Bifrost je zmagal na peti dražbi igralnih avtomatov Kusama Parachain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Bifrost je zmagal na peti dražbi igralnih avtomatov Kusama Parachain

We are excited to announce that Bifrost secured the fifth parachain slot on Kusama – Congratulations!

Bifrost je zmagal na peti dražbi igralnih avtomatov Kusama Parachain PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Zmagovalec igralnega mesta 5

Bifrost (BNC) - Bifrost provides staking liquidity to anyone accessing its network. This means token holders can stake any cryptocurrency, such as DOT or ETH, on the Bifrost platform and receive a vToken of equal value (vDOT or vETH), allowing them to access decentralizirane finance applications while still receiving staking rewards. 

The candle auction for the fifth parachain slot ended on block 8,355,247 and Bifrost won the auction with a total amount of 142,431 KSM bonded to its project.

The amount of BNC token rewards per KSM and when they will be distributed is being finalized by Bifrost. We will update this blog and the Kraken Support Center when these details become available.

Nagrade za podporo projektom parachain se razlikujejo glede na projekt. Oglejte si našo Članek Centra za podporo za ilustrativno razčlenitev potencialnih nagrad na prispevani KSM, odstotek žetonov, izdanih sodelujočim na dražbah parachain, trajanje kampanj, urnike dodeljevanja žetonov in drugo. Center za podporo bo prikazoval le informacije o trenutno podprtih projektih. 

When will the Bifrost platform be live?

Possibly in the following weeks. We will update this blog and email all clients who contributed when Bifrost provides more details.

Kaj se zgodi z drugimi projekti, ki sem jih podprl in niso zmagali?

KSM contributed to other projects will continue to support the bid of those projects to win Slot 6. For more information about the sixth slot and additional FAQs please see our initial blog.


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