Milijarder 'morski pes' Mark Cuban pojasnjuje, zakaj je 'še vedno zelo optimističen glede kripto' PlatoBlockchain Data Intelligence. Navpično iskanje. Ai.

Milijarder 'morski pes' Mark Cuban pojasnjuje, zakaj je 'še vedno zelo optimističen glede kripto'

In a recent interview, billionaire investor and entrepreneur Mark Cuban shared his thoughts about the crypto industry.

Cuban je večinski lastnik profesionalnega košarkarskega moštva Dallas Mavericks, hkrati pa tudi eden izmed "morskih psov" zelo priljubljene resničnostne oddaje "Shark Tank" (ki jo predvaja televizijska mreža ABC).

Cuban’s comments were made during an intervju with Forbes that was released on September 26.

Glede na poročilo by The Daily Hodl published yesterday, Cuban said the current state of the crypto space is kind of like the state of streaming services in the 90s:

"S kriptovalutami je zelo podobno temu. Smo v zgodnjih fazah 'težav'. Najzgodnejši kriptovaluti – ne glede na to, ali se želite odločiti za začetek, z Bitcoinom ali čim drugim – je bil star približno 12 let. Toda kar zadeva aplikacije s pametnimi pogodbami, je to večinoma šele leto 2017. In tako smo res šele čez pet let.

"So I’m still really bullish on crypto. We had some early wins, just like streaming audio with sports and news. Now with crypto you have DeFi (decentralized finance), and you have money transfer and some other applications, but you haven’t had any mainstream applications where your mom says, ‘Okay, we’ve got to get a wallet because I have to do A, B or C.’ It’s been DeFi, NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and money transfer. And so it’s kind of boring right now. We’re waiting for that next round of applications, and there’s a lot of people working on them."

Glede na poročilo by The Daily Hodl published on October 2, Cuban had this to say about the use of NFTs in the book publishing industry:

»NFT kot knjige, mislim, da zlasti za učbenike. Drugo vprašanje je, ali lahko pridobimo založnike visokošolskih učbenikov, da se strinjajo ali ne, toda zamisel o otrocih, ki kupujejo knjige za pouk ... Celoten postopek nakupa knjig.

"Najprej hočeš novega ali rabljenega? Potem te knjige vlečeš nazaj, nato pa se ob koncu semestra – ker so dobre samo za čas, ko si v razredu – odločiš: 'Da, prodal jo bom. Kako naj ga prodam? Ali ga odpošljem? Naj ga odnesem v knjigarno?' To je le trba v riti in v digitalnem svetu je smešno. 

"With those as NFTs, well the NFTs allow you to apply royalties so that when that book is resold, the author and the publisher and whoever else is involved can get a set royalty fee. That means that the publishers who created the book can keep on getting paid, whereas when there’s a physical book that’s sold and resold they have to hope that book falls apart, so that they can sell a new one. So I think that’s a great application."

[Vgrajeni vsebina]

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