AMF Fines 123 Investment Managers EUR 200,000 PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Vertical Search. Ai.

AMF je 123 upravljavcem premoženja kaznoval 200,000 evrov

Izvršilni odbor Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) je družbi za upravljanje portfeljskega premoženja naložil globo v višini 200,000 EUR zaradi kršitve njenih poklicnih  obveznice  .

Glede na sporočilo za javnost, 123 Investment Managers was the recipient of the fine by the French watchdog in a decision taken on July 6 and made effective today. In the first instance, the Enforcement Committee found that 123 Investment Managers’ marketing and disclosure procedures were not operational since they contained inaccurate regulatory references and did not specify the controls carried out by the  skladnost  častnik.

Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da 123 upravljavcev naložb v e-poštnih sporočilih, videoposnetkih, poročilih in pismu vlagateljem ni zagotovilo točnih, jasnih in nezavajajočih informacij o značilnostih skladov v upravljanju in zaračunanih nadomestilih.

As a result, the Committee determined that 123 Investment Managers had not breached its obligations to act honestly, loyally, and professionally by misleading its clients throughout the period under review. This information had indeed been provided to clients by 123 Investment Managers during the fund’s creation phase.

This alleged breach was also dismissed after 123 Investment Managers was found not to have violated the fund’s rules with regard to managing part of the fees for the advisor. According to the Committee, 123 Investment Managers did not have a procedure for tracking advice received from third parties and the management decisions made as a result of this advice.

The Committee found that 123 Investment Managers failed to control external advisors’ advice on fund management.

Opomin svetovalcu za finančne naložbe s strani AMF

Odbor AMF izdano maja opomin in svetovalcu za finančne naložbe Auvergne Investissement Hôtels naložil globo v višini 150,000 EUR. Petletna prepoved je bila kaznovana tudi s Sergeom Emeryjem, predsednikom, in mu je bila naložena denarna kazen v višini 50,000 evrov.

Družba Auvergne Investissement Hôtels je svojim strankam med februarjem 2017 in oktobrom 2019 vpisala delnice dveh nemških alternativnih investicijskih skladov (AIS), ki nista imela dovoljenja za prodajo v Franciji.

Izvršilni odbor Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) je družbi za upravljanje portfeljskega premoženja naložil globo v višini 200,000 EUR zaradi kršitve njenih poklicnih  obveznice  .

Glede na sporočilo za javnost, 123 Investment Managers was the recipient of the fine by the French watchdog in a decision taken on July 6 and made effective today. In the first instance, the Enforcement Committee found that 123 Investment Managers’ marketing and disclosure procedures were not operational since they contained inaccurate regulatory references and did not specify the controls carried out by the  skladnost  častnik.

Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da 123 upravljavcev naložb v e-poštnih sporočilih, videoposnetkih, poročilih in pismu vlagateljem ni zagotovilo točnih, jasnih in nezavajajočih informacij o značilnostih skladov v upravljanju in zaračunanih nadomestilih.

As a result, the Committee determined that 123 Investment Managers had not breached its obligations to act honestly, loyally, and professionally by misleading its clients throughout the period under review. This information had indeed been provided to clients by 123 Investment Managers during the fund’s creation phase.

This alleged breach was also dismissed after 123 Investment Managers was found not to have violated the fund’s rules with regard to managing part of the fees for the advisor. According to the Committee, 123 Investment Managers did not have a procedure for tracking advice received from third parties and the management decisions made as a result of this advice.

The Committee found that 123 Investment Managers failed to control external advisors’ advice on fund management.

Opomin svetovalcu za finančne naložbe s strani AMF

Odbor AMF izdano maja opomin in svetovalcu za finančne naložbe Auvergne Investissement Hôtels naložil globo v višini 150,000 EUR. Petletna prepoved je bila kaznovana tudi s Sergeom Emeryjem, predsednikom, in mu je bila naložena denarna kazen v višini 50,000 evrov.

Družba Auvergne Investissement Hôtels je svojim strankam med februarjem 2017 in oktobrom 2019 vpisala delnice dveh nemških alternativnih investicijskih skladov (AIS), ki nista imela dovoljenja za prodajo v Franciji.

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