After El Salvador, will Paraguay be the next to make Bitcoin ‘official currency’ PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

Ali bo Paragvaj po El Salvadorju naslednji, ki bo Bitcoin postal "uradna valuta"

After El Salvador, will Paraguay be the next to make Bitcoin ‘official currency’ PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as legal tender this month kindled national ambitions across Central and South America. In Paragvaj, congressman Carlitos Rejala excited Bitcoin supporters, when his recent tweeted predlagal, da bi bil Bitcoin "uradna valuta", če bi leta 2023 postal predsednik.

To ni bilo prvič, da je Rejala izrazil podporo kraljevemu kovancu. Pred nekaj meseci je imel paragvajski kongresnik navedla da bo uvedel zakonodajo za legalizacijo bitcoina v svojem narodu.

However, the highly-anticipated bill leaned more towards kripto regulacija. In a translated version, Article 14 navedla,

"Trgovski subjekti za navidezna sredstva morajo pridobitelja obvestiti o pogojih trgovanja z virtualnimi sredstvi in ​​izrecno obvestiti, da virtualna sredstva niso priznana kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo, zato jih ne podpira centralna banka Paragvaja.

Kljub temu je najnovejša obljuba Rejale namigovala, da je še vedno naklonjen bitcoinu in je pripravljen postati zakonito plačilno sredstvo, če pride na oblast.

It is important to note here, that Paraguay’s national currency, the Paraguay guarani (PYG) has struggled against inflacija since 1944. Even though in certain countries suffering due to inflation, people have resorted to Bitcoin, it did not seem to be the case with Parguay.

According to a Useful Tulips compilation with data from Paxful and LocalBitcoins – P2P exchanges – Paraguay saw a nearly negligible volume of currency transfers in the last two years, when compared to other countries in Latin America. On 2 September, its zgodovinski zvezek was $1,836 while Venezuela recorded a value of $1,795,366.

Further, Paraguay is known for its Itaipú and Yacyretá hydroelectric dams. Due to the same, crypto miners have shown interest in the country’s renewable energy sources.

Kot na nedavni Izjava from Bitfarm Ltd., the Bitcoin mining company signed a five-year-long lease to secure green hydroelectric power at a competitive rate, in Paraguay.

»V novem paragvajskem objektu bodo namestili približno 3,000 rabljenih rudarjev z zmogljivostjo 150 Petahasha na sekundo, predvidoma pa bo v celoti deloval do decembra 2021. Če bi spletno mesto danes delovalo v celoti, bi proizvajalo Bitcoin po ceni približno 7,850 USD na kovanec. "

However, currently, the country is dealing with severe environmental concerns, including recent wildfires in visoke temperature, which  have both caused devastation.

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