adoption as well as a corresponding uptick in price. While its price action and adoption is often attributed to retail interest, the project also garnered the interest of commercial and governmental institutions."
  • "With roots as early as 2015, the project has persisted through treacherous markets and development hiccups to ultimately position itself as a major contender in a competitive space of Li smart contract protocols."
  • "Last year saw the emergence of a large number of L1s flood the industry, but Cardano’s unique combination of features including its Ouroboros protocol which combines PoS with Nakamoto-style consensus, EUTXO model, Haskell base, community focus, delegator-friendly design, and Bitcoin-like tokenomics distinguishes it amongst its peers."
  • "Looking forward, much of the excitement surrounding Cardano is predicated on the continued rollout of dApps, and much of IOG’s effort in 2022 is focused on improving the scaling and performance of the network, as well as rolling out supporting infrastructure for developers. In particular, Hydra is expected to be partially implemented and usable to enable micro transactions. Also, a beta mainnet release of Milkomeda is expected to go live, providing Cardano with EVM capabilities. If all goes well, 2022 could prove to be an exciting year for this ICO Warrior."

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